Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (31 Viewers)

Jul 2, 2006
today the muslim brotherhood committed suicide on all fronts.
That's what you're saying since the first day. History tells the otherwise. Military coups are tend to come back and bite those who support them. Muslim Brotherhood or the ideology they represent, no matter under what name, will come back stronger and more determined. Because they have been victimized and they will do everything to prevent that happening again.

Regarding having women in demonstrations, if they were not taking part in demonstrations, MB haters will say that they disgrace women and want them to stay always at home to cook food and bring more babies because they look at women in a bad way. When they take part in demonstrations, they are criticized because they are used as shields?
What can they do? Should they force their women to stay at home? Isn't that against the freedom of opinion?
Same here.

Muslims are locking their women in house :blah:

Erdogan taking his wife and daughter with him when he is visiting other countries.

Why is he taking his family everywhere he goes, who is paying their tickets :andy2:

Erdogan's daughter appointed as his advisor

She is getting paid 50,000 $ per month!!!111! :haddadjunior:

It's been revealed, she is not getting paid at all.

Buy on


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
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    Idol? nah i dont have idols, but on the other hand i am no sheep, and you conversely are typical sheep. Instead of learning for yourself(through at least the one hour vid above) you let others do the learning for you since you are a sucker for labels as opposed to substance. You have joined the turk btw in the category of "irrevocably ignorant" so dont worry i will not challenge your fairytale world anymore, enjoy your sheep status.
    For not accepting somebody that is trying to show himself as an intellectual person while talking nothing but illogical things?



    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    By the way, Adnan Ibrahim is an idiot IMO. Instead of caring about the current political situation, he criticizes Aisha, Muaweya and Abu huraira, and then he comes to say: "I'm not Shia". Well is it coincidence that he attacks the same people they attack?


    And regarding Egypt, MB says that 9 of them were killed yesterday by police and thugs. Just to give the second opinion in Egypt, Bisco.


    Regarding having women in demonstrations, if they were not taking part in demonstrations, MB haters will say that they disgrace women and want them to stay always at home to cook food and bring more babies because they look at women in a bad way. When they take part in demonstrations, they are criticized because they are used as shields?
    What can they do? Should they force their women to stay at home? Isn't that against the freedom of opinion?

    this is our problem isn't it, if the sheik or scholar doesn't preach for more blood or doesn't sit well with our politicial opinion we call him sth ( not referring to you, i mean the rumours and crap said about a human just bec he objects). look abed off course you know who Mohammed metwaley el sha3rawy is right? interesting story, this man was begged, and when i say begged i mean they were about to kiss every single toe on his foot to join the muslim brotherhood int he 80's and the man refused and he says this in his books!! when the terror attacks during the 80's where taking place against civilians he stood against them and said its not islam and its not jihad:) in fact he used to talk to these terrorists when they were in court to clean there thoughts that have been poisioned by religion traders, and OH LORD HOW MANY WE HAVE NOW ADAYS IN OUR ISLAMIC WORLD. you know what was said about him?? the same shit being said on Adnan ibrahim. you know that metwaley el shar3awee and he is who he is in the islamic world died a poor man?? and you have today's Scholars masha Allah filthy rich, own tv channels, from where i ask??? oh now jihad my friend is insulting Azhar, now jihad is bed jihad with syrian women who r refuges!!!! is this islam?? let adnan be shiaa for the sake of argument, he isn't making shit up Abed, watch his lessons he speaks with proof from the Quran and i think sunni quran and muslim quran are the same words.

    you know a group of people has hit rock bottom when they lose focus on who there true enemy is and quarrel amongst them selves. oh he insulted this oh he insulted that but did he kill you?? do he bomb you day and night?? does he kill your people by not allowing anything in or out?? did he force sanctions on you?

    never mind this, i watched the first video where he talks about iran, the man said nothing that isn't a fact. abed who attacked shia and dragged them from there houses to murder them then parade there corpses in cairo in broad day light??

    he is being attacked for his opinion on things in syria, and he is right by the way. our religion got hi-jacked a long long time ago.

    as for Mb being shielded by there women, you should review the past two years and tell me what you think, when they said things like why did women go there when the girl was stripped during the military council's time!!! look i highly recommend you watch this 2 hour documentary, thank god you speak arabic watch, it has both sides and tell me what u think.



