'Murica! (60 Viewers)


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
1) Is an opinion that isn't backed by science. I get that some people are probability disabled ... that unless something is a sure thing or not, they don't understand the value. As if guarantees in life are falling off trees. It's probably no coincidence you're not an actuary.

2) It's always good to ask where is that coming from. I mean really coming from. North Korea is treated as cute by comparison, but because China is a rival economic threat the self-loathing projection comes into play. China has a lot of things to teach the world in its own f'uppedness, even though it generates much of its own in its own way.

3) How do you feel about Ukraine and Russia? Do we send troops?

4) Fair point. I would prefer to see a third category or, better still, all genders removed.

5) I'm shocked at anyone who would.

6) Last I checked, he's still getting paid handsomely by Spotify.

7) So CNN turns out to be a lot like Roger Ailes reign at Fox News. Not a shocker, really. The bigger question is why television is still a thing in general. Unless if you're an active Facebook user wearing adult diapers.

I don't agree with Manchin's crony logic, but I think killing the filibuster would have been idiotic. All parties need moderates to keep their clowns in tow. Which is why I appreciated John McCain.
1.) When it comes to the left, I definitely don't trust their version of science. They don't even want their version debated. They are the catholic church of the Galileo days; any dissent is heresy.

2.) Both NK & CN is despicable. CN just so happened to cost the world A LOT more money and collapse. Perfectly reasonable to blame them.

3.) Let Europe figure their own shit out. What is the point in sending them so much over NATO? If Europe is fine with Russia taking Ukraine back then so be it. In any case, I'd be curious to know what % of the population in Ukraine might actually want to be a part of Russia again (if any). Going to war with Russia is mental. Sucks for me, I could get activated to so it is what it is.

4.) Why remove all genders rather than have a separate league? I know some sports (martial arts, for example) mix genders if the person is good enough for a tournament, for example.

5.) Case closed.

6.) He is and rightfully so.

7.) Manchin & Sinema et al - don't agree with them usually, but may they hold the line. Agree on moderates. You need them to keep the stupid political pendulum from swinging too far

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1) There is significant evidence that masks reduce probability of transmission per contact. Vaccines reduce the probability of severe symptoms, also significant evidence. Do we eventually have to learn to live with it? of course. But i don't understand where your views on masks and vaccines come from? its a shame that in the US an issue such as this has become politicized. My suspicion is those views are more politically motivated than anything else.

3) I'm not completely sure what they're protesting. Its not like the Canadian government invented Covid. Its not like governments love these restrictions, that their members keep getting caught violating, a lot of these measures have been necessary.

6) I am with you on Rogan. Has he said some things that may be construed as racist? yes of course, the guys has thousands of hours of audio and video recorded, of course you're going to find some questionable things he's said. But are we going to pretend he's even remotely racist now? Come on, one of his close friends is Dave Chapelle. the guy who walked away from 50M dollar deal because he thought the white executives he was working with started to laugh at him and not with him. You really think Chapelle would have any qualms confronting or cutting off Rogan if he was racist. Why not channel this energy on people who actually are racist, rather than going after people who might have said a few questionable things over their lifetime.
I agree that vaccines work, but I don't think anyone should be forced to take it if they don't want to. Nothing should be mandated. Masks can be worn, but at each person's discretion, not mandated. My wife and I got the vaccine, I got the third one as well (wife has not). We don't want our kids to get it yet either. Kids are the least likely to get effected by COVID. Both my kids have already had it WHILE BEING MASKED and both were fine after 24 hours. Plexi glass walls and masks in a classroom for kids is setting them back. Again, as I responded to Swag - I don't trust the "sceince" from liberal politicians anymore. They have lost their minds.

