Movies you've seen recently... (94 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Nov 25, 2005
I have a theory that an entire theme in Slumdog Millionaire was a rip off from Cidad de Deus. Especially the life of main guy's brother.
In general Slumdog is the most overrated movie of all times IMO. Tries to be all that yeeek :yuck:


May 1, 2006
Maradona by Kusturica

Emir Kusturica's Maradona is not a sports documentary. It is a political, sociological, cultural and also a sporting document of the greatest footballer who ever lived on this planet. It is, like Kusturica movies, exuberant and full of life. It is sad, funny, exciting and controversial.
Geroge Bush, whom Maradona refers to as "murderer" is definitely not one of his favorite people. He greatly admires Fidel Castro & Hugo Chavez, with both of whom he is shown with in friendly conversations. When asked about his famous goal against England in the 1986 World Cup (named Goal of The Century by FIFA), he explains that he was motivated by revenge for the Argentinian soldiers killed in the Falklands War by the British. He feels that his ban for doping in the world cup was politically motivated and he likens Havelange & Blatter (respective FIFA presidents) as The Arms Dealer and Bullet Seller respectively!
Maradona is philosophical about his cocaine addiction and full of regret that he could have offered so much more to the football world. The footage of his exploits on the playing field, from when he was a kid to his world cup triumph are truly dazzling; no matter how many times you may have seen them before. The movie is full of touching moments, especially those concerning his marriage and his family and friends.
Kusturica is clearly a big admirer of his subject and Maradona also seems to be completely at ease with him. Whether you like Maradona as a person or not , after seeing this movie you can not deny that he was a footballing genius and you are also very likely to be moved by his life story. Highly recommended.

Tyson (2008)

"Tyson" has it all. A confessional film that showcases just how crazy, funny, spiritual, fun, pained, and fascinating the troubled boxer is as a man. He grew up in Brooklyn, the product of a rough neighborhood and constant bullying. He tried to escape the humiliation he felt by stealing, which landed him in jail where he picked up boxing as a hobby. When he got out he found his first real father figure in Constantine "Cus" D'Amato, an old trainer who taught him the spiritual side of boxing and the confidence that went along with it. He studied tape of guys like Rocky Marciano, Jack Dempsey, and Muhammad Ali, and during the 80's became a force to be reckoned with. Then "Cus" died and Mike lost his way, becoming very taken with his own indestructible image and like all great tragic stories, that always guarantees a fall. First his disastrous marriage to Robin Givens made him known as a cheater and a beater, and then he got cocky and lazy and lost a big fight to Buster Douglass. Then as the cherry on top, he was accused of rape and sentenced to 3 years in jail. His career would continue to go down hill from there.
This is Tyson's side of the story, so don't expect fair and balanced, but also don't expect him to pull any punches. He takes on some tough questions here and succeeds mightily in turning the tide in his favor. With that voice and that facial tattoo your instantly hooked, but what keeps you rooted to the screen is an insightful character study as well as a sad tale of how a guy with a "me against the world" mentality managed to take himself places he never dreamed of going, but also let his pit-bull-like emotions and out of control pride get the better of his reasoning. Director James Toback does a great job adding pictures and video clips for some flavor but this is Tyson's movie and his commentary just offers highlight after highlight after highlight.
His recollection of "Cus" D'Amato is surprisingly moving. His description of his mindset as a boxer is something next to God-like arrogance, and his views on women and sex expose more of that same type of domination. The commentary on the Holyfield fight, as well as the ear biting re-match, is fascinating to listen to. His description of prison is a haunting nightmare. He describes the people around him as leaches, especially Don King who he says would "Kill his own mother for a dollar." There are too many great moments in this movie to name but expect to be consistently riveted by the controversy, adversity, vulnerability, anger, and yes even his exaggerated sense of humor too. The "I want to eat his children" comment right before the Lennox Lewis fight is just one of many priceless things this man says.
Tyson's life has taken a sad turn. The fight has gone out of him. His last fight in 2005 was held strictly so he could get some money to pay the bills. Just you feel like your watching the real Tyson now. He is much more sobered and at peace, a man whose demeanor reflects someone whose been thru hell and been humbled by it. He admits his mistakes, makes you question some of his others, but above all just makes you feel for him anyway. "Tyson" succeeds in showcasing the boxer as someone much more vulnerable than the guy you see in the ring or shouting out "faggot" during a weigh-in. There is more dimension here than I expected and that makes this one of the years biggest surprises thus far.


Jun 7, 2004
Saw Star Trek today. Good movie. Well done overall, you don't have to be a Trekkie to enjoy it.
True that, but apart from making a huge leap away from that, despite supposedly being just a prequel designed to appease the first generation of the trekkie fans.
It seemed too low budget to me. And far less star travel related.
Esp the moments driving a car on a motorway were so repulsive...