    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    An interesting read for the arab members here, will try to find the English transcript which should be released today or tomorrow. if not i will try to summarize this article written by Bassem Youssef in English as soon as i can :)

    باسم يوسف حوار مع صديقي السلفي

    يا ألله أما آن لهذه الغمة أن تنكشف؟

    أما حان الوقت أن ينصر الله دينه؟

    كم من الصدمات التى يجب أن يتعرض لها عقلى؟

    كم من الاختبارات يجب أن يتعرض لها يقينى وإيمانى؟

    مرقت هذه الأفكار فى ذهنى فى الوقت الذى يمر علينا الأخ الفاضل باللافتات المكتوبة باللغة الإنجليزية. لا أعرف ما هو المكتوب على هذه اللافتات ولكن لا يهم المحطات الأجنبية جاءت لتغطى فاعليات اعتصامنا فى رابعة ويجب أن نوجه رسالتنا لأمريكا وأوروبا.

    نعم كان يقول لنا شيوخنا إنها دول كافرة فاسدة يتم السيطرة عليها بالإعلام الصهيونى النجس، ولكن نفس الشيوخ يقولون لنا إنه من المهم أن نطلب مساعدتهم، لا يهم الوسيلة، المهم الغاية، المهم نصرة الإسلام.

    ألم نهتف الأسبوع الماضى مهللين مرحبين بخبر توجه سفينتين حربيتين إلى شواطئنا «يا أمريكا حررينا». ألا يعد ذلك استقواء بالغرب الفاجر؟ أليست هذه التهمة التى طالما ألصقها شيوخنا بأعداء الإسلام كالبرادعى وحمزاوى وهؤلاء النصارى عبدة الصليب؟

    لكن لا يهم. فالغاية تبرر الوسيلة. ألسنا ندافع عن الإسلام؟

    مر بجانبى شخص بملامح مختلفة عن باقى الموجودين هنا كأنه من خارج المكان والزمان.. ينظر إلى اللافتات التى بأيدينا وإلى الكاميرات وإلى فاعليات المنصة ثم ينظر إلى كأنه يقرأ أفكارى ويبتسم. يخرج مدونة صغيرة وقلما ويكتب شيئا ما.

    من هذا؟
    لا يهم، إحنا فى ايه والا فى ايه؟ ارفع اللافتة كمسلم مخلص لمنهجى السلفى. فأنا كسلفى مطيع لشيوخى لا أرد لهم فتوى أو رأى. أتذكر حين كان شيوخى يقولون لى إن الإخوان جماعة ضالة مبتدعة ثم أجد نفس هؤلاء الشيوخ على منصة واحدة مع قيادات نفس الجماعة بعد الثورة.. لا أستطيع أن أفسر متى وكيف تغير موقف هؤلاء الشيوخ من الفتوى بعدم الخروج على الحاكم إلى التشدق بمبادئ الثورة. من تحريم الديموقراطية والانتخابات ومشاركة المرآة إلى السعى بكل قوة للحصول على كل صوت لذكر كان أو انثى.

    أتذكر شيوخ الدعوة السلفية يوصوننى بالتصويت لأبوالفتوح وليس محمد مرسى المرشح «الإسلامى»، فأجد نفسى فى نفس معسكر اليساريين الكفرة الذين صوتوا لأبو الفتوح. ثم تأمرنى قياداتى بأن أقف بجانب مرسى فى الإعادة فى حين يجلس ياسر برهامى مع شفيق سرا فيكذب ويكذب حتى يعترف أنه فعل ذلك.

    أتذكر الصالة المغطاة لاستاد القاهرة حيث أعلن رئيسنا المسلم الجهاد فى سوريا وسانده وعضده شيوخى وعلمائى. نعم أتذكر هذا المؤتمر. حيث رددنا «آمين» والشيخ عبدالمقصود يدعو على أعدائنا وأعداء الدين.