3.) Truckers were called heroes for a year (same for nurses, first responders, etc). When these mandates kicked in (in US & Canada) suddenly truckers weren't allowed to go into the grocery store to use the bathroom if they didn't show proof of vaccine (lol). Many restaurants wouldn't let people in to eat without papers. Then their businesses came for them - vaccine or termination. "Sophisticated" people love to shit on rednecks, working class, low/un-educated people but at the end of the day hardly any of them can change their own oil, do their brakes, go out and GET their own food, etc. I don't agree at all that these extreme measures have been necessary. Countries in Europe have had more relaxed measures and are doing just fine. I understand completely in the beginning when not enough was known about C19, but now it is, which is why you see that states and countries kept things light compared to others. You should do some research on migration IN the US over the last 2 years and see where people went and where they left.

6.) Good point about Dave. Agree - channel this energy on people that said things like not wanting his kids to "grow up in a racial jungle" or "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."

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Get out of cities.
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Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
Hustini winning Tuz’s biggest retard contest again. :lol:

And just so we’re not making shit up again here.

Canada has 927 Covid deaths/million people.
America has 2823 Covid deaths/million. 3X the death rate
The worst hit state, anti-mandate Mississippi, has 3884 Covid deaths/ million. 4.2X the death rate
Hands off, anti-mandate Florida has 3135 deaths/million. 3.4X the death rate.

But sure, Canada’s response is the one that hasn’t worked :baus: :rofl:
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Sep 23, 2003
Or maybe people are just mostly fucked up by nature, and id rather rely on deterrence than their supposed inclination for good.
I agree with you on the first part. But studies have show you can bias people to get better behavior out of them rather than to let them default in their Hobbesian basic instincts.

The former is a pretty cynical police state for anyone to want to live in, whereas the latter has at least the possibility of not appealing to people's most toxic tendencies.

1.) When it comes to the left, I definitely don't trust their version of science. They don't even want their version debated. They are the catholic church of the Galileo days; any dissent is heresy.

2.) Both NK & CN is despicable. CN just so happened to cost the world A LOT more money and collapse. Perfectly reasonable to blame them.

3.) Let Europe figure their own shit out. What is the point in sending them so much over NATO? If Europe is fine with Russia taking Ukraine back then so be it. In any case, I'd be curious to know what % of the population in Ukraine might actually want to be a part of Russia again (if any). Going to war with Russia is mental. Sucks for me, I could get activated to so it is what it is.

4.) Why remove all genders rather than have a separate league? I know some sports (martial arts, for example) mix genders if the person is good enough for a tournament, for example.

5.) Case closed.

6.) He is and rightfully so.

7.) Manchin & Sinema et al - don't agree with them usually, but may they hold the line. Agree on moderates. You need them to keep the stupid political pendulum from swinging too far

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I agree that vaccines work, but I don't think anyone should be forced to take it if they don't want to. Nothing should be mandated. Masks can be worn, but at each person's discretion, not mandated. My wife and I got the vaccine, I got the third one as well (wife has not). We don't want our kids to get it yet either. Kids are the least likely to get effected by COVID. Both my kids have already had it WHILE BEING MASKED and both were fine after 24 hours. Plexi glass walls and masks in a classroom for kids is setting them back. Again, as I responded to Swag - I don't trust the "sceince" from liberal politicians anymore. They have lost their minds.

3.) Truckers were called heroes for a year (same for nurses, first responders, etc). When these mandates kicked in (in US & Canada) suddenly truckers weren't allowed to go into the grocery store to use the bathroom if they didn't show proof of vaccine (lol). Many restaurants wouldn't let people in to eat without papers. Then their businesses came for them - vaccine or termination. "Sophisticated" people love to shit on rednecks, working class, low/un-educated people but at the end of the day hardly any of them can change their own oil, do their brakes, go out and GET their own food, etc. I don't agree at all that these extreme measures have been necessary. Countries in Europe have had more relaxed measures and are doing just fine. I understand completely in the beginning when not enough was known about C19, but now it is, which is why you see that states and countries kept things light compared to others. You should do some research on migration IN the US over the last 2 years and see where people went and where they left.

6.) Good point about Dave. Agree - channel this energy on people that said things like not wanting his kids to "grow up in a racial jungle" or "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."

