Gym and fitness (79 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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No worries dude i'm glad to help anyone who wants to get into it and build up :tup:
Well of course you can mix it up. Most people do start with their flat bench because its the strongest part.
Yeah in regards to your number of reps you really should be starting to struggle at 8. And if you can get a spotter they can help you out with the rest. You probably know already but i didn't mention 60 seconds of rest between sets and try to get to your next exercise as soon as possible. Keep it up.
Would you say failure should be at about 8-10 reps on all excercises or only for the body parts you want to bulk up? On a lot of excercises I go for 15 reps, then steadily decrese(again coach at the gym).

Buy on

Il Re

-- 10 --
Jan 13, 2005
Hitting the gym for 2.5 months now. It's one of the better in town so shoot.
basically what the guys have said is really good stuff, so i wont go in to detail, i find one of the ebst exercises for me is the cable crossover, it really gets my chest pumped, however it must be done with correct form, try watching videos on youtube, while i find presses give me some good mass, the fly/crossover type moves really get me the definition and 'shape' giving a full look

i used to neglect decline because people would tell me you only need to do flat and incline, however i have been doing decline for 2 months now week in week out and have noticed good results, my chest is looking much fuller, so see if that works for you


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2008
Would you say failure should be at about 8-10 reps on all excercises or only for the body parts you want to bulk up? On a lot of excercises I go for 15 reps, then steadily decrese(again coach at the gym).
Yep.. everything except for finishing exercises (cross overs, dips, push ups) which i prefer to do for 15 reps.
I really do rate push ups highly as a finisher too because you're so exhausted they become quite hard. Start from close hand push ups (diamond push ups) and as you begin to fail put your hands wider. You'll take up to 6 days to recover after that super set i typed for you. Its really fantastic for growth.

Il Re

-- 10 --
Jan 13, 2005
Would you say failure should be at about 8-10 reps on all excercises or only for the body parts you want to bulk up? On a lot of excercises I go for 15 reps, then steadily decrese(again coach at the gym).
yea generally 8, however sometimes you can use different rep ranges for different things, i've done sessions for bench press where i just do 3 reps on a very heavy weight, this wont build muscle, however, i find that the next week when i go back to doing an 8 rep range, i can lift a heavier weight (i.e. helps go through plateau's) also doing half motions can help with that too


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2008
yea generally 8, however sometimes you can use different rep ranges for different things, i've done sessions for bench press where i just do 3 reps on a very heavy weight, this wont build muscle, however, i find that the next week when i go back to doing an 8 rep range, i can lift a heavier weight (i.e. helps go through plateau's) also doing half motions can help with that too
That's an interesting plateau buster Il Re. I've been in the gym for a long time but i still haven't found effective ways to get through plateaus. One guy mentioned to me a 'no rest' work out. Its a bit hit and miss when experimenting on getting through plateaus, no one really has a real answer to it.

Il Re

-- 10 --
Jan 13, 2005
That's an interesting plateau buster Il Re. I've been in the gym for a long time but i still haven't found effective ways to get through plateaus. One guy mentioned to me a 'no rest' work out. Its a bit hit and miss when experimenting on getting through plateaus, no one really has a real answer to it.
yea, i had a period where my bench press would not move for 2 months, i was getting so frustrated, same weight, same amount of reps, if i put the weight up, i would just do very badly, so a freind of mine told me to do that type of training, low reps, and it hlped a lot, there are of course other methods, with the 8 rep range you require decent stregnth and decent stamina, so sometimes goign all out and improving strength one week and stamina the other, can help you to overall improve

Il Re

-- 10 --
Jan 13, 2005
i like to do these 'crocodile pushups' at the end of a chest session, although i do it with one leg on the floor and a forward movement alternating between which arm is in front



Senior Member
Dec 18, 2005
Rite, experts, question here.

What to do if I wanna make my chest bigger? Compaired to my arms, I'm not satisfied with my chest size. Less reps, more weight, right? Any solid advice here, which excercises, sets, reps?
Don't forget to have a proper diet as well. All the exercises mentioned so far are great, but you wont put on much mass if your diet is shit (what, when and how much you eat)


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Don't forget to have a proper diet as well. All the exercises mentioned so far are great, but you wont put on much mass if your diet is shit (what, when and how much you eat)
I'm aware if the importance diet has in this but from the get-go I told myself, I'm not gonna give up regular food in order to have a six-pack. Being lean as shit means nothing to me if I have to eat no-fat cheese, rice and tuna all day, every day.

