Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (10 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Police killed 21 demonstrators all over Egypt in the last 48 hours. The most important demonstrations have been taking place at Al-Matareyya neighborhood in Cairo. People finally started to feel the current regime is not different than Mubarak's regime.
yup, indeed however you some how forget to mention the following:

1- there where police soldiers who got shot and by the way killed
2- the fact there were 9 bombs in one single day, three of which were in a very busy mall in cairo (city stars)
3- the peaceful angels called muslim brotherhood are not calling for peaceful protests but are actually encouraging using voilence and where as the media in egypt goes over the top placing all blame on them they didn't help their case by such public calls on their channel broadcasting from turkey (surprise surprise ) exhibit A:
An MB channel is actually calling for the murder of specific people on air ( sadly its in arabic, but thats the jest of the video, luckily rebel you will understand this)

exhibit B:
Pro-MB loony journo Saber Mashour: How can the Eg. people take over army bases & take weapons

exhibit C
here the presenter is publicly threatening police officers and their spouses that they might be alive to today but tomorrow they will be killed!

off course i in no way think the regime is innocent either in fact, i think this current regime, like the morsy regime, and like the military council and Mubarak before all of them did not realize that using the security apparatus to resolve any conflict will only make the reaction worse. the fact a woman who was unarmed was shot dead with coldness by the police just proves that the ministry of interior is in urgent need of reform!! a reform the youth have been begging for ever since the uprising started in jan of 2011!! off course these pleas that make the core of the revolution have fallen on deaf ears ever since. the military council reverted to violently oppressing demonstrators and that resulted in their own demise, the muslim brotherhood took it a little bit further because they not only used the police to crush any opposition to there rule, they used muslim brotherhood gang/members to give the police a hand in crushing protestors who were labelled as infidels considering they are opposing the rule of islam or what not ( off course this myth was debunked ages ago so there is no point of me going through that as its a given fact) now with sisi the same pattern returns. however what must be known to people is the simple fact the MB use every single opportunity they have to remind the regime they are here. they also use this to try and get the regime to sit and negotiate some sort of comprise that will allow them to return back to the political sphere. i think sooner or later this will happen because the regime is fully aware that the muslim brotherhood have lost a lot of creditability in the egyptain political street, the youth have always distanced them selves from the muslim brotherhood who if any thing have negatively affected the chances of the youth demanding for their demands i,e the revolutions demands of freedom, justice, and social equality.

in my opinion as long as the current regime does not address the demands of the youth ( the demands are the only thing that will guarantee this country literally gets on its feet and moves forward) take the situation in Sinai for example, the fact there are terrorists running free terrorizing every one in there way is proof that carelessness and reverting to security options only makes things more explosive.

the fact every single member of the Mubarak regime is impending release only proves their is a lack of confidence in justice in Egypt, and it comes as no surprise because when you have an unreformed ministry of interior responsible for handling investigating the crimes committed by this regime, then it comes as no surprise the out come will be exemption and release.

finally the youth also take part of the blame, continuous conflict with in the ranks of the revolutionary have always been the reason why they never managed to galvanize the people around them after the end of the 18 days of revolt against mubarak's regime, it also made it much much easier for the Muslim brotherhood to jump and hi-jack this revolution for their own benefit. the fact the youth have not come up with an alternative made it easier for morsy, and eventually sisi to take over. the youth are not going around promoting their ideals in the grass root level!! a thing the Muslim brotherhood did ever so effectively. also the heads or the people who the youth looked up too have ever since abandoned the cause, baradie who i consider to be the real mastermind to the revolution simply packed and returned back to Austria proving that he might have the brains but has no political vision or thick skin to handle the responsibility of showing up when it really matters. the fact people have paid a hefty price for the stagnation in egypts economy due to the revolution and the fiasco that accompanied it made the road much easier and shorter for elements of the Mubarak regime to make their way back. people are fed up because they were promised change and never got it, in fact life has gotten only worse ever since the revolution ( the youth are not directly responsible for this, lets not forget the disastrous year under the mB, plus the egyptain media blowing things out of proportion have only fed the fire of hate towards the revolution and its goals). the result is we are back to where we started only we have violence in Sinai, and an imminent danger in Egypt western borders with libya.

note: i thought the US was evil etc turns out not so much considering the MB had a delegation have talks with the state department. needless to say the mb says one thing to its supporters and does the opposite....

Eric Trager @EricTrager18 · 16h 16 hours ago

Maha Azzam confirms that "anti-coup" delegation, which includes 2 top MBs, had "fruitful" conversations at State Dept. #Egypt
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Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
This comes ahead of an economic summit planned to take place in sharem el shiek in a couple of months. The current regime was putting hopes on this to freshen up the stagnant economy.

Personally I think this attack if anything shows utter failure with regards to how the armed forces are handling this situation. The army spokes person is not giving any logical explanations as to why the army can't at least ensure the readiness of the army to combat such acts of cowardice. Blaming today's attack on the successful progress the army has accomplished against the terror hotbeds is not rationale explanation. If anything these continuous attacks have shown that the army positioned in northern Sinai is not ready and is always attacked by surprise!