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Get out of cities.
1) There's truth in what you say about the science thing. At some level, I know there are people who are just looking for a cudgel in the endless wars. But there are also limits to doubt and suggesting crackpot alternative theories. Yes, the Bakersfield doctors should be allowed to voice questions or doubts. But when four million people start sharing their video and it leads to people tuning out all other evidence, that's the highway to QAnon and Jewish Space Lasers.

So some of that rigid orthodoxy -- the Catholic Church and Galileo heresy - is born of a frustration and the demonstrated negative outcomes that if you leave some scientific doubt, which there always is, some vocal people will build mountains on it. And the way we humans work, we go apeshit for snake oil cures and unsubstantiated rumors over stuff that's rationalized: it just isn't as interesting enough to share.

And a society that is jacked on voodoo isn't necessarily a good one.

2) You do realize that planes flew into the Twin Towers not because of a Jewish conspiracy, but because there are other nations that make the exact same claims about the U.S.

3) I'd buy the debate that a geographic third of Ukraine wants to go full Russia and the rest does not.

4) 538 published an interesting history of women's Olympic figure skating, documenting the origins of gender-segregated sports and how it has evolved over time. To the degree that you can have the Special Olympics, why not have a trans Olympics? There's been a Gay Games for decades.

Re: vaccines, remember that the US mandates were essentially testing mandates:

Problem is some people are so selectively worked up about being "forced" to do anything, putting on seatbelts or following traffic safety laws can be construed as authoritarianism.

When it comes to mask mandates, I know a lot of people who will argue that it only provides an incremental probabilistic benefit. Well, we've known that about SARS-CoV-1 since 2003 when everyone in Asia masked up, and SARS-CoV-2 hasn't exactly been radically different. There's really no news here. Everything in life is a matter of incremental probabilities. Which is why we wear seatbelts or motorcycle helmets or put infants in car seats. There is nothing new here.

The trouble if you leave mask wearing to individual preferences, you will have two businesses next to each other where the staff ask patrons to wear them and their neighbor doesn't. We would undoubtedly have had more confusion, offended people, shootings, fisticuffs, etc., as a result. And it's just a friggin' mask. Some people think they're living The Man in the Iron Mask. It's comically tragic. And for all the complaints that democratic governors are lifting mask mandates, this is not the first time they have done this in the past year, so let's not freak out.

3) Truckers were front-line heroes. Which makes them all susceptible to infection. So if there's going to be anybody who probabilistically should be tested for Covid, it's going to be the trucker and not the accountant who has been phoning it in via remote work every day. And I am sympathetic to their situation... for example...

I still don't get why Elon Musk is a folk hero supporting truckers when the guy is more actively working to put truckers out of work and add $200 billion to his self-worth as a result. I have never fallen for Bill Gates' charm offensive and always felt he was a slimy douchebag, even if I don't think he's putting microchips in vaccines. But Elon Musk is doing far worse to truckers but is not only getting a free pass, he's being heralded as a hero to their cause.

But as front-line workers, there are reasons people in hospitals have mandates. And yeah, most truckers are vaccinated in Canada and what is getting all the attention is an argumentative minority that's effectively on the losing side.

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Trudeau sounds more like Hitler than Trump ;)
And those Daily Wire posts from Bill Maher... I've made my claim before about the emptiness of hypocrisy hysteria. But I'd like to point out that Daily Wire makes a meal out of telling us how celebrities are idiots and whatever they say is elitist nonsense (agreed) .... but then do a 180 when it's like Bill Maher here and they agree with his points.

That and good for Ben to build his own movie company to compete with Hollywood. But let's be real that Ben needs a new swimming pool and that has little to do with any blue state cause. That's the Ben Shapiro Cause.


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
I agree with you on the first part. But studies have show you can bias people to get better behavior out of them rather than to let them default in their Hobbesian basic instincts.

The former is a pretty cynical police state for anyone to want to live in, whereas the latter has at least the possibility of not appealing to people's most toxic tendencies.

