Luciano Moggi (8 Viewers)

Shall we move Moggi's thread to the [Legend] section?

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  • No, it shouldn't, keep it as it is

  • I don't care/Undecided

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May 11, 2004
Its not like there's a whole lot to praise though. Journalists ask him about Juventus all the time so that's what he talks about.
If he is asked for his opinion he should give it , if we all like it or not.
Maybe some of you don't know that he still is one of the major shareholders of Juventus Fc.
Yes he sometimes talks shit, but 75% of the things he is saying is spot on. Also the media takes things out of proportions most of the times. If he said it he has the right to do so to share his opinion, if you don't like it then stay out of this thread and ignore him.
He is not asked about anything, he has a weekly column.

Buy on


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Maybe some of you don't know that he still is one of the major shareholders of Juventus Fc.
Is he really? Well, at least his criticism appears to be honest then. I don't know why someone would want to spread rumors to ruin his own investments. So that makes me believe he's simply dissatisfied with the way things are being handled, which he's not alone in feeling.


Senior Member
Aug 31, 2006
Moggi: «Io alla Juve? Magari, ma non dipende da me»

L'ex dg bianconero a tutto campo: «Con questa gestione per me non ci sarà mai spazio. Il mercato bianconero? Un casotto: non si comprano undici giocatori tutti insieme. C'è tanta quantità, ma manca la qualità. E cedere Giovinco è stato un errore. Del Neri dice che non crede allo scudetto? Un grave errore, così si demotivano i giocatori»
TORINO, 14 settembre - «Tornare alla Juventus? Volentieri, ma non dipende da me...». Luciano Moggi, ospite di “Notti Magiche” su Sportitalia, non nega di essere ancora profondamente legato ai colori bianconeri, ma fa capire che, finché ci saranno gli attuali assetti dirigenziali (e proprietari), spazi per lui alla Vecchia Signora non ce ne saranno. L’unico con cui potrebbe intendersi, infatti, è Andrea Agnelli. L’ex dirigente della Juve parla come al solito un po’ di tutto. E, come al solito, non risparmia critica alla conduzione attuale della società, soprattutto per quanto riguarda il mercato. «Ma io non nutro rancore nei confronti della Juve. Ne parlo a volte male solo perché forse ci tengo di più rispetto a quelli che ne parlano bene». Altre critiche Big Luciano le riserva a Gigi Del Neri, “colpevole” di avere detto che la sua squadra non è da titolo: «Così si demotivano i giocatori» chiosa Moggi.

MERCATO JUVE - Moggi non risparmia critiche al mercato della Vecchia Signora. «Per vincere lo scudetto non si comprano undici giocatori perché si fa un gran pasticcio - attacca -. Tu prendi undici giocatori, li metti dentro un'altra squadra e viene fuori un pasticcio enorme. Alla Juve c'è la quantità non la qualità. Ai giocatori non puoi rimproverare di non aver corso e di non aver dato tutto. Però quel tutto non è qualitativo».

DIFESA CARENTE - L’ex dg bianconero, pur avendo buone parole per il suo successore Giuseppe Marotta («È in un ambiente difficile e gli auguro di fare bene»), elenca gli errori compiuti in sede di calciomercato, soprattutto in difesa: «La difesa della Juventus non è una difesa eccezionalmente veloce: i due centrali, Bonucci e Chiellini, non hanno capacità di recupero se sfugge un giocatore, quindi è normale che si incontrino delle difficoltà. Quindi la composizione è sbagliata in partenza. E poi mettere Chiellini accanto a un giocatore della sua stazza non è una cosa ben fatta. Perché quando Chiellini ha accanto un Cannavaro che recupera, è tutto diverso. Ma se Chiellini ha vicino un giocatore che non si integra con lui perché ha la stessa velocità, diventa un problema».

«RITORNEREI» - Moggi, come detto, non nega il desiderio di tornare alla Juve un giorno: «Mica dipende da me, dipende dalla Juve - dice con un sorriso -. Dipendesse da me, tornerei tranquillamente. Ho lasciato un ricordo bello nei tifosi di tutta Torino e di tutta Italia. Quindi non potrei certamente dire di no. Ma la cosa non è sicuramente fattibile, perché quelli che sono al comando - escluso Andrea Agnelli - hanno cambiato gestione, hanno voluto cambiare gestione, il che sta a significare che noi non andavamo più bene. Si fa per dire, perché vincevamo. Però hanno deciso così, quindi, contenti loro, contenti tutti. Quando parlo della Juve, alcuni dicono che io dissento sempre, sembra che abbia rancore nei confronti della mia ex squadra. Ma sapete perché? Perché forse io voglio molto più bene a questa squadra di quelli che ne parlano bene. Secondo me chi loda la Juventus in questo periodo la prende in giro; la prende in giro e spera che si mantenga così, questo è quello che non mi va. Io invece sono tra quelli che vuole spingere la Juventus a far meglio, vuole spingere la Juventus a fare quello che il papà di Andrea faceva con noi: cioè portare i giocatori di qualità, che rappresentino l'immagine vera della Juventus, per tornare competitivi. E noi lo facevamo senza soldi. Qui si compra, si spendono 60 milioni per undici giocatori, quando invece potevano essere spesi per due giocatori. Le squadre di calcio si fanno con due-tre giocatori per volta, non con undici».

