Israeli-Palestinian conflict (40 Viewers)

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Midnight Marauder
Jul 13, 2013
The point of my post wasn't too compare sufferings or anything like that....but about the lack of sympathy to what happens around us today and the glorification of past wars and their death tolls.

Let's help countries rise, I'll be less butthurt then. You Europeans are so damn condescending :lol:
Probably true :D

Especially 'cause I gotta add something here as well, I don't think it's glorification of the past as much as it's a glorification of the present. By emphasising the death due to military activities, and at least on a subconscious level making it seem worse than dying of hunger, it's indeed possible to make the present situation seem much better than the past, while ignoring, or at least downplaying the suffering endured due to socioeconomic structures today.

This is not to say that there haven't been massive improvements in the fields of a lot of human rights and human welfare in general, and of course starvation and famines were commonplace in past times as well, but what my point really is is that future generations will look at the current disparities in terms of wealth, with excess in one part and hunger in the another with much less indifference than is currently done.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011
Probably true :D

Especially 'cause I gotta add something here as well, I don't think it's glorification of the past as much as it's a glorification of the present. By emphasising the death due to military activities, and at least on a subconscious level making it seem worse than dying of hunger, it's indeed possible to make the present situation seem much better than the past, while ignoring, or at least downplaying the suffering endured due to socioeconomic structures today.

This is not to say that there haven't been massive improvements in the fields of a lot of human rights and human welfare in general, and of course starvation and famines were commonplace in past times as well, but what my point really is is that future generations will look at the current disparities in terms of wealth, with excess in one part and hunger in the another with much less indifference than is currently done.
We will see how thing pan out...but nowadays everyone is social justice warrior but very little of us are ready to put down the actual work in and too comfortable in our situation. So let them eat cake uh...

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This post took my attention :D
Them Saudis too, fuckin cancerous


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011

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Sorry if this might rub anyone in the wrong way, but why is it so much easier to throw the European and the "Jew" under the bus when the Arab states have their hands just as dirty :lol:
As Somalis it is nice and all strengthening ties with others due to our cultural and religious similarities but to turn a blind eye to their wrongs and neglect what is in our best interest, will do you WAY more damage than any european state can inflict upon us

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I love u :kiss::snoop:


Jun 17, 2011

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Sorry if this might rub anyone in the wrong way, but why is it so much easier to throw the European and the "Jew" under the bus when the Arab states have their hands just as dirty :lol:
As Somalis it is nice and all strengthening ties with others due to our cultural and religious similarities but to turn a blind eye to their wrongs and neglect what is in our best interest, will do you WAY more damage than any european state can inflict upon us

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I love u :kiss::snoop:
Because it's fashionable these days and something something evil white male privilege.


Midnight Marauder
Jul 13, 2013
We will see how thing pan out...but nowadays everyone is social justice warrior but very little of us are ready to put down the actual work in and too comfortable in our situation. So let them eat cake uh...
Perhaps more importantly, none of these social justice warriors (whatever you understand under that term) are in any real position of power. I mean don't get me wrong, individual choices and actions, be it ethical consumption & Fair Trade or political protests and grassroot activism, are important and can play a significant role, but the decisions that actually matter are made at political conventions and the board rooms of huge transnational companies.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011
Perhaps more importantly, none of these social justice warriors (whatever you understand under that term) are in any real position of power. I mean don't get me wrong, individual choices and actions, be it ethical consumption & Fair Trade or political protests and grassroot activism, are important and can play a significant role, but the decisions that actually matter are made at political conventions and the board rooms of huge transnational companies.
Burn them conventions and board rooms! They'll serve their own interest.

This is the israeli-Palestinian thread, so in regard to that specifically it'll end only with war. War will settle this it's naive to think otherwise. Neither will budge, and one will try to wipe the other if it can.

From african perspective, the only solution is war again. Outsider will do whatever they can to hold down what they have access to it. For fuck sakes they have no problem ethnic cleansing you think they scared of waging war?