1) There's truth in what you say about the science thing. At some level, I know there are people who are just looking for a cudgel in the endless wars. But there are also limits to doubt and suggesting crackpot alternative theories. Yes, the Bakersfield doctors should be allowed to voice questions or doubts. But when four million people start sharing their video and it leads to people tuning out all other evidence, that's the highway to QAnon and Jewish Space Lasers.

So some of that rigid orthodoxy -- the Catholic Church and Galileo heresy - is born of a frustration and the demonstrated negative outcomes that if you leave some scientific doubt, which there always is, some vocal people will build mountains on it. And the way we humans work, we go apeshit for snake oil cures and unsubstantiated rumors over stuff that's rationalized: it just isn't as interesting enough to share.

And a society that is jacked on voodoo isn't necessarily a good one.

2) You do realize that planes flew into the Twin Towers not because of a Jewish conspiracy, but because there are other nations that make the exact same claims about the U.S.

3) I'd buy the debate that a geographic third of Ukraine wants to go full Russia and the rest does not.

4) 538 published an interesting history of women's Olympic figure skating, documenting the origins of gender-segregated sports and how it has evolved over time. To the degree that you can have the Special Olympics, why not have a trans Olympics? There's been a Gay Games for decades.

5) Truckers were front-line heroes. Which makes them all susceptible to infection. So if there's going to be anybody who probabilistically should be tested for Covid, it's going to be the trucker and not the accountant who has been phoning it in via remote work every day. And I am sympathetic to their situation... for example...
1.) Remember when Kamala and democrats swore they wouldn't take the "Trump vaccine"? What changed? The politics did. And now their politics is threatened (referring to Midterms) and suddenly mandates are dropping like flies. The left will do absolutely everything it can with whatever the moment calls for to hold onto whatever power they have left. Stopping flights from China was racist (had Post Ironic convinced LOL) until it wasn't. It was racist when Trump did it but its not racists when other countries started doing it and eventually the US did. Again. The left doesn't give a shit about anybody but themselves. They truly are disgusting people. LOL You see the video of the retarded lady that drove her SUV onto a car because the other lady was an "anti-vaxxer"? I'll keep saying - the left has lost their fucking minds.

2.) 9/11 has what to do with China/Wuhan/C19? elaborate because I'm not tracking your point.

3.) Let Ukraine/Europe sort it out - if they can't do it, all well. Putin & Xi gonna do what Putin & Xi want with geriatric in the WH.

4.) If the trans community wants their own leagues/competitions then by all means let them have at it.

5.) Truckers were on the front lines delivering shit - they sat alone in their trucks for hours a day, stopped for fuel, food, etc. Hardly a threat. But you know what, triple vaxxed doubled masked individuals are also susceptible to infection AND transmitting. I can't help but laugh as Post Ironic brags about COVID numbers in Canada as everything is in gridlock for Government overreach & control. People in Florida, mind you has the highest % of old people, STILL voted to remain open, overwhelmingly. People would rather risk death living their lives normally. That's what socialists like PI can't seem to figure out, including the Soyboy PM there.

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And those Daily Wire posts from Bill Maher... I've made my claim before about the emptiness of hypocrisy hysteria. But I'd like to point out that Daily Wire makes a meal out of telling us how celebrities are idiots and whatever they say is elitist nonsense (agreed) .... but then do a 180 when it's like Bill Maher here and they agree with his points.

That and good for Ben to build his own movie company to compete with Hollywood. But let's be real that Ben needs a new swimming pool and that has little to do with any blue state cause. That's the Ben Shapiro Cause.
I'd understand the hate on DW but the post was a video of Maher, that's why I posted it. Often times its almost impossible to find anything else form "mainstream" media when it shocks their genital narrative.

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I know a lot of people who will argue that it only provides an incremental probabilistic benefit
And it's their right to wear a mask if the believe it increases their chances of living. Just don't mandate it. It's not hard.
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Apr 14, 2005
I agree with you on the first part. But studies have show you can bias people to get better behavior out of them rather than to let them default in their Hobbesian basic instincts.