DICHIARAZIONI SBAGLIATE - Punzecchiature di Moggi anche per Del Neri (e Ranieri) per essersi tirati fuori dalla corsa scudetto: «Questo è molto grave. Molto grave perché si sono demotivate due squadre. Adesso i giocatori che leggono queste cose, diranno: “Ci valutano poco”. Io non le avrei mai fatte certe dichiarazioni. Però ci sono anche dei lati che bisogna analizzare bene. Hanno capito che non sono competitivi a livello di vittoria in campionato. Ma da lì a dirlo pubblicamente ce ne corre. Io cerco di motivare una squadra e non di demotivarla. Così facendo qualunque cosa si ritorce contro i giocatori e soprattutto si continua a comprare».

AMBIZIONI JUVE - Moggi, infine, parla delle ambizioni della Juve per l’immediato e per i prossimi anni. Sull’immediato dice: «Io credo che faccia male a sperare nella zona Champions. Ci sono comunque delle squadre che possono competere con la Juventus per il quarto posto, fino al settimo posto: sono la Juventus stessa, la Fiorentina, il Palermo, il Napoli e il Genoa». Quanto allo scudetto, ecco il suo parere: «Quando potrà rivincerlo? Quando comprerà giocatori che possono dare quella qualità che adesso manca. Ritorniamo sempre sul solito discorso. Accettiamo la Juventus per quella che è adesso: una squadra fatta di giocatori che ce la mettono tutta, ma la qualità non esiste. Finché non esiste la qualità, non esiste neppure l'obiettivo». Chiosa su Giovinco: «Se ha fatto bene la Juve a cederlo? Assolutamente no».


Makes a lot of sense...


Senior Member
Aug 31, 2006
Yeah true, sorry about that.

Speaks about the transfer campaign again, the problems with buying 11 players all at once when a few choice, quality players would have been better. He criticises the choice of Bonucci next to Chiellini, saying that Chiellini works better next to someone who will chase and recover (like Canna in the good old days).

He talks about how he'd love to come back to Juve but no one except Agnelli would have him. Goes on to address those who accuse him of always having a go at Juve: says it is because he loves/cares about this team more than any other and perhaps more than many who claim to care about it.

Also goes on to criticise Del Neri for his comments about us not being able to try for the scudetto as it naturally demoralises his players. Hard to argue with that I'd have thought. We might all be thinking it, no need to publicly announce you have no faith in your team though.


Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
Yeah true, sorry about that.

Also goes on to criticise Del Neri for his comments about us not being able to try for the scudetto as it naturally demoralises his players. Hard to argue with that I'd have thought. We might all be thinking it, no need to publicly announce you have no faith in your team though.
Depends how you see it personally I think its a good thing to stay humble rather than pumped up with high expectations.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Yeah true, sorry about that.

Speaks about the transfer campaign again, the problems with buying 11 players all at once when a few choice, quality players would have been better. He criticises the choice of Bonucci next to Chiellini, saying that Chiellini works better next to someone who will chase and recover (like Canna in the good old days).

He talks about how he'd love to come back to Juve but no one except Agnelli would have him. Goes on to address those who accuse him of always having a go at Juve: says it is because he loves/cares about this team more than any other and perhaps more than many who claim to care about it.

Also goes on to criticise Del Neri for his comments about us not being able to try for the scudetto as it naturally demoralises his players. Hard to argue with that I'd have thought. We might all be thinking it, no need to publicly announce you have no faith in your team though.
Thanks for posting.


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2009
The former Juventus director general across the board: "With this administration for me there will never space. The market for black and white? A hut not you buy eleven players all together. There is so much the quantity but the quality is lacking. And give Giovinco was an error. Of Blacks says it believes the Scudetto? A big mistake, so you demotivate players'TURIN, September 14 - "Return to Juventus? Gladly, but not up to me .... " Luciano Moggi, host of "Night Magic" on Sportitalia, does not deny that he was still deeply attached to the colors black and white, but suggests that, while there are existing management arrangements (and owners), spaces for him to the old lady there will be no . The only which could be understood, in fact, is Andrea Agnelli. The former leader of Juve talk as usual a bit 'of everything. And, as usual, does not spare criticism of the current run of society, especially with regard to the market. "But I do not hold grudges against Juventus. I mention this only because sometimes bad maybe I want more than those who speak well. " Other criticisms of the Big Luciano reserve Gigi Del Blacks, "guilty" of having said his team is not the title: "So you demotivate players'gloss Moggi.

