Gym and fitness (14 Viewers)


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
please ....for all that is good in this world....YouTube this:lol:

nah with starting Kung-Fu and doing weights i have shed some fat and dropped 4.5 KG so far but i used to go to the gym all the time until they closed it down. the one i am joining is a state of the art gym and do a lot of classes,want to get back into doing bodypump and start combat,get the weight shredded

Buy on


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2007
Now that the fasting season is over, I look horrible after losing so much weight. I am guessing-7 KGs..
Even my 32" jeans are lose now.

Got to start all over again..


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2008
Taking a different approach to my workouts lately. Because I seem to gain muscle way too easily these days and end up looking like a meatball, I'm doing 12 - 20 rep sets and doing three exercises for each muscle group as opposed to four and subsequently adding another set exercises into the mix to finish because I have more time.

Toning using weights isn't necessarily a myth, its just highly misinterpreted. You can't tone one part of your body ever but by increasing your rep range and shortening your rest periods your heart rate is going up significantly for a long period of time and in conjunction with a short, intense cardio workout you will be losing fat a lot quicker than if you were only doing cardio or only doing weight training. The best part of it is that weight training also significantly increases the speed of your metabolism for days after the workout and you're essentially burning calories during the entire recovery process.

I highly recommend this method of training for anyone who wants to be properly ripped.


Senior Member
May 20, 2009
Taking a different approach to my workouts lately. Because I seem to gain muscle way too easily these days and end up looking like a meatball
I'm lost, you are putting on too much muscle easily but look like a meatball? So you're fat? What's your diet like if you don't mind me asking ( before and now with your new workout schedule)?


May 27, 2007
I need chest, triceps and stomach exercises.
Chest - Bench press and incline bench. Compound movements are both, so watch your elbows and have them a bit narrow so you're gonna hit your chest, shoulders and triceps at the same time. Those two exercises are amazing. As for the third one you can do flies as you don't want mass, so you're just gonna destroy the last fiber and have some definition out of it.
As for triceps I'd recommend doing close grip bench. Do it after those exercises above, it's gonna be hard cause your triceps is already tired of bench press. If you want another one I'd say skull crushers as they are great. But if you're planning to do this for a long term I'd go with close grip bench first and then change the routine after a couple of months with skull crushers.

As for abs I do leg raises and different crunches (on the floor and decline bench). You can add a plate behind your head (4-6kg) to make it more tough but watch out for injuries. Doing it with weights will make your abs pop up. But you don't have to do abs really if you don't have a flat stomach, kinda useless. But I assume you do have it.


May 11, 2004
its not just about popping abs dusko :p core is very essential and even necessary, and jack what are you goals?
Staying fit as I cannot run. Also I want to lose as much fat as possible so that when I put my running shoes back it would not feel like a long stop from running. As for core, I do one or two strict core sessions per week and I don't care about abs.


May 11, 2004
And Dooz, I don't have a flat stomach, not anymore anyway as I decreased my running drastically lately and I've been enjoying ales, sweets and cheeses a lot.

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