Is it okay to make fun of religion? (2 Viewers)

Is it OK to make fun of Religion?

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Jan 7, 2004
But the wise man shouldn't be responsible if the dumb man doesn't get his words right, whether the wise man is authority to dumb man or not. And if the dumb man would read the whole bible not just some story in Old Testament, than he would never hurt himself or someone else in word of God. It's not like there are orders like kill the gays or something like that. Of course you can randomly differentiate the bible, read: "and the Judas hang himself" and go to do the same, but nothing is idiot proof.
it's right there, in the translation, gays and shrimp are an abomination


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2008
I doesn't matter that they hold it dear. For all you know I hold Santa Claus way more dear than you do anything in your life. That doesn't mean it's a good thing to believe in Santa.

Hoori asked you a perfectly valid question. People who refuse medical treatment for their sick children, do they deserve respect just because it's their religion?
Fine then, if me mocking you about believing in santa is going to provoke bad feelings.. then its rude and disrespectful. I'm bagging you for pretty much no reason other then to feed my own ego.
In regards to Hoori's hypothetical. If you didn't respect the parents wishes and beliefs that would be considered disrespectful. At the same time, those parents aren't respecting that kids right to fulfilling a healthy lifestyle and like i said.. if there are justifiable ends to the means of opposing that persons beliefs.. then no I wouldn't call that disrespect because its justified and there is a cause in the first place. BUT there are to no justifiable ends to the means of blatantly mocking someones beliefs so generally. There's no positive outcome out of what Seven had been saying the last few pages for example. Yet I see no objection from you.
No, I'm appealing to people's rationality. I'm provoking people to think about what they say they believe. And there is no gentle way of doing this. Whatever you say about someone's religious beliefs some people will immediately be offended and turn away. You can't even discuss it without someone getting upset. For that there is no justification.
So whats the outcome... rationality? Is that justification for upsetting someone? Take it from someone who appealed to their own "rationality". I weighed up the pro's and con's of believing in God or not and guess what won out. Think about what results in them believing in their religion... and boasting how rational you are doesn't seem to do much for people anymore.
In your first post you were disrespectful to atheists. Why should I respect you if you don't respect me?
haha.. I won't beat around the bush. Today hundreds of thousands of christians, fed and clothed the poor. They'll do it tomorrow and the day after. What did atheism do? You're writing books, you're typing posts, you're on your soap box and your feeling of self worth is sky rocketing.
What exactly is the atheist cause except for ego feeding so you can rub it in every religious persons face when you do finally prove beyond any doubt that there is no God which you will never do? Rationality? Is that really justification for stomping on my beliefs and like I said, provoking ill feeling among your peers? Oh thank god! I feel so rational now, I've got to spread this beautiful cause and jump behind my monitor and make fun of christians muslims jews and more... because they can boast being rational :shifty:
Think about what I said. Ends justifying means. And think about the ends of your cause.
Sure religion isn't exactly saving the world either, but its doing a damn better job then cynicism.. I mean atheism.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
That's not how we make laws, Nenna. If I say something to you, you are not free to determine whether it was insulting or not. What's important is whether I said it to insult you or not. You are not free to determine what message I sent. That way it would be impossible to communicate.

You could be insulted by anything. I would be totally helpless from the minute I spoke to someone. It would be utter bullshit. Unbelievable that you think this is a normal theory.


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2005
So only those who believe in god can experience passion, generosity, kindness? While atheist just write books, curse those who are good, and bask in their ego?


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Dec 31, 2000
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    Fine then, if me mocking you about believing in santa is going to provoke bad feelings.. then its rude and disrespectful. I'm bagging you for pretty much no reason other then to feed my own ego.
    In regards to Hoori's hypothetical. If you didn't respect the parents wishes and beliefs that would be considered disrespectful. At the same time, those parents aren't respecting that kids right to fulfilling a healthy lifestyle and like i said.. if there are justifiable ends to the means of opposing that persons beliefs.. then no I wouldn't call that disrespect because its justified and there is a cause in the first place. BUT there are to no justifiable ends to the means of blatantly mocking someones beliefs so generally. There's no positive outcome out of what Seven had been saying the last few pages for example. Yet I see no objection from you.
    The end is living a well informed life not based on superstition and nonsense. That more that justifies hurting some feelings here and there. You talk as if hurting people's feelings is the greatest crime on earth. That's nonsense.

