Moggi appreciation thread! (21 Viewers)

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Apr 12, 2004
to all anti-juventini

These are excerpts from the sentences which sent Juventus to Serie B found here on the FIGC official website

First of all I want to explain the difference between an article 1 violation (points deduction) and an article 6 violation (relegation). Article one is unsportsmanlike conduct (badmouthing a ref) while article 6 is illicit activity (match fixing). Since no article 6 violations were found against Juve the CAF and FIGC did what has never been done before. The created (and later annulled) a structured article violation adding together various article 1 violations to compose and article 6 violation. This is like saying that 3 grand theft autos = a murder 1. This was widely criticized by other judges and lawyers.

I am quoting the sentences from the Commissione d’Appello Federale (CAF) and Corte Federale (CF). The key points are:

- Pg 74-75 CAF claims that there was no “cupola” or “Moggi System” contrary to the Gazzetta

- Pg 76 claims no article 6 violations against Juventus and therefore introduces the structured article violation (much disputed by many legal entities) The reason this is so scandalous is because it attempts to convince the reader that a team (Juventus) was capable of obtaining a favorable position in the standings without fixing the results of a single game. My question is how? The only way to acquire points in the standings is by winning or drawing matches. If Juve didn’t fix any matches then the standings were legit right?

- Pg 83 CAF states that referee selections were done in accordance with the rules of the FIGC therefore all the phone calls made by Moggi to designer Bergamo were legal and altered no referee selections.

- Pg 101 CAF I’m sure you heard of Moggi’s yellow card system to ensure key players were suspended for upcoming matches against Juve. On this page the sentence declares that the yellow cards were not organized.

- Pg 65 CF claims that Moggi and Giraudo operated independently of Juventus and its owners. In other words the team should have been off the hook regarding relegation and only the two directors should have been on trial (that’s the little loophole that kept Milan in the CL)
- Pg 61 CF states that Juventus was not responsible for the salvation of Fiorentina after the De Santis influenced game between Lecce and Parma that finished in a tie allowing the Viola to survive Serie A

- Pg 66 CF states that though Moggi didn’t exercise his ability to condition games, he still possessed the ability. So since you have a car and a bottle of wine you could be tried for having the ability to drink and drive?

- Pg 74 CF admits that no proof of match fixing (article 6) exists.

- Pg 77 CF finally states the proof used against Juventus “Juventus’ advantage was evidenced by their position in the standings at the end of the season”. That’s right…they were guilty because they finished first. So you driving is proof of being a car thief too. Are you laughing yet?

CF Judge Piero Sandulli had an interview in “Il Giornale” on the 27th of July 2006 where he was asked what the reasoning was behind the sentence he approved. His response was “there was no illicit activity; the 2004-2005 season was not fixed. The only doubt we had was Lecce-Parma (didn’t concern Juventus or Moggi) which we looked at again and again (with no video…whatever). In any case the season was legitimate.” I’ll just add that Sandulli has a criminal record for fraudulent activity while at Rome’s City Hall and is a die hard Lazio fan.

CF Judge Mario Serio stated in an interview in “La Repubblica” on the 27th of July 2006 that “in spite of a lack of evidence regarding match fixing, Juventus were sentenced to Serie B and stripped of their titles after taking into consideration the collective interests of the parties involved in the investigation.” All of which happened to be Interista and not just from a fan point of view. See the facebook group to see who the key players in the investigation were and how they were tied to Inter.

Note that no wire taps were heard in court. That’s right. Only pieces of transcripts were used, transcripts that have been manipulated by those that provided them to the court (see facebook group because I don’t feel like re-writing the names and confessions).

Note that no video evidence was allowed to be used by the defense (see facebook videos)

Note no witnesses were allowed to be brought forth

Note that the defense had little more than 3 days to compile their arguments and that they were not presented with the evidence prior to the trial as opposed to what the law dictates…instead the press got a hold of the prosecution’s information first. Is it any wonder? Inter VP Carlo Buare owns la Gazzetta dello Sport and it is run by two major Inter Investors (Verdelli and Cannavo’) while il Corriere dello Sport is run by Bartolozzi (Inter Team Manager). There is more on this in the facebook writings.

This is a fraction of what is out there. This is why I lose my mind when I hear that Juve are “cheaters” or that Moggi is a “criminal”.

I’ll be happy to answer whatever questions I can and provide whatever else I can through email including the actual sentences if they interest anyone.

