Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (12 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
ok the problem is much more complex but as a person who has lived here for the past ten years i can safely tell you there is more to this accident than seems. first i will start with a few facts:

1- the individuals who sadly lost there life are citizens who come from the southern cities of egypt to be recruited to serve there military service period which is a compulsory thing by the way unless ( like in my case) you are a single child, the father has passed away, your mum or father are non egyptains, you r 29 years old so you get exempted.

2- the central security forces are if you guys recall from the egyptain revolution are the police forces wearing black uniforms, they r under the command of the ministry of interior but it goes under military service. NOTE: rare and i mean very very rare you find a person with a university degree serving in it, i,e most of the recruits have minimum education and usually come from poor back grounds ( there is no shame in this what so ever, but its important i state this for a reason i will write down in a minute)

3- the train is a train under the service of the egyptain rail way ( government owned and not military owned, they call it a military train bec it carries the recruits to the military not more not less, this is the 3rd class or even 4th class trains, which are basic if i can use such a word, i,e there are no comfy seats, tv, ac, or bathroom etc ( things any humane country would have for its citizens regardless of education, social level, etc but no we dont have any of that bec we are morons for the system here) NOTE: egypt owns the second oldest rail ways in the world right after the united kingdom :)

4- this is the second disaster involving the rail ways, the first one under morsy involved a train crashing into a bus carrying 50 children and killing all of them. i think i posted on that disaster which was catastrophic as some families lost 4 children!! off course dont get me started on compensation ( even though there is a chapter regarding this in Islam but it does not suit the people in charge these days even though they claim to be religions honest word)

5- We have a prime minister who has survived all these catastrophes ( please put into prespective several other events, people in egypt die every where and for several reasons, this past 7 month we can safely say more than a 100 citizens and military personnel have lost there lives. dont forget the 19 egyptain military soliders who were killed in cold blood in sinai by a jihadi group that our moron president released the leader of :) ) he lacks the abilities to control the country hell to even plan for the next coming week. unlike developing country where a prime minster is the first one to hand in his resignation after any much smaller catastrophe.

6- morsy is taking this country to the dark ages, with how handicapped he is regarding how to control egypt. Egypt is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too big for him or his group or gang to run!!! Hamas with all due respect control a part of palestine that is smaller than cairo!!!!! so they r not the role model. not that hamas are very loving people to palestinans.

7- what do these central forces do?? well if they r not in strike season i,e they r not sent to beat up other egyptains who r opposing things bec they want to make this country better bec quite simply there is no way out ( at least not with out paying tonnes of money, or having family abroad, or a uni qualification that is much needed abroad, or you swim and risk yr life to reach an already depleted italy and greece where things are even worse for egyptains due to the language barrier and the simple fact you are an out law!!) so back to central forces they and i am an eye witness to this bec i have an officer ( i,e he went to the police academy!!) and he is younger than me in age, and he has 4-5 of these recruits and there job is as follows:

1- get his laundry from the laundromat
2- instead of getting a plumber and paying money ask if one of them knows and chances are they r plumbers, electricians etc and they do it for FREE!!!
3- drivers, why ride a fucking taxi when you can ride the ministry of interior police cars and go to a mall or drop kids at school!!!!

in front of me once a recruit made a mistake, and this officer who like a mentioned is younger than me, the guy insulted him with the worst of the worst starting from personal insults like you fuck head, and ending up with yr mum is a prostitute!!!! off course this recruit can not and in insist cant answer back bec it will be a black night for him!!!!!!!!!

7- finally, the last time and egyptain government had a vision or plan was in the late 60's when egypt were trying to fund the high dam in Aswan, and the 1973 october war ( which got fucked and back fired bec we simply dont learn from the lessons we go thru, this is not our issue now, i just want to point out yes i'm proud of that date i history but unlike many i prefer to be happy and proud of what deserves to be happy about bec that period had faults so did 1967 and until we learn from those i'm afraid we r just living a lie) so we at the moment dont have vision what so ever, and the muslim brotherhood have one vision and only one vision its making sure they r here to stay. and if that means lying and kissing up to the US administration then so be it!!, ( NOTE THE US and isreal had mubarak's back until it was impossible and they simply let him go like shit down the toilet as if he was not there man in the region minding over there best interests and lucky for us the Muslim brotherhood missed school that day bec they r following in the same footsteps thinking that the US administration would not bend to there citizens voice specially when fox plays a video of how hypocritical morsy is!!) if it means being hypocrites then soo be it, and if they think people are dumb and dont understand what happened in gaza and how the no fire treaty was brokered they r naive.