    أتذكر شيوخى وعلمائى وهم يعدوننا للمعركة المقبلة لمعركة تلاتين ستة. ولكن يا إلهى، ما هذه الأعداد التى نزلت إلى الشارع؟ كنا نعرف أن هناك كفارا فى البلد ولكن كيف لمصر الإسلامية أن يعيش فى جنباتها كل هؤلاء المشركين والملاحدة وأذناب الكنيسة كما يقولون لنا؟

    حسنا هى إذا معركة شرسة على الإسلام ولكن الله غالب على أمره. ألم يكونوا يقولون لنا إنه إن سقط مرسى والاخوان سيسقط الإسلام؟ لا يهم الكلام عن جماعة مبتدعة وضالة الآن. التعليمات الجديدة تقول إن سقوطهم يساوى سقوط الإسلام.

    وسقط مرسى.

    أين شيوخنا؟ أين علماؤنا الذين كانوا فى حضرة الرئيس المسلم منذ أسابيع؟ ألن يقفوا فى وجه هذا العدوان الصارخ على الإسلام؟ لا بد أنهم ممنوعون من الظهور، ولكن ها هو صفوت حجازى يعلن أنه ليس هناك شىء يمنعهم ويتهمهم بالتعاون مع السلطة الانقلابية أعداء الإسلام. شيوخنا يجلسون فى البيوت ويتركوننا فى هذه المعركة وحدنا؟ لا غير صحيح. لا يمكن أن يكون صحيحا، ولكن ها هو حزب النور الذراع السياسية للدعوة السلفية يجلس وراء وزير الدفاع وهو يقرأ بيان عزل رئيسنا المسلم. كيف يجلس أعضاء حزب النور مع أعداء الإسلام بينما قياداتهم وقواعدهم معنا هنا فى رابعة التى قاطعها شيوخهم؟

    أليس من هؤلاء الشيوخ محمد حسين يعقوب الذى صرخ فينا «لديكم رئيس ملتح حافظ لكتاب الله، ألا تكبرون؟»

    ألم يكن بينهم الشيخ العلامة محمد حسان الذى قال لنا إن مرسى لديه شرعية نبوية وشرعية قرآنية؟ أليس الأولى به أن يقود حربنا لاسترجاع الإسلام؟ ألم يدع الشيخ حسان للجيش فى وقفة عرفات منذ عام مضى؟ أليس هؤلاء الذين أعلنوا الولاء والمبايعة للمشير طنطاوى؟ ألم نهتف من التحرير للمشير بأنه الأمير؟ فكيف نهتف بأن الجيش عميل وخائن اليوم؟

    عقلى يكاد ينفجر. وأنا أجلس الآن مع أخى الإخوانى. نتجاذب أطراف الحديث. نسترجع معا النبوءات والتجليات والبشائر التى كان يزفها إلينا الشيوخ على منصات التحرير ثم رابعة.

    أتذكر الشيخ أبو الأشبال وهو يحذرنا أن من لم ينتخب أبوإسماعيل فهو آثم. نعم، وكان هناك شيخ آخر بالتحرير بالرؤيا التى رأى فيها أحدهم الرسول وهو يدخل المسجد النبوى ويسأل عن أبوإسماعيل ويقول إن الله راض عنه.

    يذكرنى أخى الإخوانى بكل هؤلاء الشبوخ الذين حذرونا أيضا أن من لم يصوت بنعم على الاستفتاء ومن لم يصوت لمرسى فهو آثم قلبه أيضا.

