Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero (232 Viewers)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Just imagine if Prandelli came to Juventus in the summer, and then had to resign because of his wife's problem? We would have been in deep trouble. I am glad we have somebody at the club who knows what he's doing.

king Ale

Senior Member
Oct 28, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
Just imagine if Prandelli came to Juventus in the summer, and then had to resign because of his wife's problem? We would have been in deep trouble. I am glad we have somebody at the club who knows what he's doing.
agreed....Capello is exactly the one who we need after Lippi.though I wanna see Deschamps as Juve coach one day.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
This year might be Dechamps' year to prove himself with Monaco as in recent matches they have hit a really good form. Still he needs a bit more experience before coming to Juve. We don't want to have the Maifredi fiasco repeat itself :D

Hey Andy you had a different nick over here before? Just wondering cos I can't remember you ;)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
This year might be Dechamps' year to prove himself with Monaco as in recent matches they have hit a really good form. Still he needs a bit more experience before coming to Juve. We don't want to have the Maifredi fiasco repeat itself :D

Hey Andy you had a different nick over here before? Just wondering cos I can't remember you ;)
Yeah I used to have the ridiculous name "Andrea Becchi" before I realized that it was stupid and that everyone thought I was a hot Argentinian chick. Then I changed it. :D


Junior Member
Aug 1, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
Just imagine if...
I can't, Andy. I belong to this category of people who believe that everything would've been different in this world had I written 'bollocks' instead of 'bullsh*t'. There's no such thing as transposability.



"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
Yeah you did...I was siding with you on the DP matter just cos of that reason only :D
:LOL: What a shame.

++ [ originally posted by Stephañho! ] ++

I can't, Andy. I belong to this category of people who believe that everything would've been different in this world had I written 'bollocks' instead of 'bullsh*t'. There's no such thing as transposability.

Well then, maybe you shall be granted your wish of a Capello failure this season, and then Deschamps will take over from there on out. Wouldn't we all love that..


Dec 16, 2003
we can't wish capello failure, we want juve to win trophies this season, we missed the CL...he can win us something this year and then step down like a good boy and let Deschamps do the job !


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
Juve, Moggi blinda Del Piero: "Da qui non si muove"

"Vorrei chiarire una volta per tutte che la Juventus non ha e non ha mai avuto un problema Del Piero. Se si parla tanto di lui adesso e' perche' all'esterno si ha un'immagine distorta del suo rapporto con la Juve. Non e' cosi'. Alessandro restera' con noi". Luciano Moggi, direttore generale bianconero, ribadisce un concetto gia' espresso altre volte: nessuna crisi tra Del Piero e Capello, nessuna intenzione di cedere un giocatore-bandiera. "E' normale - sottolinea ancora Moggi - che Del Piero interessi i club piu' importanti del mondo. E' vero, non sta attraversando un momento brillante, noi pero' abbiamo la forza di aspettarlo". (Corriere dello Sport)


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Eaglesnake_1 ] ++
Juve, Moggi blinda Del Piero: "Da qui non si muove"

"Vorrei chiarire una volta per tutte che la Juventus non ha e non ha mai avuto un problema Del Piero. Se si parla tanto di lui adesso e' perche' all'esterno si ha un'immagine distorta del suo rapporto con la Juve. Non e' cosi'. Alessandro restera' con noi". Luciano Moggi, direttore generale bianconero, ribadisce un concetto gia' espresso altre volte: nessuna crisi tra Del Piero e Capello, nessuna intenzione di cedere un giocatore-bandiera. "E' normale - sottolinea ancora Moggi - che Del Piero interessi i club piu' importanti del mondo. E' vero, non sta attraversando un momento brillante, noi pero' abbiamo la forza di aspettarlo". (Corriere dello Sport)
I would like to clarify once and for all that the Juventus doesn't have and you/he/she has never had a problem Of the Peter. If he speaks so much of him now and' because' to the outside a distorted image of its relationship is had with the Juve. Not and' so'. Alexander will stay' with us". Luciano Moggi, general manager bianconero, confirms already a concept' express other times: any crisis Between the Peter and Hair, any intention to surrender a player-flag. "And' normal - it still underlines Moggi - that Of the Peter interests the more clubs' important of the world. And' true, you/he/she is not crossing a bright moment, us however' we have the strength to wait for him/it". (Messenger of the Sport)

i wonder how these translators work :D


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++

I just don't get some of these fans. All of this Capello "complaining" stems from his decision to not play Del Piero and favor Zlatan Ibrahimovic. They forget the wonders Capello has worked thus far in the season all because of one underlying priority, the well-being of Alessandro Del Piero. Its almost like Del Piero is the only thing people care about; who cares about the results just play Del Piero. Then when we do not win a game people blame Capello for not playing Del Piero. I think some people should take a good look at themselves in the mirror and ask if they are a Juve fan or a DP fan.
Look, I'm bigger than just a fan, I'm like air conditioning, dawg, but Capello is unfairing Del Piero. He's a great coach but I disagree with some of his decisions and the DP issue isn't the only one. I disagree with how he has this Juve team playing and I disagree with starting two defensive midfielders. I'll admit that I'm sick of Capello's biased decisions and people trying to justify them, but that isn't the only mistake Cap is making IMO.


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
Stu, lets be fair to Capello.

As you, i really dont like the way Capello is benching Alex, but the use of two contention midfielders as been, as long as it seems, on of the reasons that keep us leaders in serie A...To begin now to use a creative center midfielder would be very dangerous and will change the scheme game to a point that we would need two or three months to adapt to it...there is not time...Don Fabio is doing his best with the players he has....

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