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Ya I read about that earlier, RIP
sorry toke me a while to get back to you D but i was typing the above :D


Sep 23, 2003
RIP. That majorly sucks.

good fella is'nt completely wrong though maddy, they did start out as a religious group with no political agenda but that quickly changed specially with the collapse of the ottman empire. then in the late 70's with sadat trying to bring about tv like democracey he gave them some space to maneuver bec back then the socialist and the nassirtes had some strong grounds and from there they started to mingle with politics in egypt. in the begining of the 80's in my honest opinion they started using there islamic back grounds as a means to reach the top and now that they r in the top they use there vague understanding of islam which by the way has a lot of conflicts with Islam its self and with the azher which is the moderate islamic body in egypt. hence why goodfella said there is nothing islamic about them and i share the same opinion about them. they are a bunch of hypocrites that preach what they dont do and do what they dont preach.
Yeah, I've been getting the impression that they've mutated a lot over the years from their roots, like the FARC in Colombia.


Apr 14, 2005
I think first and foremost there needs to be a huge shift culturally on how pubic servants are viewed, especially the office of the president, less entitlement and more ownership. Egypt needs to move on from the erraiss era.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
RIP. That majorly sucks.

Yeah, I've been getting the impression that they've mutated a lot over the years from their roots, like the FARC in Colombia.
true, let me you sth that will enforce this idea Greg. the muslim brotherhood where created in the late 20's by a scholar called mohammed el bana. in his vision for creating this group, he wanted to teach the people religion etc etc ( note this was during what is known in egypt as the liberal era where egypt was still a very leading country and freedoms were up to the maximum) then sth led to the other they kind of brokered a deal with the nazzi's in the early 40's to help them remove egypt from under the british empire but as we today know that went to waste considering the out comes of the war. anyway they got sucked into political assassination and thats when the founder of this group regretted the day he created this group!!! bec soon his followers toke over and as expected has a totally different agenda. he is quoted and this is documented that he said he regrets this group and if he can go back in time he would've never dragged this group to politics. so my dear swag you r spot on and today if he was to come back from the dead he would curse them to eternity.

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I think first and foremost there needs to be a huge shift culturally on how pubic servants are viewed, especially the office of the president, less entitlement and more ownership. Egypt needs to move on from the erraiss era.
exactly!!!! and believe it or not the presidential office is filled with people who dont belong in that office and here i dont mean morsy i mean his assistants who due to his paranoia are from one political colour ( i,e islamists!! i,e he rather have people he trusts than people who can contribute)

here is a fact worthy of standing at: the berlin railway station was designed by an egyptain :))))))) so the west takes and makes use of us while our own country never takes people who can contribute with there knowledge to push us forward. off course D you know the financial advicer obama assigned mohammed el erian is an egyptain who tried to help by the way but off course was opposed and instead pharmacists, dr's and people with phd's in fields other than economy they know better bec they r religious and pray dawn prayer and all five prayers in the mosque cos god forbit if you dont have a beard you are simply no good.


Apr 14, 2005
true, let me you sth that will enforce this idea Greg. the muslim brotherhood where created in the late 20's by a scholar called mohammed el bana. in his vision for creating this group, he wanted to teach the people religion etc etc ( note this was during what is known in egypt as the liberal era where egypt was still a very leading country and freedoms were up to the maximum) then sth led to the other they kind of brokered a deal with the nazzi's in the early 40's to help them remove egypt from under the british empire but as we today know that went to waste considering the out comes of the war. anyway they got sucked into political assassination and thats when the founder of this group regretted the day he created this group!!! bec soon his followers toke over and as expected has a totally different agenda. he is quoted and this is documented that he said he regrets this group and if he can go back in time he would've never dragged this group to politics. so my dear swag you r spot on and today if he was to come back from the dead he would curse them to eternity.

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exactly!!!! and believe it or not the presidential office is filled with people who dont belong in that office and here i dont mean morsy i mean his assistants who due to his paranoia are from one political colour ( i,e islamists!! i,e he rather have people he trusts than people who can contribute)

here is a fact worthy of standing at: the berlin railway station was designed by an egyptain :))))))) so the west takes and makes use of us while our own country never takes people who can contribute with there knowledge to push us forward. off course D you know the financial advicer obama assigned mohammed el erian is an egyptain who tried to help by the way but off course was opposed and instead pharmacists, dr's and people with phd's in fields other than economy they know better bec they r religious and pray dawn prayer and all five prayers in the mosque cos god forbit if you dont have a beard you are simply no good.

Egypt will set the example :) just have to weather this


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
my sincerest condolences to Hazem for the loss of his cousin last friday after he got shot in the neck and the chest. my prayers go out to his parents and relatives. may he rest in peace and god shower his family with patience and strength. i'm speechless.... if the muslim brotherhood or the cunt called morsi thinks he will break the egyptain youth he has no idea whats coming.

my prediction is the youth now will be the one who take this country back and every one including the revolutionary elite like baradie etc will be sidelined bec its the youth of this country who started this revolution, they r the ones who paid the heftiest price in blood and souls, and they r the ones who r hunted down now bec the gang of fagets in power at the moment think this way they are protecting all there gains matter of fact its going to explode in there faces pretty soon.

on a positive note, the US adminstration and the people are starting to find out how anti-democratic, and violent these radical groups are.

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