Israeli-Palestinian conflict (38 Viewers)

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The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #4,202
    hold up guys, correct me if i'm wrong but i thought turkey was a secular country?
    According to Seven's standards, it is not because it has a majority of Muslims.

    According to its local laws, it is secular. Just check its universities and how the female students are forced to remove their scarves before entering the university.

    My point is that despite Pakistan's refusal to recognize Israel pretty much every country has. It's a long lost battle. What good does it do other than "moral support"?
    Actually, Palestinians don't want more than that from Pakistanis as they have their own war against NATO forces who are bombing their lands from time to time. Pakistan always supported Palestinian students there and was always supporting the Palestinian case even from far away. A big appreciation can be touched in Palestine to any step against the criminal Zionists.


    Senior Member
    Jan 11, 2009
    According to Seven's standards, it is not because it has a majority of Muslims.

    According to its local laws, it is secular. Just check its universities and how the female students are forced to remove their scarves before entering the university.
    Whether or not it has a majority of muslims has nothing to do with the structure of the state. Turkey is one of those countries that might look secular on the outside, but are actually deeply religious when you get a closer look. It's not a secular state. Not according to European standards anyway.

    It sounds strange, but if a country says it's religious it's difficult to dismiss that because there are no real criteria. If a country says it's secular, it's a different story though. This for example:

    READ FFS, READ! You have a way of denying the existence of any possible information that doesn't suit your goal. The blatant violations of human rights in Turkey don't matter as much either, do they? I mean, it's not Zionists causing them, so it's not important.
    Jul 2, 2006
    you don't know a shit about Turkiye.if i would ask stop talking about something you don't know, it would be useless as you are still talking about Islam even though you don't have a single clue about religion.

    how can you compare some educational disagreements in Turkiye with what's happening Gaza?


    Koul Khara!
    Aug 30, 2002
    Turkey too religious? Thats something, they have been controversial a bit in being too extremely secular to say the LEAST (Kemalists WORSHIP Ataturks secularism a bit to the point they become extremists). Completely making discriminating laws against religion, in this case Islam, despite them being a muslim majority country. They have implented some anti-religious practices that wouldnt fly in the EU, because it would be undemocratic and not respecting religious freedom.

    Its not much as much about them being TOO muslim and discriminating other religous due to that, but their secularism going so intensely far that they discriminate religion a bit too much in ways, EVEN to the point of doing it against the majority religion, bit weird.


    Apr 14, 2005


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    hows finland estonia latvia bulgaria CYPRUS!! more european than turkey, let the strength of the economy as for human rights, i d rather keep the speech intelligent.
    First of all, what is your definition of "European" anyway? And how on Earth is Bulgaria less European than Turkey when it's on the same axis but closer to the epicenter??

    You don't like human rights, is that the point?

    See even when your sentences are totally clear they're still not clear because you leave out words :confused2


    Koul Khara!
    Aug 30, 2002
    He didnt say Bulgaria is less European then Turkey, he asked how are countries like Bulgaria more European then Turkey (when Seven said it oughta not be in EU because of it), quite a difference in the meaning, no?


    Apr 14, 2005
    First of all, what is your definition of "European" anyway? And how on Earth is Bulgaria less European than Turkey when it's on the same axis but closer to the epicenter??

    You don't like human rights, is that the point?

    See even when your sentences are totally clear they're still not clear because you leave out words :confused2
    Actually historically Turkey is more european than poland and as i mentioned in my post half of the EU. As for the qualitaitve of course it's a joke because it exactly is what bigots hide behind be it the politicians running for office or your resident seven. It's funny yuo picked bulgaria that up until the crimean was vesselof turkey and as you would know was "rescued" by russia, another european, NOT!
    Human rights and the speech of them are a joke, it is obvious for all to see that's merely a negotiation pawn or an excuse, while some have carte blanche to do as they please others are scrutinized to find every pseudo breach to make a fuss, kinda reminds me of the farce that was the movie "midnight express".


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    I still have absolutely no clue what you mean by "European".

    "The truest measure of a society is how it treats its own citizens", I assume you're familiar with that one. Based on that do you think human rights in Europe are a sham? Pardon me, the EU. "Europe" is yet to be defined.


    Senior Member
    Jan 11, 2009
    oh please half the eu is not as "european" as turkey, once again keep your and eu's bigoted mug at bay
    We agreed that the countries in the EU are European. The discussion isn't about them, it's about Turkey.

    He didnt say Bulgaria is less European then Turkey, he asked how are countries like Bulgaria more European then Turkey (when Seven said it oughta not be in EU because of it), quite a difference in the meaning, no?
    I didn't say Bulgaria ought to be in the EU. Hell, if we were to be strict, Italy would never qualify (luckily they are one of the six).

    Actually historically Turkey is more european than poland and as i mentioned in my post half of the EU. As for the qualitaitve of course it's a joke because it exactly is what bigots hide behind be it the politicians running for office or your resident seven. It's funny yuo picked bulgaria that up until the crimean was vesselof turkey and as you would know was "rescued" by russia, another european, NOT!
    Human rights and the speech of them are a joke, it is obvious for all to see that's merely a negotiation pawn or an excuse, while some have carte blanche to do as they please others are scrutinized to find every pseudo breach to make a fuss, kinda reminds me of the farce that was the movie "midnight express".
    So we don't allow Turkey, not because they fail to meet half the criteria, but because they have a major muslim population?


    Senior Member
    Jan 11, 2009
    I still have absolutely no clue what you mean by "European".

    "The truest measure of a society is how it treats its own citizens", I assume you're familiar with that one. Based on that do you think human rights in Europe are a sham? Pardon me, the EU. "Europe" is yet to be defined.
    What I don't get is why the same people who keep on saying that human rights are bullshit, say it's a disgrace that Israel violates them. Odd situation.

    And what I really don't get is this fascination of the link between the EU and human rights. We do realise that most of the EU's important goals are economic?


    Apr 14, 2005
    Well it was 100% obvious he didnt say Bulgaria is less European then Turkey, but arguing the exact opposite, so either you are clueless to miss that, or manipulative to deliberately twist it around ;)
    even then, the great "enlightened" societies could look beyond the complexion the food and Religion of that "sick man". yes the former seat of the Eastern Roman Empire(which made "europe") happens to be less european than some barren russian-asian offshoot.


    Koul Khara!
    Aug 30, 2002
    Seven, its VERY naive to not think Turkey's religion isnt one THE main factors of why they wont have a single chance of being in the EU. Its VERY determinating factor for lots of EU members.

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