MARKET JUVE - Moggi market does not spare criticism of the Old Lady. "To win the championship can not be bought eleven players because it makes a mess - attacks -. You take eleven players, put them in another team and come out a huge mess. Juve is the quantity not quality. You can not blame the players did not run and did not give everything. But all is not that quality. "

DEFENSE WANTED - The former Juventus director general, having good words for his successor Giuseppe Marotta ("It is in a difficult environment and I wish him to do well") lists the errors made in the transfer market, especially in defense:"The Juventus' defense is not an exceptionally fast defense, the two central Bonucci and Chiellini, have no capacity for recovery if a player escapes, so it's normal that you encounter difficulties. Then the composition is wrong from the start. Chiellini and then put next to a player of his size is not a thing well done. Because when Cannavaro Chiellini has a side that retrieves, everything is different. But if Chiellini has around a player who does not integrate with him because he has the same speed, it becomes a problem. "

"Return" - Moggi, as mentioned, does not deny the desire to one day return to Juve, "Mica is up to me, depends on Juve - he says with a smile -. depended on me, and round. I left a good memory of all fans in Turin and Italy. So I could certainly say no. But it is certainly not feasible, because those who are in charge - except Andrea Agnelli - have changed management, they decided to change management, which means that we did not go over well. So to speak, because we won. But so have decided, therefore, their happy, everyone happy. When I talk of Juve, some say that I always disagree, it seems to have grudge against my former team. But you know why? Because maybe I want much more comfortable with this team than those who speak well. In my opinion, who praised Juventus in this period, teases, teases and hopes to remain so, this is what I do not go. But I am among those who want to push to do better, Juventus, Juventus wants to push to do what Andrea's dad was with us: that is to bring quality players, representing the true image of Juventus, to return to competitive. And we did it without money. Here you buy, you spend 60 million for eleven players, when they could instead be spent on two players. Football clubs are made with two or three players at a time, not eleven. "

WRONG STATEMENTS - Moggi Prod Del for Blacks (and Ranieri) for being pulled out of the Scudetto race: "This is very serious. Very serious because they are demotivated teams. Now players who read these things, they will say: "We just evaluate." I do not I ever made such statements. But there are also some good sides to be analyzed. They understood that they are not competitive in terms of victory in the championship. But from there to say publicly there runs. I try to motivate a team and not discouraging. In so doing whatever turns against the players and especially you continue to buy. "

AMBITIONS JUVE - Moggi, finally, speaking of Juve's ambitions for the immediate and for the next year. On immediate says, "I think it hurts to hope in the Champions area. However there are teams that can compete with Juventus for the fourth place to seventh place: they are the same Juventus, Fiorentina, Palermo, Napoli and Genoa. " As for the championship, here is his opinion: "When will it revenge? When you buy players who can give the quality that is missing now. Return over the same old speech. Juventus accepted for what it is today: a team made up of players who do their all, but the quality does not exist. As long as there is no quality, there is not the goal. " Gloss on Giovinco: "If he did well at Juve sell it? Absolutely not.


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2008
Yeah true, sorry about that.

Speaks about the transfer campaign again, the problems with buying 11 players all at once when a few choice, quality players would have been better. He criticises the choice of Bonucci next to Chiellini, saying that Chiellini works better next to someone who will chase and recover (like Canna in the good old days).

He talks about how he'd love to come back to Juve but no one except Agnelli would have him. Goes on to address those who accuse him of always having a go at Juve: says it is because he loves/cares about this team more than any other and perhaps more than many who claim to care about it.

Also goes on to criticise Del Neri for his comments about us not being able to try for the scudetto as it naturally demoralises his players. Hard to argue with that I'd have thought. We might all be thinking it, no need to publicly announce you have no faith in your team though.
Did he say before that Bonucci is the only decent signing we made? I remember that he said it and now suddenly he change opinion after saw the CB partnership in Juve-Samp game.. Moggi can talk all he can. It easy to give comment rather than the one who take action


Peen Meister
Dec 19, 2005
Yeah true, sorry about that.

Speaks about the transfer campaign again, the problems with buying 11 players all at once when a few choice, quality players would have been better. He criticises the choice of Bonucci next to Chiellini, saying that Chiellini works better next to someone who will chase and recover (like Canna in the good old days).

He talks about how he'd love to come back to Juve but no one except Agnelli would have him. Goes on to address those who accuse him of always having a go at Juve: says it is because he loves/cares about this team more than any other and perhaps more than many who claim to care about it.

Also goes on to criticise Del Neri for his comments about us not being able to try for the scudetto as it naturally demoralises his players. Hard to argue with that I'd have thought. We might all be thinking it, no need to publicly announce you have no faith in your team though.
Was pulling your leg. Thanks though.:tup:


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2005
The defence with Chiellini and Bonucci is slow. I've said Chellini is slow all the time. But I remember Moggi said Bonnucci was a good signing. Says a lot about the rest of the signings:) I think Krasic will be great

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