    نسترجع معا هذا الفيديو الذى يقسم فى الشيخ أن الرسول محمد (صلى الله عليه وسلم) قد قدم مرسى عليه لإمامة الصلاة؟

    ألم يطلع علينا شيخ آخر ببشرى أن جبريل يصلى معنا فى رابعة؟

    ألم نهلل لهذا الشيخ الثالث ويحكى رؤيا ينام فيه الرسول على فخذه ثم يظهر مرسى فينام على فخذه الأخرى؟

    صديقى الإخوانى لا يقل عنى حيرة. كم سمع قياداته هذه الخطب التى تشبه مرسى وخيرت الشاطر بسيدنا يوسف وسيدنا لقمان بل وبالرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم؟

    يتساءل معى كيف بعد كل هذه التشبيهات بالأنبياء والرسل والصحابة ووقوف جبريل والملائكة وإرادة الله معنا، كيف نهزم بعد كل ذلك؟

    أنكون على ضلال؟

    أتكون هذه البشائر كاذبة؟ ولكن الشيوخ لا يكذبون. إنهم أهل العلم. إنهم أولو الأمر. ربما يكونوا قد غيروا بعض الحقائق ولكن كان هناك دائما مبرر شرعى. ألا نسعى كلنا لاقامة الدولة الإسلامية حتى لو كان بالكذب والغش وتغيير المواقف؟ المهم درء المفاسد. المهم ان نصل إلى مبتغانا.

    أمرونا أن نقطع الطريق على الطرق وكوبرى أكتوبر. نعم هذا مخالف للعقيدة وحديث إماطة الأذى عن الطريق. ولكن لا يهم، المهم أننا سنقوم باداء صلاة التراويح بعرض الكوبرى حتى يأتى الامن المركزى ويقوم بتفريقنا. ليس هناك أفضل من تصوير العنف مع المصلين لإثارة المشاعر الدينية عند المصريين.

    جلست فى ركن بعيد وأنا أتذكر كم الوعود التى أخلفت، والأحلام والتنبؤات والرؤى التى يظهر فيها الرسول يؤيد رموزنا وقادتنا. اتذكر الالعاب السياسية من رفض القرض الربوى إلى اللهاث وراء قبوله.. من الهجوم على أمريكا الكافرة إلى شهر العسل معها بل والاستقواء بها وهتافنا فى رابعة «يا أمريكا حررينا»

    أجلس هنا وانا منهزم ومنكسر لهزيمة الإسلام فى مصر كما قالوا لنا. لم يبق مسلم حق خارج حدود رابعة. لا يمكن أن نعود إلى بيوتنا والا معنى ذلك ان الله تخلى عنا وعن دين الإسلام. لا يمكن ان يحدث هذا. أيعقل أن شيوخنا الأطهار قد تلاعبوا بنا؟ هل يمكن أن يكذبوا فى أمر جلل كرؤية الرسول فى المنام وهو القائل صلى الله عليه وسلم: «من رآنى فقد رآنى؟»

    هل يدرك هؤلاء الشيوخ ماذا يمكن أن يحدث لإيمان ويقين هؤلاء البسطاء اذا تبين ان كل ذلك كذب؟

    أيعقل ان قيادات الاخوان والسلفيين يعلمون يقينا أن ما يرددونه على المنصة كذب وأنهم يفترون على الله ورسوله وهم يعلمون ولكنهم يفعلون ذلك لأن الغاية تبرر الوسيلة؟

    يا رب هل أنت راض عن هؤلاء الذين تلاعبوا بالآيات والأحاديث وحتى بالأحلام من أجل مكاسب سياسية قذرة؟ هل استبدلنا الصدق والأمانة بمبدأ الغاية تبرر الوسيلة؟

    نظرت بجانبى فوجدت هذا الشخص الغريب مرة أخرى. كان يحتسى كوبا من الشاى ويسحب نفسا طويل من سيجارته وهو ينظر مبهورا تجاه المنصة

    عرض على أن آخذ سيجارة منه ولكننى رفضت بشدة.

    بادرته بالسؤال: «الأخ منين؟»

    «مش مهم أنا منين. المهم انا جاى هنا أعمل ايه. انا جاى أتحسر على كل تاريخى وانجازاتى وأفكارى. عارف مبدأ الغاية تبرر الوسيلة اللى انت قارف نفسك بيها دى؟»

    صعقت واندهشت، كيف يقرأ هذا الرجل أفكارى؟

    «لا تقلق، انا جاى هنا اتعلم من أول وجديد».

