Merged Threads: Capello New Manager (4 Viewers)


Junior Member
Apr 24, 2003
as far as this Iceblu poster goes all I can say is
that the fact that your
American explains it all

The Day European and South American Fans will behave the same way Americans do on Rose Bowl or Super Bowl
will be a sad day for this sport....

I could probably have a more giving and constructive arguement with my sofa then with you so I won't get into antics...

you probably should NOT bann this guy since his total lack of perspective and insight
Forgives and Justifies the Reason behind the posting....

Buy on


Junior Member
Apr 24, 2003
and ohh Majed
I don't wanna pass any judgement on whay you just wrote...

SO I am not saying your form of dislike for Totti "et all" is wrong or too shallow....

Just that the people that really consider Totti their Nemsis will probably have a real hard time accepting him coming here.

And its not better to be more passionate about the sport
nor is it better to be rationale and have a good perspective

I just think football needs both because when all else fails
the passion and love prevails....


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
Ill be sincere.. i know this XCappello guy said some stupid things about Juve in the past... but right now we are not in a fancy position, and any help will be welcomed.

He now have to rememebr that he is working for Juve...and taking in consideration how good he is... i think we madethe right Choice. With my hreat i was waiting for deschamps..but we all know that he was a BIG risk taking in consideration huis experience.
Now we can be trankil, cuz this guy knows how to deal wqith the big teams.
I don't hold that against him. I know some people think it's really important that the relations between the club, the coach, the players and the fans are classy and honorable. Well I don't consider Capello to be a "nice" person, like we sometimes relate to eg. Del Piero. Nor is Vieri a "nice" person, they are both serious professionals, money grabbers and generally just looking out for their own careers. Nevertheless they are both world beaters and every team (and most fans) would love to have them.

I've always greatly admired Capello and while he may not be a person I would normally associate with in my life, that doesn't make him a bad choice for Juve coach IMO. He's the best active coach there is, we could not have picked a better man.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2003
hey sutnop... nothing personal, but, don't get carried away so much.. and start bashing the members here for hiring Roma's players and coach..

If you know me well, you'll know that I'm the biggest roma hater around here, but when I heard that cappello signed to coach Juve, I was so happy, becoz I know he is A GREAT COACH and could boost our team big time toward success.. (well, I can't say the same about Zebina :D ) and to say that he is not worthy to coach juve and we're traitors to cheer for him is totally unjustified..


-'Tuz Fantasy Master-
Apr 19, 2003
That's what Deschamps said today about it:

E' fatalista Didier Deschamps, l'indomani del mancato ingaggio da parte della Juventus come allenatore. Deschamps, che attendeva giovedì sera una chiamata da parte di Moggi, ha dichiarato: "Era destino, si vede che doveva andare così". La Juve, che s'era irrigidita davanti alla richiesta di pagamento di una penale al Monaco, ha telefonato venerdì mattina al tecnico francese comunicandogli: "Grazie Didier ma abbiamo scelto Capello".

Translation,not the best though:

It is fatalist Didier Deschamps, the next day of the missed hiring aside of the Juventus like allenatore. Deschamps, that awaited Thursday evening a call aside of Moggi, declared: "Was destiny, it is seen that should go so". The Juve, that is before stiffened the request of payment of a criminal one to the Monk, telephoned Friday morning to the French technician comunicandogli: "Thanks Didier but we chose Capello".

Strange ti seems like Deschamps was really on the way.He also was suprised by Moggi.But he don't take it too hard.sorry DD,we will welcome you here in the future.
But it is the best choice for us as i am sure Didier will coach us one day.
Moggi u did the best.:cool:


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
++ [ originally posted by sutnop ] ++
I am sure
The people of the Anti-Totti Thread
will rejoice in the fact that Italy's best player has joined us now...
Don't know about the others, but I would probably quit on Juve before welcoming this punk in Juve.
Aug 1, 2003
you know; maybe we should all just rejoice with one fact that is enough to make us all happy - we screwed roma :D

i just hope they won't screw us back.

nah nah nah. let's just enjoy roma's "shock"


Senior Member
Nov 2, 2003
Usually I dont used to quote myself, but this time I feel, I've to:

++ [ originally posted by Togon ] ++
Don Capello is the best Italian coach right now, (okey, respecting age, so I correct it to: behind Trap)

He built the best team ever played in Serie-a (have to admit). After he arrived to Milan, AC Milan was unbeaten in 58 games, won 3 scudettos in row 92-93-94, won 4:0 in EC final against formidable Barca (Romario, Stoichkov, R Koeman...)

He's current squad got all source of problems this year, and he was still able to finsh second best, way above us, or Inter.

As it was mentioned before, he is handling Cassano like no one else could do (imagine what Lippi would have done in this situation).

The only problem is he dislikes Juve.
I wrote it 04. 05. 2004, deep in the Deschampes "smokescreen".

Btw I should also thank Moggi for this wonderful expression: "smokescreen", imo most of us didnt know it before, and now we not only learned it, but also feels so good to write it down.