I’ll eventually be adding the TAR appeal which Juventus mysteriously retracted hours prior to going to court. The appeal was considered to be profound enough to clear Juve’s name and crush the system that governs Italian soccer. After the appeal was retracted the FIGC publically thanked Luce di Montezemolo (FIAT Director and Ferrari President). Month’s later the same Tronchetti owned Telecom Italia (that spied on Juventus) sponsored Ferrari SpA in Formula 1.
I want all of those pages ccopied, scanned and pasted along with the coversheet to the book, and the copyright information.

To all Gsols:

Fuck you.
Word is bond... +rep
Thats the problem gaysol.You dont have an opinion.Tards like you think that they know the supreme truth.I did post a fact about you being an arrogant twat in the other thread,and you verified it.
Hey man, you'll get a response inside of 24 hours. I promise.

To semen,
I don't act like I know the supreme truth because I'm sure there is a lot I haven't uncovered yet but I know I've researched and come across (not to mention understood) way more than you.

Others embrace knowledge while cocksuckers like you can't stand the fact that we found shit out.

I can sleep well knowing I'm arrogant but being retarded must be a bitch. How do you deal with it?
Where are you from?

You have to be Italian or English, because no other races of people are this hard-headed or filled with so much smegma in their mouths.

wow mamma jokes. look cocksucker my sources are the FIGC trial documents...does that sound divine? You're a fucking fraud. You are only here to bash Juve because you're another anti-juve teenage virgin with nothing better to do that break balls. You're a fucking loser who is pissed because Juve dominated your candyass team since 1897. I called you semen because that's likely what's lodged in your keyboard after your internet porn sessions because a guy as fucking retarded as you wouldn't get laid in a whorehouse.

Don't like what i write? Don't like the FACT that the trial documents state that NO GAME WAS FIXED then pack up your purse and get the fuck out of a Juventus forum.
Well, since we all here disagree, and you are the one that doesn't mesh, why don't you get out?

Everyone in Italy cheats, it's just that Moggi was the most succesfull of them all.
I cheat at school.
I thought we agreed not to eat manos' lunch at school.


goggo it's [email protected]

semen, I need a new counter? Are you fucking braindead? I hammered you with mounds of evidence and all you've done is shit all over the page with a lot of posts that say nothing. Go fuck yourself. I'm in the right site...why the fuck are you here if you're an Anti-Juventino. Fucking douche
So much hatred. I bet you live alone with a large insect and you play "touch the thorax with my penis" alllllllll day long.


if it asks you a password or something just type farsopoli
I got them downloaded, but they are just pics of fat chicks and naked men with red balls strapped in their mouths....


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2007

you just said you're hoping to make love to me...

"speranza di scoppare" hahahahahahahahaha

I had an incling

(I have no love for Juventus.?...this is in bombardier's profile yet he is here being defended by the mods while trashing (and coming on to me)


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2007
hey if the files are working then I did my part, I proved I wasn't lying. ya there is a lot more than that but I'm not spending all night uploading for hours. you guys got some of the good stuff and some pointers as to where to find key lines in the sentences that discredit the sentence entirely.

Maybe now you guys can explain to me how Juventus can be found guilty of match fixing when on another page of the same document it clearly states no match fixing occured at all.

Best of luck to all,

bombardier...sorry buddy, I'm happily married and my wife's not into threesomes
Apr 12, 2004

you just said you're hoping to make love to me...

"speranza di scoppare" hahahahahahahahaha

I had an incling

(I have no love for Juventus.?...this is in bombardier's profile yet he is here being defended by the mods while trashing (and coming on to me)
I know that's what I said, that was the joke, you cokehead.
hey if the files are working then I did my part, I proved I wasn't lying. ya there is a lot more than that but I'm not spending all night uploading for hours. you guys got some of the good stuff and some pointers as to where to find key lines in the sentences that discredit the sentence entirely.

Maybe now you guys can explain to me how Juventus can be found guilty of match fixing when on another page of the same document it clearly states no match fixing occured at all.

Best of luck to all,

bombardier...sorry buddy, I'm happily married and my wife's not into threesomes
Awwwww, that's too bad, what's his name?


Junior Member
Jan 18, 2006
ßömßäяdîëя;1471019 said:
I got them downloaded, but they are just pics of fat chicks and naked men with red balls strapped in their mouths....
This is the real thing. The documents of the FIGC and the wiretaps of Moggi and Paparesta, Bergamo with Carraro, Meani Colina.
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