The former is a pretty cynical police state for anyone to want to live in, whereas the latter has at least the possibility of not appealing to people's most toxic tendencies.

1) There's truth in what you say about the science thing. At some level, I know there are people who are just looking for a cudgel in the endless wars. But there are also limits to doubt and suggesting crackpot alternative theories. Yes, the Bakersfield doctors should be allowed to voice questions or doubts. But when four million people start sharing their video and it leads to people tuning out all other evidence, that's the highway to QAnon and Jewish Space Lasers.

So some of that rigid orthodoxy -- the Catholic Church and Galileo heresy - is born of a frustration and the demonstrated negative outcomes that if you leave some scientific doubt, which there always is, some vocal people will build mountains on it. And the way we humans work, we go apeshit for snake oil cures and unsubstantiated rumors over stuff that's rationalized: it just isn't as interesting enough to share.

And a society that is jacked on voodoo isn't necessarily a good one.

2) You do realize that planes flew into the Twin Towers not because of a Jewish conspiracy, but because there are other nations that make the exact same claims about the U.S.

3) I'd buy the debate that a geographic third of Ukraine wants to go full Russia and the rest does not.

4) 538 published an interesting history of women's Olympic figure skating, documenting the origins of gender-segregated sports and how it has evolved over time. To the degree that you can have the Special Olympics, why not have a trans Olympics? There's been a Gay Games for decades.

Re: vaccines, remember that the US mandates were essentially testing mandates:

Problem is some people are so selectively worked up about being "forced" to do anything, putting on seatbelts or following traffic safety laws can be construed as authoritarianism.

When it comes to mask mandates, I know a lot of people who will argue that it only provides an incremental probabilistic benefit. Well, we've known that about SARS-CoV-1 since 2003 when everyone in Asia masked up, and SARS-CoV-2 hasn't exactly been radically different. There's really no news here. Everything in life is a matter of incremental probabilities. Which is why we wear seatbelts or motorcycle helmets or put infants in car seats. There is nothing new here.

The trouble if you leave mask wearing to individual preferences, you will have two businesses next to each other where the staff ask patrons to wear them and their neighbor doesn't. We would undoubtedly have had more confusion, offended people, shootings, fisticuffs, etc., as a result. And it's just a friggin' mask. Some people think they're living The Man in the Iron Mask. It's comically tragic. And for all the complaints that democratic governors are lifting mask mandates, this is not the first time they have done this in the past year, so let's not freak out.

3) Truckers were front-line heroes. Which makes them all susceptible to infection. So if there's going to be anybody who probabilistically should be tested for Covid, it's going to be the trucker and not the accountant who has been phoning it in via remote work every day. And I am sympathetic to their situation... for example...

I still don't get why Elon Musk is a folk hero supporting truckers when the guy is more actively working to put truckers out of work and add $200 billion to his self-worth as a result. I have never fallen for Bill Gates' charm offensive and always felt he was a slimy douchebag, even if I don't think he's putting microchips in vaccines. But Elon Musk is doing far worse to truckers but is not only getting a free pass, he's being heralded as a hero to their cause.

But as front-line workers, there are reasons people in hospitals have mandates. And yeah, most truckers are vaccinated in Canada and what is getting all the attention is an argumentative minority that's effectively on the losing side.

And those Daily Wire posts from Bill Maher... I've made my claim before about the emptiness of hypocrisy hysteria. But I'd like to point out that Daily Wire makes a meal out of telling us how celebrities are idiots and whatever they say is elitist nonsense (agreed) .... but then do a 180 when it's like Bill Maher here and they agree with his points.

That and good for Ben to build his own movie company to compete with Hollywood. But let's be real that Ben needs a new swimming pool and that has little to do with any blue state cause. That's the Ben Shapiro Cause.
Nassim, dude really? :D only person i ever blocked on twitter, toolbox. As for extrapolating police state from deterrence i think that you looking at it from your perspective. My gun is my deterrence, i can guarantee you there's a lot less

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