    So whats the outcome... rationality?
    That's right. Rationality. Not persecuting people for their beliefs (read up on 16th century France and how non-catholics were treated there), not letting children die while their parents pray.

    Is that justification for upsetting someone?
    You're damn right it is. To upset someone is to do no permanent damage. To live your life based on superstition can do a lot of permanent damage on the other hand.

    haha.. I won't beat around the bush. Today hundreds of thousands of christians, fed and clothed the poor. They'll do it tomorrow and the day after. What did atheism do? You're writing books, you're typing posts, you're on your soap box and your feeling of self worth is sky rocketing.
    What exactly is the atheist cause except for ego feeding so you can rub it in every religious persons face when you do finally prove beyond any doubt that there is no God which you will never do? Rationality? Is that really justification for stomping on my beliefs and like I said, provoking ill feeling among your peers? Oh thank god! I feel so rational now, I've got to spread this beautiful cause and jump behind my monitor and make fun of christians muslims jews and more... because they can boast being rational :shifty:
    Think about what I said. Ends justifying means. And think about the ends of your cause.
    Sure religion isn't exactly saving the world either, but its doing a damn better job then cynicism.. I mean atheism.
    So you think atheism is harmful and I think religion is. Looks like we're square.

    Btw religious people think little about upsetting the feelings of homosexuals, wouldn't you say? Where is this world famous compassion?


    Senior Member
    Apr 17, 2008
    That's not how we make laws, Nenna. If I say something to you, you are not free to determine whether it was insulting or not. What's important is whether I said it to insult you or not. You are not free to determine what message I sent. That way it would be impossible to communicate.

    You could be insulted by anything. I would be totally helpless from the minute I spoke to someone. It would be utter bullshit. Unbelievable that you think this is a normal theory.
    Complete rubbish. That's exactly your problem Seven. It's now clear to me why you go around saying blatantly rude comments.
    If I walked around saying I'm glad the holocaust happened for a reason that doesn't have to do with the killing of thousands of jews. Its still not okay.

    I'm going to walk around telling the world I hate niggers. Not because I have anything against black people .. I just plain love the sound of the word! :shifty:

    So only those who believe in god can experience passion, generosity, kindness? While atheist just write books, curse those who are good, and bask in their ego?
    I never said I had no faith in the human condition itself. But, that's not my point. I'm talking about both causes in complete contrast. You can go bask in your own ego and then go volunteer at the hospital but by putting both causes in direct contrast.. which has done more good for the world? And if Christianity for example provokes humanitarian movements that save lives, then what did atheism promote and provoke? Rationality and logic... apparently. Whether they're doing it in the name of ignorance or not is a non-issue it still promotes good deeds among society while atheism never did anything for the world.

    cynicism is a lot better than ignorance
    More good seems to be coming as a direct result of ignorance rather than cynicism.. at least in regards to this particular topic of discussion.


    Senior Member
    Apr 17, 2008
    The end is living a well informed life not based on superstition and nonsense. That more that justifies hurting some feelings here and there. You talk as if hurting people's feelings is the greatest crime on earth. That's nonsense.
    See that's where I feel you haven't quite got your priorities straight. You'd rather see people feeling well informed then all the good in the world that religion has done because its a superstition. I personally don't care if its superstition or not because its doing a whole lot of good as opposed to being well informed which doesn't really effect anyone or anything positively.

    That's right. Rationality. Not persecuting people for their beliefs (read up on 16th century France and how non-catholics were treated there), not letting children die while their parents pray.
    Read up on what the atheists were doing to the Christians a century later in the French Revolution.

