Movie Talk (New Films, Old Films... doesn't matter) (21 Viewers)


Grazie Mirko
Jan 16, 2011
Absolutely spot on, however there are still many in this country who believe he was wrong settle for the 26 Counties as opposed to 32. Would hate to think what kind of turmoil this country would be in had he not
ah, that's terribly easy to say today where peace and (relative) stability has come to Ireland :D . Lets just agree on the idea that the civil war in Ireland wasn't one day too long, quite on the contrary.

Sitting here with my history book from the 3rd semester (British Imperial History), at the age of 29 he was president of the republic of Ireland, commander-in-chief of the military and chairman of the provisional government. Holy crap.


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2011
:tup: Band of Brothers is awesome. Watch Saving Private Ryan if you haven't seen that. It's fairly similar but it's a movie. Both made by Tom Hanks and Spielberg I think.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
:tup: Band of Brothers is awesome. Watch Saving Private Ryan if you haven't seen that. It's fairly similar but it's a movie. Both made by Tom Hanks and Spielberg I think.
yup i loved saving private ryan too that was pretty cool :tup:

It's a great show. The other one, The Pacific, was okay but not nearly as engaging.
the pacific is next on the list right after i finish this one so far i'm on episode 2 and i'm loving it as it progresses def engaging :tup:

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