[EU] Champions League 06/07 (4 Viewers)


Softcore Juventino
Jul 14, 2006
I wouldnt mind playing Inter everytime in CL final, because you would have broken Milan's record by eating their neighbour alive.

But in anycase, I thought the final was a bore (though it didn't lack quality), and from neutral's perspective Juve - Real would have made the better final.

Of course English is biased and so is Italian. But my loyalty is pledged to Serie A, a league which Juve competes in. What is the joy of being the king of a league, which others will look down upon. I prided in Juve playing in Serie A in 90s, because even though we werent winning at the time, the league was so sick, we would blow away any opposition in Spain or England. I mean freaking Torino was beating Real in those days. And lastly nobody is as good as English when it comes down convincing others that they stand for good. I like British when I stayed there. But they can be extremely pretensious, when you come to last bone, they are just as selfish as others.
I completely agree with your post and Serie A is my favourite league as well, always was and always will be. But at the same time rival teams from the Italy are my most hated teams as well. So, it just hurts me to see they succeed where Juventus can´t. What really disgusts me is that people accuse EPL fans of being untolerably biased and arrogant while at the same time they are probably...............worse then them. :sigh:


Ѕenior Аdmin
Apr 2, 2007
They represent the league that WE play in, and I will always support the Italian teams in such circumstances (except Inter- they arent Italian :p )
No they don't represent the league we play in. We play in serie B.
They represent the league and association that took away our pride, our scudetti and our deserved right to play in Europe.

We were punished to be out of champions league for 2 years , Fiorentina won't play in champions league for 2 years even though they will finish top four twice in a row. Lazio was punished to be out of Europe.
But there were double standards for Milan. I hate injustice and that is why i will never hope Milan will win it.

so FUCK YOU milan


Softcore Juventino
Jul 14, 2006
Peckface and Tesoro - You 2 accuse me of being shallow while that is exactly what you are. You didn´t even understand my point. I won´t bother anymore trying to explain to you. :)

Why do you bother Patte his right you wrong italian football sucks his juve's no.1 fan :blah:
No, you are right. English football sucks and all other football styles are ridicolous. Italian rules and always was the best. :)


Softcore Juventino
Jul 14, 2006
No they don't represent the league we play in. We play in serie B.
They represent the league and association that took away our pride, our scudetti and our deserved right to play in Europe.

We were punished to be out of champions league for 2 years , Fiorentina won't play in champions league for 2 years even though they will finish top four twice in a row. Lazio was punished to be out of Europe.
But there were double standards for Milan. I hate injustice and that is why i will never hope Milan will win it.

so FUCK YOU milan
Mate, don´t bother. Join the gloryhunters group and let the emotions take you.

Let me hear loudly: FORZA MILAN! :weee:


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
I completely agree with your post and Serie A is my favourite league as well, always was and always will be. But at the same time rival teams from the Italy are my most hated teams as well. So, it just hurts me to see they succeed where Juventus can´t. What really disgusts me is that people accuse EPL fans of being untolerably biased and arrogant while at the same time they are probably...............worse then them. :sigh:
I see your points. Well I was quite snobberish about EPL until I went to England last winter, and I was highly impressed by the fans, and the general way they promote their league. I must say, I am less anti-EPL than I used to be, and how I changed my opinion of Ronaldo is beyond anyone's belief. I still hate why likes of Rio Ferdinand, Frank Lampard, et al gets recognition way beyond their ability, but still I found that even in EPL they are players such as Aaron Lennon who despite so much talent and youth can go relatively unnoticed.

But when all said and done, I want Serie A teams to do well, so Juve can have the pleasure of beating them again. My approach is support the players. I don't have Milan but at the same time I really couldn't care less about them except in CL. So I decided that I shall support Kaka, Maldini, Cafu, Pirlo, Rino instead of the team. Though I must admit I was thrilled to Inzaghi miss from 5 yard, again.


