Gym and fitness (155 Viewers)


Oct 28, 2010
Thanks for the help everyone, I'll make sure to try all the different exercises you've mentioned but I'm afraid there may be far too many lol


May 11, 2004
I am back to eating asphalt and ruining rubber. On Thursday I did my first run since 25th of August, it felt good but I am still feeling stiff feet in the morning but it didn't stop me from taking the running stroller with the big boy for a spin. Both runs were somehow short according my standards around 6 km but damn it felt great.

Today I complete my day by going to the gym in a couple of hours, some weights would do me good to finalize this weekend. I will do half an hour core exercises afterwards.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
After about a year of trying I finally reached my goal: running 3km. For the longest time I was doing it completely wrong, I was wearing myself out on too high a tempo. I also didn't push myself enough, fearing my knees couldn't handle it after the problems I had with them last year. But I feel rehabilitated now. :party:


May 11, 2004
I don't think that's a smart idea if you're trying to build muscles.
It's great for gaining strength and stability though. After I started interval training, I have achieved great results. Today I was able to do full burpees in 90 seconds just like taking a piss. I do 4 minutes tabata easily. All this strength I got from interval training.


Release clause?
May 22, 2009
I've started with Tabata. Its fuckin' murder I tell you. I liked it so much that I started doing all the exercises Tabata style. 8 sets with 10 seconds rest.

I want to lose some kg's till the summer and Tabata helped a buddy of mine lose about 20 kg.


May 11, 2004
Yes, with interval training you would lose weight and gain strength. If that's what you are aiming for then go for it. And as Dusan said, you won't gain muscle with that.


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
not been in the gym for nearly 3 weeks now due to being ill,bah

gonna have to get stuck back into it next week once i am 100%


Killed By Death
May 23, 2010
Uni's making me too busy, only been able to manage 2/3 days per week over the last month or so, last week was only 2 days and this week too.

Funny thing is that i'm seeing more gains in terms of strenght this way and I feel better in the gym.


Killed By Death
May 23, 2010
I doubt it, i'm getting less sleep since I have 6am classes and haven't changed the time I go to bed too much.

I've been eating a bit more so I think that must be it.

Also my gym sessions have become more intense lately.


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2008
Any thoughts about interval training in the gym? Not cardio but with weight lifting.
Yes can be very effective. I do weight circuits (if I want to lean up without losing too much muscle) usually consisting of 3 exercises each circuit and I do each circuit 3 times. A proper session would consist of about 4 circuits and takes about 45 minutes to finish. This sort of routine is often referred to as a carb depleting workout.

- Lighter weight (around 12-15 rep failure)
- Higher repetition
- no rest periods between the 3 exercises/2 minute rest period between each circuit
- Mainly include compound exercises in your routine (ones that use more than one muscle group): pull ups, squats, bench press etc.

A common routine would be:

circuit 1) bench press, squats, bicep curls

circuit 2) pull ups, lunges, tricep extensions

circuit 3) chest flys, military press, stiff legged deadlifts

circuit 4) dips, rows, lateral raises, jump squats.

Notice each circuit has at least one compound exercise and that exercises using the same muscle group are separated throughout the routine allowing them to rest. Also this routine covers most muscle groups and the most stimulating ones to exercise. I do this usually in conjunction with a lot of running when I'm trying to shed the gut.

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