My diet is not perfect, but I eat everything including lots of vegetable and fruit. While eating junk food is on minimum, I still get a burger, pizza or kebab once, twice a month. Couldn't live without it. ;)

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
The one thing I've discovered when it comes to diets and weight training is that there are a billion ways to do it but you have to find what works for you. This is most likely not a news flash to you guys but it took me quiet some time to finally realize.

I do my own thing now and it's working well for me so far, I just need to keep at it but I'm planning on switching things up in a couple of weeks so my body doesn't adapt to the same routine.


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
i am doing bodypump 2-3 times a week and loving it and starting to get into the gym twice a week to do cardio but am still gaining weight, though i do finally ahve shoulders

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
Question: Lifting lighter weight with more repetition gets you tone vs lifting heavy weights with moderate/less repetition gets you bulky - I've heard some conflicting theories on this. Anyone know what the deal with this is?


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
lighter weights with less repetition will tone muscle but if you have very little muscle to start with then it is a good way to strengthen and get a good base. that is why i like bodypump, it is high intensity with smaller weights till absolute exhaution.
i feel much stronger and am getting decent muscle tone this way

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
lighter weights with less repetition will tone muscle but if you have very little muscle to start with then it is a good way to strengthen and get a good base. that is why i like bodypump, it is high intensity with smaller weights till absolute exhaution.
i feel much stronger and am getting decent muscle tone this way
Huh? What does a set consist of when you do that?


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
better asking the experts here man, i am doing ok byut some of the otehr guys here aremuch betetr informed

though i was trying "pyramid" training for a while,which is good.

start off with a pretty light weight and do 15 reps
make it a bit heavier and do 12
heavier then 10
heavier then 8
and finally heavier then just 6 (you should be struggling by then)

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
better asking the experts here man, i am doing ok byut some of the otehr guys here aremuch betetr informed

though i was trying "pyramid" training for a while,which is good.

start off with a pretty light weight and do 15 reps
make it a bit heavier and do 12
heavier then 10
heavier then 8
and finally heavier then just 6 (you should be struggling by then)
Oh yeah, that shit burns like a mother :tup:


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
for me, the problem has always been my shoulder(or lack of them) i have found with bodypump that there is so much variation and techniques that if i push myself everytime i go then the benefits are great

though the arnold press is fucking murder,especially when you get to the top and reverse it


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2007
For those of you who are interested (mainly Nenna and Il Re) I thought I'd give my thoughts on this supplment to facilitate in fat loss during the cutting phase.. It's called Lipo Fusion ALDS, I won't go into it too much because you can search it yourself on the net but I'll just say that so far it has been hugely affective for me (which is rare considering most fat loss supplments have very mixed affects), but in fact, this is probably the best "cutting" supplement I have ever used so if your ever looking for a fat loss supplment, try Lipo Fusion ALDS


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2008
For those of you who are interested (mainly Nenna and Il Re) I thought I'd give my thoughts on this supplment to facilitate in fat loss during the cutting phase.. It's called Lipo Fusion ALDS, I won't go into it too much because you can search it yourself on the net but I'll just say that so far it has been hugely affective for me (which is rare considering most fat loss supplments have very mixed affects), but in fact, this is probably the best "cutting" supplement I have ever used so if your ever looking for a fat loss supplment, try Lipo Fusion ALDS
Hey its good to see a fat loss supplement that works without some pretty hectic side effects. I may get this. Do you take it in conjunction with everything else? Doing the same amount of cardio as you were prior to taking it?
Some fat loss supplements have some seriously wack side effects. 'Fat blaster' for example doesn't allow your body to absorb oils and fats and as a result.. well you better start buying nappies because it won't be pretty (i don't know this from personal experience but I know people who took it, a girl who took it... :shifty: ). And another one I took got my heart rate up way to much and I couldn't sleep well at all.

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