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2007
I root for Juventus first. Than Italian teams. Than anyone else. The Serie A took a hiatus this year, but it will be the #1 league again next year. With only 1 legitamate Serie A team in the CL it is great to see them reach the finals. It is also good to see how far they came from in the CL. Kaka is the best player in the world and Gattuso is a monster. Pirlo played excellent defensively (yet everyone still thinks he is offense minded) and Seedorf Ambrosini played good as well. I just love to see this type of game from Milan after they blew a perfectly good 2-0 lead in England. I will always root for the Italian teams over any "sexy" EPL queer team. Forza Italia. I hope Milan get their revenge in the final.


Junior Member
Sep 3, 2006
i share the same thought with m.a.r.k

maybe few years ago i would root for milan to win the CL if they are in final

but now,not anymore
cos when they winning the trophy,it will just gave another reason for the milan fan to insult us
claiming they are conquering europe,while juve just a homeground champion in italy
n that is the only thing they can brag with us n we cant really fight back
cos our records in CL arent as great as theirs

so can u imagine,if they won their 7th CL
we have to win another 5 CL title to match their achievement
n if we are lucky n capable to built a strong team
it will takes about 10-15 years at least for us to win another 5 CL trophy
if we are unlucky,it will takes 20-30 years
its a far n long journey

n the other thing is,do u guys think milan fans will appreciate our support ?
obviously no !!!
they would just assume that we wanna share some of their glory n glamour

anyway i do congratulate my milan frens when they reach final yesterday
i congratulate them as a fren
but i dont go on supporting them with words such as 'forza milan' or 'go rossoneri'

i think about Juve first n foremost :)

anyway this is just my personal opinion
u guys can support n cheer for milan if u think its good n right for u

-peace- ;)


May 11, 2004
When the Uefa cup was in its glory days and when it was actually worth something to win it, that wasn't the case at all.These days its not worth it winning the Uefa cup,ffs livorno and parma placed their youth squads.
And even with Parma's youth they managed to pass the group stage.

you can say what you feel but you can't start labeling people as barca fans or milan fans just because they wanted Milan to win it. Thats nonsense imo.

We just want the league to regain its past glory, and Milan beating Manchester and winning the thing would help do that imo

Also i follow the Melbourne Victory in here and i go to their games, same goes for my local club back in bahrain. Does that make me less of a Juventino? imo it will never make a difference.
And if I showed disgust in someone feeling happy for Milan winning, am I labelling something a Milan fan? I only labelled Rico (Alexander) based on his posts on a Milan forum.

I thought the Barca thing was over long ago.


May 11, 2004
I believe looking at statistics is worthwhile only when you are making an in-depth analasys of something, that's what they are for. They certainly can't prove someone is better or worse in something. That's my point and hence my surprise when I stumbled upon your post here saying stats and numbers don't mean anything and just yesterday in the F1 thread you expressed a completelly different point of view. I ain't pulling anything and Milan have nothing to do with it, it's just that I felt those were some pretty evident double standards.

As for Milan I as well can't understand how a Juve fan can be happy for their success. Italy already has a high rating in UEFA, not like they need points or anything, their winning the CL will mean nothing to us in the near future except a good old slap in the face of us fans.
Statistics differ between football and Formula 1. The nature of the sports is different thus the statistics reflect different things. But I wil not go further in this, it is getting tedious.

And cheers for being one of the sane ones who didn\t feel happy about Milans success.


Softcore Juventino
Jul 14, 2006
I root for Juventus first. Than Italian teams. Than anyone else. The Serie A took a hiatus this year, but it will be the #1 league again next year. With only 1 legitamate Serie A team in the CL it is great to see them reach the finals. It is also good to see how far they came from in the CL. Kaka is the best player in the world and Gattuso is a monster. Pirlo played excellent defensively (yet everyone still thinks he is offense minded) and Seedorf Ambrosini played good as well. I just love to see this type of game from Milan after they blew a perfectly good 2-0 lead in England. I will always root for the Italian teams over any "sexy" EPL queer team. Forza Italia. I hope Milan get their revenge in the final.

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