Gym and fitness (89 Viewers)

Il Re

-- 10 --
Jan 13, 2005
i've taken a fat burner called thermobol by maximuscle, meh, it was ok, got decent results but i also had a good diet and was training hard, i don't really think they're really needed and if ur on a budget you can do without


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2007
Hey its good to see a fat loss supplement that works without some pretty hectic side effects. I may get this. Do you take it in conjunction with everything else? Doing the same amount of cardio as you were prior to taking it?
Some fat loss supplements have some seriously wack side effects. 'Fat blaster' for example doesn't allow your body to absorb oils and fats and as a result.. well you better start buying nappies because it won't be pretty (i don't know this from personal experience but I know people who took it, a girl who took it... :shifty: ). And another one I took got my heart rate up way to much and I couldn't sleep well at all.
When I cut down, I really cut down, so for about 2 weeks I won't eat much at all and what I will eat has little to no calories (boost juices mostly), I'll also tend to do a lot of exercise (I live close to a school, so I'll go there and do laps of full out sprinting followed by jogging, but continuous without any stops). With LP ALDS you take it first thing in the morning and then 30 mins before cardio.. The cutting phase TBH isn't too healty so I do it in only on the holidays so it doesn't affect my work life and I only ever do it for no more than 3 weeks. Ofcourse there are side affects such as lack of energy, tiredness or tenderness but after 2 weeks of hardout cutting, your body will be looking great and you can get back to eating those roast chicken subs all day long.

As for fat loss supplments, I have found some work better than others but ofcourse with cardio and a calorie restrictive diet I would lose weight in any case so it's hard to tell, but you can definetly tell the good supplements from the bad ones by how quickly you loose that fat

I've haven't had too many wacky side affects, a few made me pass gas a bit more than usual (many supplments do that) but nothing too out there thankfully, the side affects other than tiredness and lack of energy, are quite minimal


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2007
The cheapest and most effective fat loss supplement is the Ephedrine, caffeine stack at least here in the states.
It's not illegal here in oz and you'll find it in almost all supplement stores, however, more and more stores are promoting non-caffiene or anti-ephedrine products, in fact Lipo Fusion ALDS is marketed as the "alternative" and IMO it's been the most effective of all


and the Cockroaches
Dec 27, 2005
Damn, I haven't been training for around 7-10 days, I had exams and than holidays came etc. Today I want to start again, but the problem is the pain I feel in my right shoulder, it feels like I'm stabbed in my lateral shoulder and it feels ankward. I really don't know why is this happening, I wasn't doing anything unordinary.

I'm unsure wheather I should try to train or not, probably I will try and see what will happen.


Junior Member
Dec 26, 2005
Damn, I haven't been training for around 7-10 days, I had exams and than holidays came etc. Today I want to start again, but the problem is the pain I feel in my right shoulder, it feels like I'm stabbed in my lateral shoulder and it feels ankward. I really don't know why is this happening, I wasn't doing anything unordinary.

I'm unsure wheather I should try to train or not, probably I will try and see what will happen.
I had some shoulder pain that was bothering me for around 4 months I could not do any type of benching be it dumbells or barbell, I started taking fish oil daily about 6000mg and it really helped my shoulder to the point where i have almost no pain left. I would try taking some, it is cheap and worth a try.


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2008
Damn, I haven't been training for around 7-10 days, I had exams and than holidays came etc. Today I want to start again, but the problem is the pain I feel in my right shoulder, it feels like I'm stabbed in my lateral shoulder and it feels ankward. I really don't know why is this happening, I wasn't doing anything unordinary.

I'm unsure wheather I should try to train or not, probably I will try and see what will happen.
I am the master of shoulder injuries. Pretty much, your shoulder hurts just in general movements then definitely do not do any weight training that will hurt your shoulder. Especially if its your frontal delt you shouldn't do bench press or military press.
You might just be stiff though after not working out for a period of time. It happens to me and that you can just simply work through but you better be sure its not an injury. Are you warming up before you do your sets?


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2008
Well, i can feel that its not quite right but it doesn't hurt. I probably should still be resting it but I don't have the will power not to exercise :p. I'm still very paranoid about anything over my head that it will come out again.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
  • V


Start doing that stretch I told you. About 3 times a day, not just before workouts, for 10-15 reps, really makes the rotator cuff more flexible. And the rotator cuff is the root of all shoulder problems.

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