Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (17 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
game over :) police forces start dispersing of the two mb sit ins in Cairo!! it toke them a lot and public opinion has been pressurising authorities into taking this action.

BREAKING NEWS: one solider has been shot dead just now! very peaceful protesters indeed.... any way lets wait and see how this ends, i hope with minimum loss of life.

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the "peaceful protesters" have machine guns and just killed a second officer. the sit in at giza has been controlled and police forces are in hold of this area. as for the main sit in in nasr city is also being cracked on amidst heavy presence of army planes circulating the area to document everything. a pro morsy sniper has been detained now.

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police and army forces give one last chance for women and children to get out of the sit in in nasr city now.

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writing this i feel like egypt was seriously under occupation!! i'm glad these sit in's are being dispersed bec enough is enough!! the past few days have seen pro morsy protesters close off key metro lines, attack the ministry of interior, and causing multi clashes over cairo bringing a halt to life in cairo. its about time the house is cleaned and life returns back to normal and instead move forward into accomplishing justice, and a better life more importantly for the average Egyptian citizen.

p.s pro morsy groups are going about posting pictures of victims from syria, libya, and gaza in a last resort/cheap attempt to trade with the blood of people. sadly they have lost any sort of sympathy from Egyptians, i dont care about sympathy they get from abroad from people who live in a bubble of there own.


Ageing Veteran
Jan 26, 2009
Fuck the MB and their supporters.

Rabena ma3ak ya Bisco we ma3 kol el Masreyeen.

Killing a 10 year old Christian girl (regardless of her religion, she was a fucking child ffs!) who was peacefully on her way back home. Criminals indeed; yet some people have the gall to defend them. Bigots and hypocrites the lot of them.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Fuck the MB and their supporters.

Rabena ma3ak ya Bisco we ma3 kol el Masreyeen.

Killing a 10 year old Christian girl (regardless of her religion, she was a fucking child ffs!) who was peacefully on her way back home. Criminals indeed; yet some people have the gall to defend them. Bigots and hypocrites the lot of them.
dol shewyet metnakeen!! i read about the poor ten year old girl such a sad sad event in all honesty. i hope all is well with your family back home :)
Jul 2, 2006
game over :) police forces start dispersing of the two mb sit ins in Cairo!!
Why did they attacked the people just sitting and protesting in there? Can't even tolerate the people raising voice against them? And why the fuck you're using :) in a situation at least 50 people killed? Game is over? What kind a game is this where more than 200 died in a month?


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Why did they attacked the people just sitting and protesting in there? Can't even tolerate the people raising voice against them? And why the fuck you're using :) in a situation at least 50 people killed? Game is over? What kind a game is this where more than 200 died in a month?

:) if this isnt good here :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D as for why they r closing down these spots of terrorism i suggest you see how erdogan handled the demo's :) second of all you have two options no third option:

1- book a ticket to cairo and try living with a wife or sister near these sit ins and tell me how you find it

2- respect the fact Egypt is a sovereign country we r not part of any other country and this is a matter of national security.

as for the people getting killed there is no one to blame but themselves mind you they have been warned over and over and over a retard would've figured it out already :) any way any SOB holding a gun apart from the army or police should be shot killed. no two ways about it if they want to be martyr's and what ever be my guest.

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Thanks ya Bisco :tup: My family are fine, but the violence, helicopters flying around the city, and tear gas being used are all worrying signs. I hope they clear out these rascals ASAP ISA.
i feel you bro :) ma3lesh hanet isa. i know how you feel bec currently i'm not in cairo and the past couple of days have been worrying bec my family reside in cairo. i have faith though and ISA we return to being the peaceful country we were always. pretty soon.

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human right groups are with the police forces documenting every move so turk can relax :)
Jul 2, 2006
What kind of sovereignity is that where the will of people taken under custody by armed forces? What is the difference between foreign invasion and coup d'etat other than the location of the threat? Where is their legitimacy coming from?

Human right groups are blind and deaf when it comes to Muslims, as Muslims are not considered humans in first place.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
What kind of sovereignity is that where the will of people taken under custody by armed forces? What is the difference between foreign invasion and coup d'etat other than the location of the threat? Where is their legitimacy coming from?

Human right groups are blind and deaf when it comes to Muslims, as Muslims are not considered humans in first place.
:agree: you are spot on, just replace Muslims with musims carrying fire arms are animals and deserve more for the terror they bring peaceful lives. It's funny we Muslims complain when Muslims out side the Muslim world live in peace abs are free to do there prayers and preach Islam but as usual we hang any thing on the old rusty hanger of the west don't care about us or wish evil on us.... What did the world see from us Muslims to grant us respect?? Terror attacks in the name of jihad, when in reality it's murder not jihad. Killing a soul that isn't attacking you or invading you is MURDER and is the reason why people the west in particular don't show any sympathy why should they?! Funny you should say this, when your beloved friends are licking there ass to defame our army and bring about punishments to this country of mine. Please drop the whole conspiracy On Islam thing because it's insulting really.

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Jul 2, 2006
I am not complaining about their hate against Muslims but their hypocrisy. I really don't expect anything good from them as i know it will never happen. They should call themselves Non-Muslim human right groups.

What did the world see from us Muslims to grant us respect?

What did Muslims see from them to grant them respect? Other than the ensuring constant bloodshed in order to attempt of colonization of course.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
The amount of firearms in the nasr city sit in is seriously EPIC!!! will try to post a picture of them in a tiny bit. they had to do this no two ways about it. I predict a curfew will be imposed tonight in cairo and i think its necessary to clean house.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
the "peaceful" protesters are now burning cars of normal citizens in the nasr city sit in. now people who leave the sit in are not ALLOWED to go back!!!!!!!

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more muslim brotherhood snipers are being detains after shooting at police a top surrounding buildings to there sit in in nasr city. very peaceful indeed.......

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live feed

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normal Egyptians living in nasr city are cheering for the police!! just reflects the amount of crap these people had to go thru for more than a month of these pests hijacking this neighbourhood and the city in general.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
ok i got this from a friend of mine living near these events the people i,e the residents of nasr city are now in the street in the surrounding streets to ensure the mb supporters dont move there sit in or cause havoc in other places. the people detained are handed to the army and police.

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But they are real and true Muslims according to Turk :cry: :rolleyes:
:agree: for turk talk is cheap, but if he was in cairo and had to go thru this shit he would be singing a different song. funny we didnt hear him say anything about muslims in turkey when the monkey erdogan broke off the sit in... i guess those rascals where not real muslims.
Jul 2, 2006
more muslim brotherhood snipers are being detains after shooting at police a top surrounding buildings to there sit in in nasr city. very peaceful indeed.......
You can find a tank in their garage and hydrogen bomb in their drawer as much as you like. Those who reign now are holding weapon, economy and media, they are capable of fabricating and staging pretty much everyhing they want.

Seculars, leftists, liberals, coptics are normal but Muslims are abnormal Egyptians. That explains the :) and :D:D:D coming from you when they die.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
You can find a tank in their garage and hydrogen bomb in their drawer as much as you like. Those who reign now are holding weapon, economy and media, they are capable of fabricating and staging pretty much everyhing they want.

Seculars, leftists, liberals, coptics are normal but Muslims are abnormal Egyptians. That explains the :) and :D:D:D coming from you when they die.
:lol: wow you r epic. think what you think, i will make sure my leftist mother kicks some muslim ass!! i'm muslim, im not a leftist, nor liberal, may be coptic bec egyptains are by nature COPTIC!! read our history for the millionth time before you post this kind of BS its not good for your health.

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peaceful protesters if i ever saw any

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