I was never really a fan of the series, but this film had absolutely none of the things that made it so popular...
Crank: high voltage... WTF :rofl2:
By far the worst film i have ever seen in 2009...
Maradona by Kusturica

Emir Kusturica's Maradona is not a sports documentary. It is a political, sociological, cultural and also a sporting document of the greatest footballer who ever lived on this planet. It is, like Kusturica movies, exuberant and full of life. It is sad, funny, exciting and controversial.
Geroge Bush, whom Maradona refers to as "murderer" is definitely not one of his favorite people. He greatly admires Fidel Castro & Hugo Chavez, with both of whom he is shown with in friendly conversations. When asked about his famous goal against England in the 1986 World Cup (named Goal of The Century by FIFA), he explains that he was motivated by revenge for the Argentinian soldiers killed in the Falklands War by the British. He feels that his ban for doping in the world cup was politically motivated and he likens Havelange & Blatter (respective FIFA presidents) as The Arms Dealer and Bullet Seller respectively!
Maradona is philosophical about his cocaine addiction and full of regret that he could have offered so much more to the football world. The footage of his exploits on the playing field, from when he was a kid to his world cup triumph are truly dazzling; no matter how many times you may have seen them before. The movie is full of touching moments, especially those concerning his marriage and his family and friends.
Kusturica is clearly a big admirer of his subject and Maradona also seems to be completely at ease with him. Whether you like Maradona as a person or not , after seeing this movie you can not deny that he was a footballing genius and you are also very likely to be moved by his life story. Highly recommended.
Thats exactly one of the reasons that Maradona was so overrated.
Because people rated his false rebel sentiments that guided his life in the name of communism/socialism. But the truth is that he was never smth out of ordinary and never had any real choice to do anything better than that.
Consider where is he coming from and you will see that his choices were not really his. The coca thing, only proves how weak he really was, the "hand of the God" and his behavior towards his son, only prove how ruthless he really was.
He wouldnt sacrifice his interests for his well being, never ever!!
Thats really ironic that he has become the symbol of quite the opposite,
by those iconic social rebels, only because they need a popular hero of common origin...


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Tyson (2008)

"Tyson" has it all. A confessional film that showcases just how crazy, funny, spiritual, fun, pained, and fascinating the troubled boxer is as a man. He grew up in Brooklyn, the product of a rough neighborhood and constant bullying. He tried to escape the humiliation he felt by stealing, which landed him in jail where he picked up boxing as a hobby. When he got out he found his first real father figure in Constantine "Cus" D'Amato, an old trainer who taught him the spiritual side of boxing and the confidence that went along with it. He studied tape of guys like Rocky Marciano, Jack Dempsey, and Muhammad Ali, and during the 80's became a force to be reckoned with. Then "Cus" died and Mike lost his way, becoming very taken with his own indestructible image and like all great tragic stories, that always guarantees a fall. First his disastrous marriage to Robin Givens made him known as a cheater and a beater, and then he got cocky and lazy and lost a big fight to Buster Douglass. Then as the cherry on top, he was accused of rape and sentenced to 3 years in jail. His career would continue to go down hill from there.
This is Tyson's side of the story, so don't expect fair and balanced, but also don't expect him to pull any punches. He takes on some tough questions here and succeeds mightily in turning the tide in his favor. With that voice and that facial tattoo your instantly hooked, but what keeps you rooted to the screen is an insightful character study as well as a sad tale of how a guy with a "me against the world" mentality managed to take himself places he never dreamed of going, but also let his pit-bull-like emotions and out of control pride get the better of his reasoning. Director James Toback does a great job adding pictures and video clips for some flavor but this is Tyson's movie and his commentary just offers highlight after highlight after highlight.
His recollection of "Cus" D'Amato is surprisingly moving. His description of his mindset as a boxer is something next to God-like arrogance, and his views on women and sex expose more of that same type of domination. The commentary on the Holyfield fight, as well as the ear biting re-match, is fascinating to listen to. His description of prison is a haunting nightmare. He describes the people around him as leaches, especially Don King who he says would "Kill his own mother for a dollar." There are too many great moments in this movie to name but expect to be consistently riveted by the controversy, adversity, vulnerability, anger, and yes even his exaggerated sense of humor too. The "I want to eat his children" comment right before the Lennox Lewis fight is just one of many priceless things this man says.
Tyson's life has taken a sad turn. The fight has gone out of him. His last fight in 2005 was held strictly so he could get some money to pay the bills. Just you feel like your watching the real Tyson now. He is much more sobered and at peace, a man whose demeanor reflects someone whose been thru hell and been humbled by it. He admits his mistakes, makes you question some of his others, but above all just makes you feel for him anyway. "Tyson" succeeds in showcasing the boxer as someone much more vulnerable than the guy you see in the ring or shouting out "faggot" during a weigh-in. There is more dimension here than I expected and that makes this one of the years biggest surprises thus far.
A shame it only got a very limited release in the US. Guess I have to wait for the DVD and hope Fight Ali comes out somewhere near me.


Rab's Husband - The Regista
Aug 27, 2008
Saw two movies last night..
Revolver - Honestly, I don't know what the purpose of the movie was...
Taken - I'm wondering when this movie will be made into a Bollywood movie... or maybe it was lifted from a Bollywood movie...


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
i just finished watching central station ( Central do Brasil), thats was a very wonderful movie i loved every bit of it. u cant help it with this movie u had the main character for a few mins and then its the complete opposite u get to love her and respect her. the kid was great true.

Obrigado swag for recommending this movie!! :beer: :tup:
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