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
I'll leave this jewel here for any one who still has a grain of doubt that the Muslim brotherhood is not a terrorist group or a group that believes in any form of peacefulness. sadly this is in Arabic however stay tuned for a subtitled version. the most hilarious part is how they now speak on behalf of the revolution in a very cheap attempt to get sympathy from the youth, unfortunately the youth are not supporting this non sense, i find it funny because the Muslim brotherhood was the first side to ditch the revolution and it didn't take long, and when they were in power they just turned their backs on the revolution now when all is gone and lost they are using this lame and pathetic attempt.

basically this is a channel owned and funded by the mb broadcasting from turkey. the presenter is reading out what he calls the 7th release( in reference to decisions taken) he states the following:

1- they give all foreign nationals, and Arabs (i,e non Egyptians) a deadline to leave the country, by the 11th of February 2015. after this date they will targeted by violent activities.

2- all foreign investments and companies are given a deadline till the 20th of February to cancel all their contracts with their egyptain partners or else all their projects will be targeted.

3- all diplomatic delegations are given till the 28 of February to leave the country

4- all tourists willing to come to Egypt need to cancel all their reservations, as they are not welcome to Egypt at the moment

5- all nations supporting the coup, whether political or economical have to stop these acts of support with in a month, or else they will be targetted across the middle east.

there will be no exceptions blah blah or since they r sheep ma ma ma

any ways this is just one of several attempts to scare people, ironically it back fired instead they did a great job making it ever so clear that they r a bunch of terrorists. its also good that the revolutionary parties have distanced them selves from this craziness. just when i thought they couldn't be any dumber they always find a way to prove me wrong.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Here we are three days after the bombings and when I thought hmm may be this regime can't be any dumber than the Mb who went full retard with issuing the above threats for violence on their channels. Turns out this regime is still insisting on being on par with the MB.

I mention the three day mark, because to this moment the Egyptian public is left to speculation as to the real number of soldiers who passed away as a result of the attacks. Some sources state 20, where as other sources state 40's and the militants who carried out the strikes put them around the 100 mark. The bbc chooses to go with the average and has them at 30 soldiers and civilians to have lost their lives.

things have not changed, and the security mentality is pretty much intact!! I would've expected Sisi considering he is the head of the state to come out to the people and give them the facts with full transparency. I think the people deserve to know the number of people who died, I think Egyptians owe to know who is behind such attacks and with whose aid was this strike accomplished, I think they owe us to tell us why such a strike took place (and without reverting to dumb comments like this strike was in response to the successful campaign the armed forces has carried out for the past year and a half) and more importantly what and how will the government do to prevent such attacks. note: the soldiers killed where as usual attacked by surprise a concept I feel the armed forces can't get thru to its mind, that the enemy will not come face to face that this is not a traditional war between two sets of armies but it's more like a hit and run enemy.

sadly however instead of getting answers to the above questions, we had Sisi come out and tickle the emotions of the people (many of whom see he has zero responsibility for the attack, NOTE: Egyptians have been prepared to receive such a speech after all the media has prepared their minds and the MB issuing the threats have made it easy for the regime to somehow get out of this with minor changes to the heads of the army stationed in Sinai)
what you get from his speech is the following:
1- he is willing to sacrifice his life for the country (someone please remind him its 2015 already not the 1960's!! and the people did not vote him to office so he can die for this country but for exactly the opposite that no one else dies for no reason!)
2- that this war against terrorism is going to last for a long time. (I understand this all too well, however you would imagine he would at least acknowledge that the bombing and shelling of Sinai is not the only solution or at least the fact other alternatives should go hand in hand with the all out smoking guns approach the regime has always taken to counter this cancer that has been fermenting in Sinai of all places due to decades of neglect!!)
3- that this terror is being financed and supported by certain nations. (as usual, and just like Morsy before him, and Mubarak before all of them he never names these countries or organizations!! leaving the media feed the speculation frenzy and off course the end result is a citizen sitting willing to accept any BS even if no evidence is provided as long as no one questions the suspects, god forbid you do you will be subjected to criticism by everyone around you and that includes your close family members!)