    يا إلهى من ذلك الرجل. وماذا يقصد؟

    سألته: «عذرا يا أخى، ممكن أتعرف بيك؟ اسم الكريم إيه».

    مد يده مصافحا لى قائلا : «اخوك ميكيافللى. انا ماجيش حاجة جنب الناس دول. سلامو عليكم».

    ثم أخرج ورقة وقلما ودون فيما يبدو لى انها ملاحظات أخيرة، ثم اختفى بين الحشود الكثيفة وهى تكرر النداء من المنصة

    «قادم قادم يا إسلام»


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    after a rough night, specially in the city of mansoura where the very peaceful brotherhood of the devil planted explosives and tried to blow up the central building of the police in the city.

    1- the civilians toke things into there hands and actually managed to catch three suspects of planting the explosion that managed to shatter the glass and door way of the building and surrounding buildings. the three have been handed to the police and are now being interrogated.

    2- there is a serious call by the civilians for the interim government to set a curfew now and the police to bring strict law and order to the street.

    as things stand now, the people's patience is fast running out with this fiasco brought to us courtesy of the MB and they are dying to finish this off them selves. i say this bec today the people specially of the area's besieged have set an ultimatum for the police and army alike. nasr city ( the main center of the mb now, also serves as there POW camp, and weapon depot) is horrifically effected, where residents of this area are threatened,and abused. there sit in in Giza was brought to an end last night by the civilians living in that suburb of cairo.

    my opinion: i think it would be crazy if the civilians where to take action on there part, actually i think the police need to sort this out. what will happen remains a mystery at the moment but i def understand the people's rage and anger bec the people being killed with there retarded antics is getting higher and with this use of BOMBS, and the daily attacks on security check points in arish and several other places in sinai i think the MB have brought an end to themselves with there own hands.

    NOTE: key members of the mb admitted there responsibilty on live tv and on al jazeerah that they will stop the attacks in sinai if morsy returns in an indication clear as sun light they r behind these attacks that kill solider, and civilians alike.


    Sep 23, 2003
    The MB seems intent on leaving such a bad taste in the mouth of the political Egyptian public that they won't be able to show their faces at the polls in any election for another generation.

    Super Morsy seems to be aiding and abetting political suicide.


    Sep 23, 2003
    I can't see it. They blew up on the launch pad in the most spectacular manner possible.

    They will undoubtedly be playas for a while. But certainly not in an above-the-table sense for a while.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    seems as though super morsy will not play ball and come out and tell his supporters to disperse, where do you see it go from here as far as hes concerned, @Bisco?
    Morsy as a person was shoved to the scene by sheer luck!! mind you he wasn't his parties first choice and it seems this left a scar on him and he tried over and over to show he deserved to be the president and a representative of the Mb. now as things stand history will forget all this and will remember that he chose to see blood spill than him leave with respect now that the people called for him to leave his post after a disastrous year that he him self admitted too in his second before last speech that dragged in for 3 hours and he kept flirting with the military and police :) morsy is in my opinion out of the scene at the moment even though there have been news claims, that state that he tried to bargain, he goes out to tell the people to leave and the army grants him to leave the country, but this was actually refused bec the judicial system already has him in the case known as "the jail breaking in's" that have a lot to do with the MB.

    as for his group the MB it will be no surprise to any one if you find out that they r indeed negotiating with the army :D i personally think this is hypocrisy and part of the reason why i refuse Islam or Christianity to be dragged into this dirty place, but politically speaking they r indeed in negotiations and mind you all these acts of violence carried out by the MB is nothing but a smoke screen and a pressuring card :) make no mistake there are head of the MB that have been issued arresting orders and so will have to appear in front of court for cases that have a lot to do with august the 5 2012 the case is known as " the rafa7 border crossing attack" where 15 army men where killed. there is a lot of talk this crime was actually committed to lead the way in front of morsy to remove the previous military council headed by then marshall tantawi and cheif of staff anan.

