Moggi appreciation thread! (2 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Oct 14, 2007
goggo it's [email protected]

semen, I need a new counter? Are you fucking braindead? I hammered you with mounds of evidence and all you've done is shit all over the page with a lot of posts that say nothing. Go fuck yourself. I'm in the right site...why the fuck are you here if you're an Anti-Juventino. Fucking douche


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
salman and gsol please calm down and watch the language. You can disagree on certain points and be civil with each other. If you can't then put each other in your ignore list. I'm not gonna give out cards now but consider this post as a warning. IF it continues I'll have no choice.


May 11, 2004
Welcome, gsol.

Nice info. We need more of your style of posts in this forum.
Why? To categorize members are Juventini and Inter-fans? Is he the one to judge who's a fan and not? Why don't you invite people with such style to Akhmedios' forum? Or is that forum supposed to be heaven on earth?

wow mamma jokes. look cocksucker my sources are the FIGC trial documents...does that sound divine? You're a fucking fraud. You are only here to bash Juve because you're another anti-juve teenage virgin with nothing better to do that break balls. You're a fucking loser who is pissed because Juve dominated your candyass team since 1897. I called you semen because that's likely what's lodged in your keyboard after your internet porn sessions because a guy as fucking retarded as you wouldn't get laid in a whorehouse.

Don't like what i write? Don't like the FACT that the trial documents state that NO GAME WAS FIXED then pack up your purse and get the fuck out of a Juventus forum.
Can you show me the FIGC trial documents? I want proof that you have these documents and why would you have them and others don't?

Arif, I have some wiretaps you should listen to. Let me know if you're interested.
I want to hear those wiretaps. I want the whole forum to hear them, post them here, don't send them in private.


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2007

If it opens you'll see the initial CAF sentence (found on the FIGC website), the Federal Court Sentence, and three wiretaps.

First of all I want to explain the difference between an article 1 violation (points deduction) and an article 6 violation (relegation). Article one is unsportsmanlike conduct (badmouthing a ref) while article 6 is illicit activity (match fixing). Since no article 6 violations were found against Juve the CAF and FIGC did what has never been done before. The created (and later annulled) a structured article violation adding together various article 1 violations to compose and article 6 violation. This is like saying that 3 grand theft autos = a murder 1. This was widely criticized by other judges and lawyers.
I am sending you the sentences from the Commissione d’Appello Federale (CAF) and Corte Federale (CF). I hope you read Italian. In any case the key points are:
- Pg 74-75 CAF claims that there was no “cupola” or “Moggi System” contrary to the Gazzetta
- Pg 76 CAF claims no article 6 violations against Juventus and therefore introduces the structured article violation (much disputed by many legal entities)
The reason this is so scandalous is because it attempts to convince the reader that a team (Juventus) was capable of obtaining a favorable position in the standings without fixing the results of a single game. My question is how. The only way to acquire points in the standings is by winning or drawing matches. If Juve didn’t fix any matches then the standings were legit right?
- Pg 83 CAF states that referee selections were done in accordance with the rules of the FIGC therefore all the phone calls made by Moggi to designer Bergamo were legal and altered no referee selections.
- Pg 101 CAF I’m sure you heard of Moggi’s yellow card system to ensure key players were suspended for upcoming matches against Juve. On this page the sentence declares that the yellow cards were not organized.
- Pg 65 CF claims that Moggi and Giraudo operated independently of Juventus and its owners. In other words the team should have been off the hook regarding relegation and only the two directors should have been on trial (that’s the little loophole that kept Milan in the CL)
- Pg 61 CF states that Juventus was not responsible for the salvation of Fiorentina after the De Santis influenced game between Lecce and Parma that finished in a tie allowing the Viola to survive Serie A
- Pg 66 CF states that though Moggi didn’t exercise his ability to condition games, he still possessed the ability. So since you have a car and a bottle of wine you could be tried for having the ability to drink and drive?
- Pg 74 CF admits that no proof of match fixing (article 6) exists.
- Pg 77 CF finally states the proof used against Juventus “Juventus’ advantage was evidenced by their position in the standings at the end of the season”. That’s right…they were guilty because they finished first.

The 3 wiretaps clearly show Meani (Milan Director) setting up a secret meeting with Collina (referee) and Galliani (Milan Vice President) in his restaurant on a day it was closed. Another tape between Bergamo (referee designer) and Carraro (FIGC President) clearly shows Carraro (Lazio’s biggest investor) asking Bergamo for favorable referees. The last one is the ONLY recording that exists between Moggi and a referee. Paparesta calls Moggi to apologize for not calling an obvious penalty for Juventus the day before against Reggina. Moggi yells "I have nothing to say to you" and hangs up.


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2007
Let me know if that actually opens because I tried it in a second computer at home and it didn't.

I never used that before so if I did something wrong tell me.
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