Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!] (49 Viewers)

X Æ A-12

Senior Member
Sep 4, 2006
Who didnt know that stronk salsa would save irrational john by cockteasing littlefinger

Salsa in a bit of trouble now she owes that pussy to littlefinger and her demented little cousin


Mar 30, 2003
By far the best episode as far as action. No other episode/season had that. Took 6 years in the making :D
Oh i get what you mean now. Hopefully we get more of this next season because it feels now that everything has fallen into place and its time to go to war. 6 years of building was a very long time.
The battle for westros and the battle against the white walkers will surpass everything id imagine but i dont think anything will be as gritty/gruesome or as satisfying as this battle was..

X Æ A-12

Senior Member
Sep 4, 2006
overall a good episode, even if some the battle decisions were pretty dumb. If Ramsay Bolton owns the supposedly unassailable castle it was moronic that he doesn't just hold that and slowly flay Theon on the walls.

But then again said castle was opened in about ten seconds by one its tough to imagine a battering ram couldn't have done the same. There's supposed to be tons of secret tunnels leading into Winterfell, which Jon and Sansa should have intimate knowledge of but not the boltons, so I don't know why writers wouldn't just use that as their way in. Much more plausable imo

and there really should've been final sword fight between Jon and Ramsay. Once Ramsay is defeated then Sansa can feed him to his own dogs. Glad Tormund survived though, totally thought he was going to die tonight.

I would complain about the dragons just breaking out of the bottom of giant fucking pyramid because last we saw they were so naughty they had to be locked up but Danerys telepathically summons them now but that was the least annoying thing about that storyline
Mar 9, 2006
overall a good episode, even if some the battle decisions were pretty dumb. If Ramsay Bolton owns the supposedly unassailable castle it was moronic that he doesn't just hold that and slowly flay Theon on the walls.

But then again said castle was opened in about ten seconds by one its tough to imagine a battering ram couldn't have done the same. There's supposed to be tons of secret tunnels leading into Winterfell, which Jon and Sansa should have intimate knowledge of but not the boltons, so I don't know why writers wouldn't just use that as their way in. Much more plausable imo

and there really should've been final sword fight between Jon and Ramsay. Once Ramsay is defeated then Sansa can feed him to his own dogs. Glad Tormund survived though, totally thought he was going to die tonight.

I would complain about the dragons just breaking out of the bottom of giant fucking pyramid because last we saw they were so naughty they had to be locked up but Danerys telepathically summons them now but that was the least annoying thing about that storyline

2) Ramsay is not a fighter and never was. he is a backstabber and tactician, John would eat him alive in 1x1 battle
3) Why u didn't ask why Rickon run straight instead of moving from side to side?

X Æ A-12

Senior Member
Sep 4, 2006
Juventino[RUS];5288160 said:

2) Ramsay is not a fighter and never was. he is a backstabber and tactician, John would eat him alive in 1x1 battle
3) Why u didn't ask why Rickon run straight instead of moving from side to side?
1) I don't understand what your point is with the picture?

2) well obviously that's why he didn't fight him before the battle...but there should've been swordfight at the end when Ramsay was surrounded and had no other option. The bow shit was just a weak way to let Sansa kill him which she totally still could've done after Jon beat him. Ramsay is no scrub either we've seen his abilities during the failed attempt to rescue Theon.

3) I thought about that during the show but Rickon is such a non factor I couldn't care less if he lived or died. Sure, he's the rightful heir to the north and actually extremely important to the Stark cause but common, we all know he was fodder that had to be eliminated to make way for stronk womyn Sansa to take charge.


★ ★ ★
Aug 8, 2006
The show is positioning all the major houses to be led by women

Starks - Sansa
Targarayen - Dany
Baratheon - Margorie
Lannister - Cersei
Mormont - That little girl
Greyjoy - Yara

X Æ A-12

Senior Member
Sep 4, 2006
The show is positioning all the major houses to be led by women

Starks - Sansa
Targarayen - Dany
Baratheon - Margorie
Lannister - Cersei
Mormont - That little girl
Greyjoy - Yara
The only important male character left who isn't taking his orders from a woman is Littlefinger.


Apr 14, 2005
The show is positioning all the major houses to be led by women

Starks - Sansa
Targarayen - Dany
Baratheon - Margorie
Lannister - Cersei
Mormont - That little girl
Greyjoy - Yara
Some gay ass shit, arya is the only girl/woman who actually deserves to be praised for all the shit she's been through, the rest are afternoon tea tough

- - - Updated - - -

The only important male character left who isn't taking his orders from a woman is Littlefinger.
I doubt jon will stick around sansa, who turned straight up cunt real fast

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