Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!] (48 Viewers)

Jul 10, 2006
Arya is my fav of the females, plus I gotten influenced abit from all my siblings who read the books and all talk about how awesome Arya is.

And Daenerys story is interesting not particularly because of hoer uptight queen B self, but because of how uminous royal dragon past and story, but primarly because of the people she is Khaleesi of (and where they are going, new places/cultures, looking forward to the city they just entered). Alot of peeps I know who watch the series said the series got less interesting for them when Ned Stark died, and even he was decent character, I found it more unfortunate to lose Khal Drago. I had no idea at the time Daenerys would be the whole focus point of that storyline, was looking forward to Khal Drago and his people going all Mongolians on ze others.
I liked Sean Bean and Eddard Stark, but he was beginning to annoy me and I was actually pleased when he was beheaded.

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Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
It was suprising to me he was killed off because the actor being Sean Bean (even though there is no one who died more in movies then him lol), like him and also like many I saw him as the front runner who the represented the viewers point of view in the series til that point.

But yeah Eddard Stark as a character was getting incredibly annoying in how naive and gullible he was. Remember one episode last season we watched when we had guests over, like 13 of us watching, and pretty much all, even those who dont know wtf the series is about, reacted to what a doofus he is when talking with Cersei :D


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Ned was awesome, had all the qualities of a good familiy man and a leader. Sure it was a little bit annoying at times, because all those qualities got him beheaded in the end, but if he weren't so...we wouldn't have a show to watch or book to read. Ned could have wrapped up the whole story by the end of first book if he wasn't who he was.

Osman, about Daenerys and those new cultures she's exploring...that's precisely why she gets boring as fuck, IMO. But we'll get back to that when you read the fifth book or watch the last season. ;)


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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What i meant was, if Ned wasn't who he was;

He would have told Robert about cersei and Jamie. Cersei would have been raped in the streets, Jamie beheaded, joff and the other kids killed. His compassion saved them.

He would have also supported Robert to assassinate Daenerys, but really assassinate her because they would have hired the faceless men to do it. And they don't fail.

But his honor and compassion saved them all and got both him and Robert killed.
May 22, 2007
Renly's death was enough of an event (wasn't expecting anything so close to the beginning of the episode so quite surprising).

Arya's story continues to be very good though, with that shady figure.

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