Marie Jane: Good or Evil? (2 Viewers)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
This might sound strange as I don't experiment with drugs a lot and have never had the intention to do so, but if drugs make you happy, then why shouldn't you take them constantly if you can afford it? The last part of that sentence obviously being the catch. Because the minute you wake up and realise you're fucked, you're one sad lowlife.
If you're living on drugs you are fooling yourself and living a false life. And you nailed it when you said such a person is one sad fucked up lowlife.

Perhaps the use of drugs would be a little more acceptable if they were to only affect the life of the user. But, as we all know, that could never be the case. The use of drugs can also affect the lives of others and that is where you have to draw the line. Using drugs as a perpetual, day to day fix, just like drink driving, are just a sample of the loathsome acts of humanity.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Obviously I didn't mean to say the two were the same. However alcohol can cause apathy and for me personally it already has.
It's a different sort of apathy, one that does not tend to affect you after you become sober. However, for some reason, marijuana sometimes causes an apathy that is found when off the drug, which is why you see so many potheads wasting away life.

To put things into perspective, you don't see too many potheads holding executive positions or secure jobs. However, there are probably a lot of alcoholics in said positions.


May 11, 2004
One person? All of my roomate's friends are the same. :lol2:

Obviously what I said is not the same case for everyone, as the more intelligent bunch of the lot will not let themselves follow that path of idiocy and apathy. However, for many people, my words do bear truth. I've seen these people smoke weed all day, not give a care to much else in the world and not give two shits about anything besides smoking. They essentially live on apathy which, in my mind, is a rather useless life. Not caring about family nor world events are typical notions of these utter imbeciles. These potheads become so annoying that perhaps we should amend the general culture moralistic viewpoint and make assisted suicide legal.

Apathy is a synonym of death in my eyes.
As I said earlier, anything overdone is ugly.


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #89
    Kewl :D

    Though, I think (and it is my biased and subjective opinion),
    that "Barça fan" looks/sounds a lil' more offensive. What is your opinion on the subject? :D


    Senior Member
    Nov 25, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #92
    This might sound strange as I don't experiment with drugs a lot and have never had the intention to do so, but if drugs make you happy, then why shouldn't you take them constantly if you can afford it? The last part of that sentence obviously being the catch. Because the minute you wake up and realise you're fucked, you're one sad lowlife.
    ...and the Requiem for a dream starts to play at that moment.

    Hey have I mentioned before how much I like your way of thinking and putting words together, 7?

    I think I like you, dude :D

    Cheers :pint:


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2006
    I think its simple,

    Weed is good once in a while, In a great company where u will laugh your ass out do smth interesting;
    If I smoke just for no reason, and just stay like that without doin anything it has opposite effect on me... it sucks;

    Smoke weed and be happy! Once in a while! But I would warn that trying other stuff like H-Power won't be so easy experience it has ruined millions of lifes.. even if you get over it (the probability is 1%) it will have huge stain in your life (and liver ;) )

    Good Luck!


    The Bozman
    Oct 18, 2005
    People can become addicted to anything, but more so weed than others.
    i ahve neevr met anyone who is addicted to weed, i have met people with addictive personalities who use dope as a means to escape from their internal turmoil. my best friend has smoked hash nearly every day for teh best part of 17 years, yet he can go months without it, and has done.
    most people addicted to drugs blame cannabis for starting them off but these people are usually on the road to drug/alchohol addiction long before they ever roll a joint

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