Moggi appreciation thread! (1 Viewer)

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Junior Member
Jan 18, 2006
Thinking that Juventus cheated is not 'undefending' them,and saying that Inzaghi's goal wasnt handball isnt defending them.The world isnt black and white.I think Inter are the favourites to win the league this time,does that make me an Inter supporter?
When the trial documents is clearly saying Juve didn't cheat. And you still think Juve cheated, with your post your clearly saying I don't support Juventus. I'm not going to say your a milanista or a interista, but you definitely do not support Juventus.

Buy on


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2005
You are mixing things here. Obviously I don´t think you are an Inter supporter. But I don´t see you questioning decisions against Juve and on the other side you approve decisions in Milan´s favour.

If both Milan and Juventus cheated (let´s put it that way) you think Juventus relegation was fair and on the other hand you supported a cheating team (Milan) in Champions League final? Where is the logic in that?

Would you accept last season´s CL title being taken away from Milan and being awarded to Liverpool?
The reason i cheered for Milan was because they played against an EPL team,and i hate the EPL.Also becuse im an Azzurri supporter and id always want Italian teams to perform better than teams from other countries.But no,i woudnt complain if Milan's CL was taken away on the grounds of cheating.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2005
When the trial documents is clearly saying Juve didn't cheat. And you still think Juve cheated, with your post your clearly saying I don't support Juventus. I'm not going to say your a milanista or a interista, but you definitely do not support Juventus.
This is exactly why i argued with Gsol.You people think that there is a set of rules which define who a supporter is and who isnta,and this is what boils my blood.Supporting a club is a subjective matter,and you cannot question what or who a person supports by rules that you set for your own self.

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
One day, Moogi will be elected Chief of the FIGC. Sonn after, Italy will go through a golden period where they win two more World Cups and a Euro Championship.

Why? Because the man knows about winning. NOT cheating, but winning.


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2007
What do you say of Barcelona being favoured in the CL two seasons ago?

Del Horno's red card and Sheva's goal?
There's that balance I speak of. It comes and goes. To be truthful though, sometimes its tough finding examples of Milan getting screwed by referees.


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
good, things calmed down. :D

now gsol can send those articles and FIGC's decision to channel4 and see if they post them. They won't I guess. :(

Hey gsol, try and contact those fanatics on TLN(if you live near TO) and see if you could be a guest on the show. Without acting like we are whining about it but just bringing the facts.



Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
c'mon you guys, enough

gsol posts facts from the case, and everyone jumps on him

I dont believe we were totally innocent (no on was), but I will say that both Moggi and Juve were totally rail-roaded
thats the main point here. All i've seen from the dude is facts and ppl here portray him as a clueless paranoid brat.


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2007
good, things calmed down. :D

now gsol can send those articles and FIGC's decision to channel4 and see if they post them. They won't I guess. :(

Hey gsol, try and contact those fanatics on TLN(if you live near TO) and see if you could be a guest on the show. Without acting like we are whining about it but just bringing the facts.


I was on the show a few weeks ago. I presented the trial documents to the panel and set the record as straight as I could given the time limitations we had.


Senior Member
Jul 26, 2007
actually it was pretty funny to see for first time that anyone took that bayern fan and his black humour serios. anyway, information that guiseppe gave in english is pretty projuve, but still it is full with facts and anyone can interpret it as he wants. one thing what im shocked about is, that in juventuz, forum, where the biggest part of members dont speak italian, so much users is insulting one of the only guys, that translates information about Calcio/Farso/Moggio-poli from Italian to English.

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
actually it was pretty funny to see for first time that anyone took that bayern fan and his black humour serios. anyway, information that guiseppe gave in english is pretty projuve, but still it is full with facts and anyone can interpret it as he wants. one thing what im shocked about is, that in juventuz, forum, where the biggest part of members dont speak italian, so much users is insulting one of the only guys, that translates information about Calcio/Farso/Moggio-poli from Italian to English.
This is a very good point.


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
I was on the show a few weeks ago. I presented the trial documents to the panel and set the record as straight as I could given the time limitations we had.
you're from TO ??

the "soccer fanatics" know fuck-all about soccer

they took a lot of shit from ppl a few years back at the Italy-Serbia friendly at Skydome


Moggi santo..subito
Sep 12, 2006
actually it was pretty funny to see for first time that anyone took that bayern fan and his black humour serios. anyway, information that guiseppe gave in english is pretty projuve, but still it is full with facts and anyone can interpret it as he wants. one thing what im shocked about is, that in juventuz, forum, where the biggest part of members dont speak italian, so much users is insulting one of the only guys, that translates information about Calcio/Farso/Moggio-poli from Italian to English.

"I miss my soul, it has been killed. The football world isn't my world anymore. I'll think only to defend myself from all allegations and wicked actions" - Luciano Moggi



Senior Member
Oct 14, 2007
The fanatics were stunned. Alf (the Romanista) actually kept the documents I had printed (he's fluent in Italian). He was really interested.

They asked if I'd go back and I told them I'd have no problem with that. Maybe in a few months.

I was also contacted by a talk show host in Italy (Antonio Angellini of La Juve e' Sempre La Juve). He asked if I was going to be in Rome any time soon but I was there less than a year ago and getting away from work right now would be tough. We'll see.

In any case Angellini sent me a bunch of videos from his program. They interview people in the Juve world like Secco, Gigli, and even Calciopoli related people like the Giu Le Mani Dalla Juve lawyers, Bergamo, etc. This year he said they will host Moggi himself.

If I could post videos here I'd upload them. I just really don't feel like posting them on that site I used was a bit of a pain.
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