    so in a perfect world i think the MB are trying to get there heads out or to get promises they will not be trailed and in this point in particular they r playing hard ball bec mind you should the army give in to this particular point, it will be in the favor of the MB not the army bec the people like i mentioned last night are refusing the reconciliation with who they call traitors and terrorists. i think the army has no right what so ever to let them escape trail for the blood that has spilled over the last 28 days.

    one last point, Abel the big dogs in Mb know 100000000000% morsy is gone and if the sky collapses on earth he is not returning to his post :) mind you any sane person would have seen this clearly but there followers who are used in there sit in's ( where food is for free and sadly you know there are people who came from the country side and have no where to go or money to do anything and so they r using this!! ) have dreams that he will and never think who will Morsy rule now?? he has lost the religious head's, the military, the police, the civil parties, even ultra conservative salafi group washed there hand or so we r made to believe ( i think they r the biggest gainers thus far but will never let the mB sink at least on the long run)

    The MB seems intent on leaving such a bad taste in the mouth of the political Egyptian public that they won't be able to show their faces at the polls in any election for another generation.

    Super Morsy seems to be aiding and abetting political suicide.
    there was a survey carried out, even though i don't think they 100% reliable but the poll suggests that if right not there were elections the Mb would get sth between 10-15% and thats being very generous. the thing is people finally saw for them selves what Nasser used to warn about, and what got sadat killed in person. i think we should be grateful that we really got the chance to see the MB rule for once in our life so it never happens again and i think they people are thru with them.

    personally i share your point of view, Abel mentions there use of myth or in this case religion, where as i dont agree entirely bec they will def use the victim card this time. the people have finally figured out this MUSLIM brotherhood BS has nothing to do with islam not even one bit :) how ever never under estimate the MB'S ability to play the victim card. will it work i think no but on certain factors:

    1- the new Egyptian constitution which is finally for once taking a professional look ( unlike the one under morsy where it felt like they were doing there best to go pretty fast and finish it off so people don't take notice at the disasters awaiting the people) this is the biggest guarantee and as you say Greg this is the base for the check and balance system we def need.

    2- the opposition. i think the opposition are a failure along with the MB in this past year. mind you they have a new muscle now, and its the fact they can get people to the streets faster and in bigger numbers than the MB this in it self is epic however make no mistake its a heavy load on there shoulders now! note: they need to prove they where right all a long in solving the problems that crippled the MB's government.

    man i wouldnt be so sure, they trade in myth, they will always have customers
    all this time its the victim card pr-dominantly and off course a little religion here and there :)

    I can't see it. They blew up on the launch pad in the most spectacular manner possible.

    They will undoubtedly be playas for a while. But certainly not in an above-the-table sense for a while.

    with out a doubt in my heart, and mind you this isn't new :) let me just point out to a point of immense importance. i think the biggest mistake that really sped the down fall of Morsy was the following:

    1- the open insult and constant urge to mingle with the AZHAR institution and management. azhar has its holyness in egypt and the middle east if not world wide as the beacon for moderate islam. they tried numerous times to remove the current head of AL azhar but the scholars in Azhar gave them the fight of there life and all this was in front of the egyptain people. the people by nature sided with Azhar. they tried numerous times to ikwanize this institution but they failed thank god bec the ripples that would've followed would've spelled disaster for the entire region. think more a long the lines " hello extremism "

    2- facing off with the judicial instituiton and mainly the constitutional court in what would be the final nail in his regimes coffin. the current urge to mingle with the independence of the judges would prove to bring scrutiny on morsy and the mb not only domestically but from abroad too.

    3- the coptic church, just like Azhar this is the oldest representative of the christian orthodox church and has the same status as Azhar. where as the MB really didn't want to ikwanize per say the coptic church, but the voice of bigotry towards christian was def ont he rise!!! any catastrophe that happened was blamed on Christians ( ironically and it makes perfect sense now but this is exactly how the egyptain jew's where sent to Exodus and mind you the MB played a role, even if minute it had its effect on the final decision to leave egypt in the early 50's) the amount of churches attacked specially the main cathedral in cairo!! sparked the end of this weak individual who till that moment failed to realize the boat was tooo big for him to captain a lone with out other parties joining in.