    You're damn right it is. To upset someone is to do no permanent damage. To live your life based on superstition can do a lot of permanent damage on the other hand.
    How is me going about my life, believe in an apparently non existent power going to do me any damage? I'm actually doing quite fine. In fact billions of people are doing quite fine I see no damage done as a direct cause of belief in God.

    So you think atheism is harmful and I think religion is. Looks like we're square.

    Btw religious people think little about upsetting the feelings of homosexuals, wouldn't you say? Where is this world famous compassion?
    Well I've thought about that a lot actually. The problem with fundamentalism within religion right now is that the power of the hierarchies is such that they are allowed to equate their own personal beliefs to "religious law". But you know I'm friends with several priests who don't give a rats arse what the Pope says on homosexuality because whether its religion or its your own government you don't have to support everything the powers that be say. Especially in this case where outlawing homosexuality in no way accords itself with foundational christian beliefs. And that's my that ruling is completely illegitimate in the eyes of many christians and catholics.

    Yes I'm just about done here I've got a game to watch and bed to go to.


    Senior Member
    Apr 17, 2008
    You don't adress what I said. It doesn't even come close. I suggest you read my post again.
    Well if I read correctly. You're asserting that, It doesn't matter if what you say is offensive as long as you didn't mean it in an offensive manner. Re word your post because that's what it says.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #315
    See that's where I feel you haven't quite got your priorities straight. You'd rather see people feeling well informed then all the good in the world that religion has done because its a superstition. I personally don't care if its superstition or not because its doing a whole lot of good as opposed to being well informed which doesn't really effect anyone or anything positively.
    All the good it has done? What about all the bad it has done? Ever heard of the Crusades, of religious wars? Yes, that was also due to superstition.

    Read up on what the atheists were doing to the Christians a century later in the French Revolution.
    So you're saying you wish the revolution had never happened and the status quo of religious persecution was the right way to go? That's interesting because the French revolution is admired around the world, not for the violence that ensued, but for throwing off the oppressors who were living large while 95% of the population lived on scraps.

    How is me going about my life, believe in an apparently non existent power going to do me any damage? I'm actually doing quite fine. In fact billions of people are doing quite fine I see no damage done as a direct cause of belief in God.
    I know you don't, which is why we're having this conversation in the first place. If you did, there would be no reason to have threads like these cause it would be obvious to everyone. Of course religious people don't see any harm in their beliefs, that's by definition the case.

    But then I suggest you find out what happens to people who change their religion (or leave their religion) in certain countries around the world where the French revolution hasn't reached yet. I'm sure people there don't think there's anything harmful in religious belief either.
    Jun 13, 2007
    I've had enough of this crap.

    When will you ever realize that this supreme arrogance of yours will get you nowhere? Stop calling religion a superstition when you have no justification for that whatsoever. You have never refuted any of the arguments I have posited for theism including the Kalam argument, the fine-tuning argument, or the Moral Law argument in a convincing way. You attack the historic credibility of the Bible, why? Because you are atheist. You have never provided any real argument for why the Bible shouldn't be considered as historically viable( Barring Genesis ofcourse) other than the fact than your arbitrary presuppositions of human fallacies.

    Instead you opt to believe ridiculous 'superstitions' such as ethical relativism, moral subjectivism, instead of conceding that an objective Moral Law exists. You believe what is conveniant for your atheistic beliefs. You seem to debunk reality itself for that matter, and that's what's most interesting, since that is the very criticism you have for theists.


    Senior Member
    Nov 20, 2005
    I never said I had no faith in the human condition itself. But, that's not my point. I'm talking about both causes in complete contrast. You can go bask in your own ego and then go volunteer at the hospital but by putting both causes in direct contrast.. which has done more good for the world? And if Christianity for example provokes humanitarian movements that save lives, then what did atheism promote and provoke? Rationality and logic... apparently. Whether they're doing it in the name of ignorance or not is a non-issue it still promotes good deeds among society while atheism never did anything for the world.
    You are only looking to the good side of the thing and ignoring the bad. Nothing else in this world have done so much killing, brought so much suffering, conflicts then religion. What have atheism done? Well it certainly didnt bring crusades, witch hunts or inqusitions.

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