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Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
How low can Muslims get? Do they really want everyone to believe that the sign of an existing God is going to appear to mankind on a peace of meat? That's absolutely ludicrous. Do they also expect everyone to believe that because it says "Allah" that Islam is the right religion? Allah is just God in Arabic; Arabic speaking Christians call God, Allah.

I fry that sucker and eat it with a nice warm tandoori naan :drool:


Sep 23, 2003
i dont think you got the joke it's dona[insert shitty player that some teenage girl thinks has a future at juve last name here]

Oh, I got that alright.

I just never got why we had DonnaNocerinos and SallyInzaghis here for usernames to begin with.

so jesus turns everyone on?
Jesus was often misquoted. What he meant to say was, "You are Peter, and upon this c*ck I will build my church". [Matthew 16:18]

Most people don't realize he was pointing between his legs when he said that.
Jan 7, 2004

Oh, I got that alright.

I just never got why we had DonnaNocerinos and SallyInzaghis here for usernames to begin with.

Jesus was often misquoted. What he meant to say was, "You are Peter, and upon this cock I will build my church". [Matthew 16:18]

Most people don't realize he was pointing between his legs when he said that.

you are quite right sir, as always
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