off course the media wasted no time (NOTE: you would imagine there is a difference between state owned and private owned media! well not in my beloved Egypt they both dance to the same tune :) ) in rolling in the prefabricated suspect line plus the eternal conspiracy that accompanies. without fail Hamas makes its millionth appearance, the Mb off course gets an honorable mention (makes you wonder why they even bothered to mention them considering the MB have made an awesome job getting themselves in the shit storm) Turkey, Qatar (funding, and hosting of mb members on its land which is true, will get to this point in particular later on)

now as an Egyptian citizen I'm more than willing to accept the above suspects provided the government comes out with evidence to prove that indeed these guys have anything to do with the attacks carried out by daesh who are now fighting under the flag of ISIS Sinai branch. Hamas (an off shooter branch of the MB) is accused of providing training and arms to these militants, very well where is the intelligence material that supports such a claim? I ask this well because Egypt has always claimed the weapons and fighters sneak into Egypt via the god damned tunnels that breach into the Sinai desert that borders Gaza and Egyptian rafah (note: rafah is almost removed from existence in order to form a buffer zone between the Egyptian border and Gaza in an attempt to avoid such transfer) ironically the army a while ago claimed they have destroyed at least 95% of the above mentioned tunnels. I have another question, if Hamas is indeed a terrorist organization why do many of its top heads have A- Egyptian passports B why are they allowed to not only visit Cairo but are allowed to own property like residential houses? (even if some of this happened during morsy's period, why weren't they revoked after morsy pissed off??) instead Al kassam brigade got a terrorist group verdict by the Egyptian courts without any one what so ever coming out to the people and saying yes they did this and this, they supplied this and this, and here is the proof people of Egypt and so we declare war on these SOB's but instead not a single word was said and the dirty business was left for the media to finish off. you have analysts who come out and come up with scenario's worthy of Hollywood action movies!! NOTE: I can't stand hamas, but I firmly believe Egypt is the biggest state in the middle east and in all honesty creating a monster out of Hamas is just humiliating to my country and belittling people's minds!!

turkey and Qatar two countries who don't need any introductions, and as much as I despise the role they play I have a pragmatic view of their role!! the initial suspect is dying to revive the past and play a role in the region it once had under its ceiling before the inevitable collapse, and after being rejected membership in the EU the middle east remains the preferred region of influence for turkey. once again I feel my fellow Egyptian's ( I'm guilty of that too) shove emotion into the equation and think of international politics the same way they think of family members and relations and so they can't accept that all of this is not personal but it is a battle of different interests that collide!! the question should be ok turkey is looking out for its interests what is Egypt's foreign policy to counter this???

Qatar, perhaps the most hated nation in the Arab world at the moment but I have to admit they know what they want and they play their cards right. Qatar wants to play a role in the region, despite its tiny size its wrestling for influence with the big dogs in the region and they have no problems what so ever joining the devil to get that role. it's no secret Qatar has ties with Israel making it the only gulf state with such ties and without the need for any peace treaty or what not. the Qatari's are home to Aljazeera who is used by the Qatari's as you would use a pit bull on steroids (if the Egyptian media was not so unprofessional may be just may be people wouldn't have paid attention to Aljazeera food for thought). once again this is the logical result for Egypt's deteriorated foreign policy that has seen Egypt's role in the region minimized to such an extent it was only fair for the Qatari's to pounce on the opportunity so yes Egypt has its self to blame for that, and to this minute I see no change instead we are playing second fiddle to the Saudi's in the region (I bet Nasser and Sadat are rolling in their grave!!) speaking of the Saudi's I mentioned many pages back that morsy and the MB in particular were trying to drag Egypt into the Sunni vs. shiaa conflict, I now wonder which side or which role will Egypt play.

in my personal opinion if Egypt wishes to play a role and exert influence it should open communication channels with Iran. it is true Egypt's national security starts from the gulf states which in return makes a lot more sense Egypt engages with Iran and why not play a mediator role between the two opposing points of views.

I personally feel the regime is still not able to comprehend that may be just many be if we treat the locals at Sinai as first class citizens instead of the way we do at the moment and for the past 40 decades things would change and it wouldn't be the hot bed for terrorists the way it is, may be if much needed development is brought specially to the northern side of Sinai people wouldn't take the terrorists side in the conflict due to disparity. It evades my mind as to why the Egyptians don't create a task force with Hamas that regulate the openings to cancel out the need for tunnels (if tunnels show up despite this then no one can blame Egypt for any reaction it chooses to take) but instead we insist on not seeing the core problem and we choose to be where we are. i feel Egypt is intentionally throwing away cards it can use to its favor.

p.s by the time you read this, Peter greste one of four al jazeerah journalists is released while his egyptain colleagues are still in prison with no imminent release on the horizon.... a lovely message to send out to the people you are trying to have on your side while you combat terrorists who use this as their bread and butter to recruit people who have lost faith in their own country.

sorry for dragging on :beer:


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #3,898
    What do you think the impact of the new recorded calls that were revealed tonight will be?
    I think Gulf countries will react harshly.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    What do you think the impact of the new recorded calls that were revealed tonight will be?
    I think Gulf countries will react harshly.
    I just read about this on Twitter, I think the reaction if there will be,will be felt in the economical summit next month. However I don't think it will be harsh as you imagine because the gulf needs Egypt on its side, not to mention the aid given by the gulf is not for free but they have interests to maintain. Despite this recording and if it's authentic,I think they rather have sisi than anyone else considering there is no way the gulf will let a revolution rule in Egypt or even a return of the mb is not in there interest at all.

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