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2009
Burn them conventions and board rooms! They'll serve their own interest.

This is the israeli-Palestinian thread, so in regard to that specifically it'll end only with war. War will settle this it's naive to think otherwise. Neither will budge, and one will try to wipe the other if it can.

From african perspective, the only solution is war again. Outsider will do whatever they can to hold down what they have access to it. For fuck sakes they have no problem ethnic cleansing you think they scared of waging war?
Did you read anything from Gérard Prunier, you drug addict?


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011
No who's he?

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Just checked him out quickly. One of them french "africa experd" :lol:
One thing he's right about though is that everyone had a hand in congo-Rwanda tragedies

At the end of the day he's serving his state, and his states interest. The last people I'd trust are these experds but hey yall love em
Jul 2, 2006
Are you home schooled? seriously though, You are already using the internet, do some reading first.

Jews do not believe they are sons of satan, satan is the iconic representation of evil in abrahamic religions and no mainstream religion think of itself as evil, if it would it would have no right to exist. One might argue that evil is a relative term but even then satan would still represent what is evil to them wouldn't it?
Ordinary Jews don't but those who pull the strings are definitely worshipping the satan. Global Jewry's sidekicks freemasonary, templar knights and shit like that they all worship the satan under different names(baphomet etc). There are testimonies of those who left the cult and eye witnesses. So called secret of theirs shared with only the members who passed certain levels is contacting with satan himself in a moment of trance or so they believe. After that moment they full pledge themselves to their work as fully convinced that they are on the right path to make world a better place.

Quran tells about it

Then why, when Our punishment came to them, did they not humble themselves? But their hearts became hardened, and Satan made attractive to them that which they were doing.

So when they forgot that by which they had been reminded, We opened to them the doors of every [good] thing until, when they rejoiced in that which they were given, We seized them suddenly, and they were [then] in despair.

Edoardo agnelli makes Lapo elkann look like an altar boy. The guy was a mentally disturbed drug addict, and the black sheep of the Agnelli family. Why would the mossad kill him? cause he dabbled in Islam? Unless they did old Gianni a solid its plain bunkers

And Uzeyir Garih was a jew, no eyes were taken out and certainly there is zero evidence of him converting to islam.

Just two random dudes, I got really no idea where you get your information from or why you thought this two guys prove anything
I heard that too. When you say something against them or simply don't do as they say, coincidentally you turn out to be a drug addict, suicidal pedo before throwing yourself of a bridge.

This is what i posted about Uzeyir Garih about a year ago.

Uzeyir Garih case is re-opened.

Who is he?
A Jewish and known Freemason businessman and a cofounder of Alarko Holding. Apparently he was killed in Muslim Eyüp Cemetery in 2001. Case was closed after some random drug addict sentenced to life imprisonment, who said he stabbed the guy because he refused to give him money.

He was stabbed several times from back and one of his eyes and heart has been taken out. Just like Talmud demands as punishment for Jews who turn away from their belief. There have been talks about him becoming a Muslim.

What was Uzeyir Garih doing Muslim Cemetery? His partner who is also a Jew, Ishak Alaton said: 'He was going to give money to a widow'

What does that mean?

I just converted to Islam and now, those damn Mossad agents won't leave me alone.
If you born from a jewish mother and managed to become a somehow important public figure, beware.


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2009
Of course there are many (jews) who just live their life as anyone else but unfortunately they are minority.
Ordinary Jews don't but those who pull the strings are definitely worshipping the satan.
:lol: which one is it then?

And you can drop the "Quran said" act, I presented a solid, objective reasoning that you gloriously failed to even comprehend it seem, let alone rebuff.

I heard that too. When you say something against them or simply don't do as they say, coincidentally you turn out to be a drug addict, suicidal pedo before throwing yourself of a bridge.
So Jews using the Mossad are killing people who disobey and speak against them? man, thats got to be a very long list, you think they draw names out of an hat?

The young Angelli was insignificant. A random rich dude with an interesting story and a royal last name, that's it.

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