    4- the egyptain military, i knew sth wasn't cooking well when the 16 army men lost there life. what caught my eyes was this: the fact morsy did not participate in person in there funeral!! mind you they all got the canon carriage ceremony and where paraded to there burial location with massive presence of the egyptain people but no sign of morsy. this was the beginning of the end. then came the jewel of his reign, in early october 2012 and i remember this date like it was yesterday bec at 5 am we were woken up by a pair of f-16's breaking the sound barrier while they were on there way to bomb key points in sinai :) this mission was kicked off by the military in response for the attacks on egyptain military with in sinai and off course the rise in terrorist numbers with in sinai courtesy of morsy's exemptions of convicts belonging to the islamist camp ONLY!! the final break happened when morsy while 7 soliders where kidnapped and praded on tv by there captives in a scene identical to how the IDF paraded our soliders in the 67 war and that was the day i think the people realized sth isn't cooking well here. when this kidnap happen morsy ordered the missions of the army to clean up sinai to be put on hold!! this is like obama knowing 100% that country B attacked the US but decides to stop any attacks in return and for lame reasons.

    5- the poor, i think i can safely say the poor got more miserable under morsy than with mubarak. to prove this, the neighborhoods that go up against the MB in cairo belong to the poor. this has several ramifications bec the MB played there cards in the worst way ever. see come the elections the bags of food and supplies come out to the poor once that is over you can kiss those good bye actually they worked against the poor by releasing a new taxing system where the poor pays taxes at a higher rate whilst the rich pay amounts that are not in proportion with income! Also don't forget there kids where injured and killed by the MB raid's and so there are neighborhoods in cairo the MB cant even pass by let a lone enter!!

    lastly this is not really a point but shows how they think, i dont think any one has been insulted by the MB as much as Nasser, but believe it or not in his last days morsy was mentioning nasser's name as if he was his best friend :lol: it means they would not stop at anything to get sympathy. if the religion card is burned, bring in the victim card if that no go, then through in Nasser's name bec here we are 50 years later nasser has sooooooooooooooo much affection in the egyptain street its crazy!! the crazy part is the new generation never saw him in person :) this should be the fitting end to my post. unlike morsy who chose to be mentioned in history as egypts most hated president. here is nasser 50's years later is remembered with a lot of love, and respect from his enemies before his people :) bec he was an honorable opponent.

    i'm optimistic i think the people want a better life sooooooooo much i think that's the key bec it will take a lot of hard work from the upcoming government and every individual has to contribute.

    - - - Updated - - -

    They're like a shit version of PIRA.
    i think no one comes near the MB, they r the worst of the lot i cant stress how low they can go. i wish there were english subs to the documentary i recommended rebel :( you would be in for pure gems!! they are scum ever since the 1948 war. I will try to link you up with an english documentary done by an dane with iraqi roots on the MB and even though there is a point or two i dont like the documentary truly shows the real colour and evil hidden behind the MB.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    #‎OpEgypt‬ ‪#‎Egypt‬ | To understand what Al-Sisi was talking about, please watch this video.
    ‪#‎Video‬ of a number of supporters of the ousted ‪#‎Morsi‬. They block the high road and prevent traffic from passing.

    Then a police officer starts to talk to the road blockers in a loud speaker: "What you are doing is against the law, please open a way for traffic".

    The supporters begin to gather around the armored police vehicle, shouting curses and insults. Then a protestor climbs on the vehicle and assaults the officer and tries to steal his weapon. The officer committed to self-restraint and did not use his weapon.