Luciano "The Smokescreen" Moggi


Senior Member
Nov 2, 2003
What makes Capello signing even more fantastic is the fact that it took everybody by suprise, but if you think about it a bit it was very-very logical, and hardly could ended other way.

Since Roma is in serious trouble, it became pretty obvious that they cannot keep their stars, so if Capello wanted to compete on the highest level he had to change, but to which other really big team could have he go?

in Spain only Real, maybe Barca can be measured to Juve but Barca is risky and finally foundet a seemingly good coach, while Real choosen Camacho. I think Cap didnt feel himself very good in Madrid, cause he spent ther a year, won the title, and immedietly left.

In England only Chelskij needed a coach, but they fall in love to Mourinho.

Freanch, or German leagues, no way

In Italy two great teams needed a coach Inter and Juve,

Inter was undecided about keeping Zaccheroni, or not,
and I think even Capello couldnt guarantee to solve the Inter crisis.

So theres only Juve left, the biggest team in Italy, within the Three biggest in the world, always competeing in the highest level, financially very solid (key point ;) ) and above all, what I think was very important Cap wanted to coach a Club where he dont have to concentrate other thinks than his job.
-No financial problems,
-no crying players (thank to the strick leadership of the club),
- no stupid president (just remember whem Sensi sold Christiano Zanetti while Cap was on vacation)

Most people said his words were against this move, but he only sayed "It is a 'lifestyle decision' not to coach Juventus",
So nothing serious happened, he just decided to change his lifestyle :)


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by sutnop ] ++
Majed judging by your post you say your dislike for the players/coach is very shallow and only really exsists because they are wearing a certain shirt...
That's not shallow at all... That's sportsmanship at its best. This is team rivalry. I just won't cheer for an apposing team. I didn't say that I "hate" him now and like him later.
Wherever he plays, i'll admire his skills.
There are some things about him which i dont like, like diving and always gettign injured before not-so-important NT games.

Ok obviously you have no idea of what went on in the ANti-Totti thread where both me and Martin(who was called Alex at the time) had to defend Totti time and time again trying to convince the other that he was at least one of ITaly's 10best players... and that he was very promising. While insults where thrown on everything from his look, style, attitude, dialect to performances on the pitch
That's irrelevant. the people you agrued with in that thread dont represent EVERYONE.

That was more then just dislike for him wearing a Roma shirt....

on other points I think your usuage of the word nemesis is quite excessive since the closest synomnym to nemesis is arch enemy and an arch enemy is not some1 you forgive and forget about just because they have switched sides....

SO I sense some doubble standards here
on the one hand saying you cheer for Totti and on the other calling him a nemsis...
No double standard at all.
Get your facts straight. dont assume things.
nemesis: a formidable and usually victorious rival or opponent <Marriam-Webster>

Maybe you'll understand like this:
1. Totti in Roma = Rival
2. Totti in National team = not Rival
3. Totti possibly in Juve = not Rival.

hence, he is a rival because he's wearing Roma's shirt; a team that Juve play against! therefore, i won't "cheer" for him.

so yes, i can say that i cheer for totti, and call him a nemesis. (but not at the same time) comprende?

I am sure not all fans have the same forgiving mentality
do you think Atletic Bilbao and Barca supporters like Raul just because he plays for Spain the ultras still hate his guts...
besides the few thousand radical groups, you are wrong. I'm sure that at least 90% of Spanish football fans will be cheering for Raul and everyone else in Euro2004.

But I guess its a degree into what extent you let your passion get ahead of your rationale...
Passion shouldn't get in the way of rationale. If it does, then "obsession" is what it's become.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by sutnop ] ++
as far as this Iceblu poster goes all I can say is
that the fact that your
American explains it all
you're swimming towards the deep-end now buddy. swim back. keep your ignorance to yourself.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by sutnop ] ++
and ohh Majed
I don't wanna pass any judgement on whay you just wrote...

SO I am not saying your form of dislike for Totti "et all" is wrong or too shallow....

Just that the people that really consider Totti their Nemsis will probably have a real hard time accepting him coming here.

And its not better to be more passionate about the sport
nor is it better to be rationale and have a good perspective
like i said:
1. get your definitions straight.
2. Obsession is not Passion

I just think football needs both because when all else fails
the passion and love prevails....
:wth: :rofl:


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2003
Yo sutnop

“It was Agnelli who wanted Capello on the Juventus bench,” explained President Franzo Grande Stevens.


so i was right ;)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by sutnop ] ++
as far as this Iceblu poster goes all I can say is
that the fact that your
American explains it all
What a bigoted remark. I am losing respect for you by the minute.

Stop now before it gets worse for you.


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++

What a bigoted remark. I am losing respect for you by the minute.

Stop now before it gets worse for you.

yep. I don't even want to respond to his comment because its clear that i don't need to make him look bad... hes doing a fine job of it by himself.


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Hey sutnop, dont be a child and bring nationalities into the mix..................

As far as Capello goes, he's a great coach who I've always respected , and this is a great way for Fabio to get back at that fat slob Sensi !!!!!!!!!!!!

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