    (Of course if the attacker (protestor) was shot or injured, he would appear all over the media as the martyr of peacefulness, and the footage would only show the result and not the whole scene.)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Apparently what i understand is that the amry is asking the people to give them permission to finish off all the acts of terror etc.i've read several analysis including the one i just posted along with the video. another opinion is that the army needs the back of the people bec he is not the side that deals with inter-city terrorism. there are other voices who oppose this off course and just want the army to move in and rid us of all this terrorism.

    as i answered Abel regarding the mb negotiating with the army, i think this is the army bringing in there bargaining chip too the table too :) i will try to find out more about this, bec this point is in my opinion the key to the solution. note: today el baradiae agreed and supported the reconciliation process. many people based on my facebook feed, and twitter feed are making fun of this and demanding there is no MB involvement they and the remnants of the previous regime should be sidelined, bec they r one and the same. i say the mubarak men are corrupt bastards and have blood on there hands, while the mB are no different a bunch of terrorists who have a lot of egyptain blood on there hands.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    From the speech of Col. Gen. Al-Sisi in a graduation ceremony for this year's batch of the Navy Academy in Alexandria:
    The upcoming elections will be decisive. The whole world is invited to supervise it. The UN, the EU, all. So if you are confident about the support of the public opinion to you and your current, this will show in the coming elections. But don't think that violence and terror is the way. I'm not a guardian on the president. You all heard the speech where the ex president was "threatening the people"! ... In my meeting with two of their (MB) leaders for one hour (before July/3), I was told that "if anything happens, there will be a great violence, because there will be armed groups, etc..". This is not the way to run a country. I warned them of the dangers (consequences) of such a thing. Thinking about violence against the people.

    - - - Updated - - -

    "I ask ... that next Friday all honest and trustworthy Egyptians must come out,"

    If Sisi of Mossad loves the crowds, hell will satisfy him.
    mossad and Sisi dont mix like your monkey used to say :D

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    i'd kill for the egyptain authorities to release there press statements with English subs for non arabs!! i think they deserve to know the facts of whats going on.

    i will try to find an english subbed version of the Sisi speech bec he mentions what happened behind the scenes and how things ended. there is a lot of information on how morsy refused a lot of intervention from azhar and the coptic church. and how the mb threatened the army :D i knew it!!! this happened before the army moved mind you.
    Jul 2, 2006
    mossad and Sisi dont mix like your monkey used to say :D
    Ignore list didn't last long, i guess. Who is the monkey?

    You're using way too many :) :D for a situation people are suffering. First, the armed thugs robbed people their right to vote then jailed them and finally started to kill them. karma, poetic justice, call it whatever you like but this will turn against those who support them. Kill and opress more, the price you'll pay get heftier.

    And let not those who disbelieve ever think that [because] We extend their time [of enjoyment] it is better for them. We only extend it for them so that they may increase in sin, and for them is a humiliating punishment. 3:178


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    Ignore list didn't last long, i guess. Who is the monkey?

    You're using way too many :) :D for a situation people are suffering. First, the armed thugs robbed people their right to vote then jailed them and finally started to kill them. karma, poetic justice, call it whatever you like but this will turn against those who support them. Kill and opress more, the price you'll pay get heftier.

    And let not those who disbelieve ever think that [because] We extend their time [of enjoyment] it is better for them. We only extend it for them so that they may increase in sin, and for them is a humiliating punishment. 3:178
    Don't you worry about ignore list, that's for me to think of. As for the monkey I mean morsy the Islamist clown. As for the verse from Quran I say Amen ya rab el 3alameen :) and finally when erdogan and your president where meeting with Perez what do you call that? Yet you say sisi is mossads guy, you are not worth replying too I just needed to put you in your place. Let's see what the days hold. As for smilies it's bec I'm happy the terrorists and traitors have been exposed. One last thing since you talk with Islam and feel butt hurt read about Osman the caliphate who gave up his rule to avoid blood shed. Then come talk to me about Muslims. There is no need to go down this road with me. I'm muslim thank god and we Egyptians muslims and Christians don't need any one to teach us about religion, we have the azhar for that thank God so the mb can take there version of Islam and shove it where it belongs because it has nothing to do with what god sent his holy prophet mohammed or what the all mighty stated in the holy Quran. If praying on us helped we would've liberated Jerusalem ages ago. That's all I have to say to you. May god relief you from your ignorance. Say Amen


    Western Imperialist
    Jun 18, 2006
    I too quote religious verses when I have no fresh insight.

    For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Jerm 29:11

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