Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (33 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Egypt's state news agency MENA says deposed leader Hosni Mubarak is "clinically dead" after he was moved from prison to a hospital.

According to an interior ministry spokesman, he suffered a stroke and his condition rapidly worsened on Tuesday.

The spokesman, Alaa Mahmoud, said late on Tuesday that Mubarak, 84, was moved by ambulance from the hospital in Torah Prison to nearby Maadi Hospital in southern Cairo.

State TV earlier said Mubarak was in a "critical" condition and had been placed on a respirator.

MENA said Mubarak's heart stopped and a defibrillator was used to restart it.

The prison official said doctors reported that he had fallen unconscious.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media.

Mubarak was sentenced to a life in prison on June 2 for failing to stop the killing of protesters during last year's uprising against him.

He was transferred to prison after spending months in a military facility in detention. Officials have since repeatedly reported his health is deteriorating.

Since his arrival at the prison directly after his sentencing, Mubarak has been suffering from high blood pressure and breathing difficulties and deep depression, according to prison officials.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
confirmed on Egyptian state tv his state is very critical thats what is being confirmed right now, and two sources in the military council confirm this but deny clinical death.

note: i dont trust these fags but thats whats at disposal at the mo.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
to be honest i've given up on knowing the truth its very mixed right now and unclear. if he died then there is no speaking ill of the dead but i'm neutral and wish this is a beginning of good things to come for egypt and its people.

---------- Post added 20.06.2012 at 02:53 ----------

now there is a reporter who confirmed he is alive not dead he is in icu though.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
so beardie i mean morsy has become egypts 5th president. what do i think of tihs?? well i'm reserved but relieved a bit its not shafik who was in Mubarak ex regime and even proudly noted he was his role model. reserved well a lot of that has to do with the picture martin posted not to mention o've lost faith in most preachers who preach what they dont do and sadly those showed up after the rev.

any way will discuss this tomorrow, i just want to watch the first half of italy and i need to jump in bed,as i've been to aswan and back in one day and my flights were pretty hectic due to bad weather.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
And we r back :D only this time the youth and a much larger chunk of Egyptians are not naive and no longer think the world is rosey as it appeared on the 11th of feb. dont know if i should use the word sadly here or not, but the current regime headed by morsy has not learned the lesson of mubarak and ironically is doing the exact same thing mubarak did only this time, al jazeerah has shown its true co lours by being extremely biased towards the events and undermining the magnitude of anger in the street and the massive decrease in the popularity of morsy and islamists in general after the joke of a constitutional referendum he has released, that makes morsy a god like or dictator no different than his predecessor, and off course the porn like constitution they want to assign egypt, a country that has revolted for freedom and dignity. not only jazeerah has slacked off ironically the CNN seems to be taking morsy's angle and be-belittling this rise, and i am guessing it has a lot to do with morsy's intervention in gaza which to this minute no one in egypt knows details of!!! in all cases i think the people of egypt have woken up from being hypnotized by the extreme religious tone that has been barking non stop ever since mubarak stepped off and the dramatic jumping on the revolt by these islamic powers who mind you ( the head's of these moves at least) spoke against revolting against mubarak and if any one knows egyptains or has friends from egypt they would let you know that most of these islamists leaders were actually part of the secret service during mubaraks time as they were one of the reasons mubarak remained in power while the US in general turned a blind eye.

for the past week hoori and i have been discussing events here as it was on its way to becoming a new iran sth that egyptains would not stomach and i'm very happy and proud that finally we have woken up, and despite it being a bit late but hey its better than never or at least better than kneeling down to people who dont think or even consider the best for egypt but serve personal gains and the egyptains can rot in hell for all they care, and do so by wearing the religious cloak to gain some ground amongst the by nature religious infra structure of the egyptain community. nothing has materialized though bec the islamists are willing to fight on for there survival this is there first and most probably only shot for power after egyptains finally found out there real face but the main point or the postitive out of tonight is how the egyptain people united when it mattered to show there anger and un-happiness to how this country is being led to sth that does'nt suit egypt, or its history, or culture, or even identity being a main country in the middle east of significant importance.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
:D well technically making a fuzz about a Christmas tree is actually less boring than arguing with ignorance and bigotry so be grateful!! :lol:

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hey at least your life is not boring :p
:D how can it be boring with the gems they give us?!?!?! the amount of non sense and weird shit they throw out to people is epic. the national democratice party are noting compared to the GOLD that comes out the Mb and gang :D


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Mubarak with a Beard?
The United States needs to tell Egypt's new president that there's no going back to the old, bad ways.

Reflecting on the lessons of the Arab uprisings in November 2011, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was adamant that traditional U.S. policies in the region were no longer tenable. "[A]s the fall of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt made clear," she said "the enduring cooperation we seek will be difficult to sustain without democratic legitimacy and public consent." But such revelations necessitate drastic changes, and in the face of unanticipated events and crises, it's all too easy for the familiar policies of the past to re-emerge. As Egypt descends again into turmoil over the country's fraught constitution-writing process, it appears that the United States is once again embracing the past and eschewing the lessons it learned the hard way during the uprising.

In a move that bears the hallmark of U.S. policy in the Mubarak era, the United States has largely reduced its relationship with Egypt to the maintenance of the peace treaty with Israel and withheld serious judgment of the Muslim Brotherhood-led government, even as it actively undermines the country's already troubled democratic transition.

The most severe political crisis to strike Egypt since the fall of Mubarak was sparked by President Mohamed Morsy's Nov. 22 constitutional decree, which granted the executive absolute authority and immunized his decisions from judicial review for the remainder of the transitional period. Morsy defended the move as an attempt to protect the constituent assembly -- tasked with drafting Egypt's new constitution -- from potential judicial dissolution, but his unilateral steps provoked outrage among opposition forces who again took to the streets.

The crisis deepened when the president directed the assembly to ram through a governing document in a chaotic, all-night session that made a mockery of deliberative constitutional process and design. If approved in a hastily called referendum, that slipshod document will bound Egypt's political future and institutionalize its crisis. With a significant portion of the country's judges declaring a strike in response to Morsy's declaration and dueling protesters mobilizing on opposing sides, Egypt's flawed transition now risks tipping into outright civil strife and prolonged instability.

Morsy's actions presented the United States with a difficult choice: Should it challenge an elected Egyptian president just as the two countries have begun to reconstruct bilateral ties? This choice was complicated further by the close cooperation and pragmatism displayed by Morsy and his government in securing a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip last month. These efforts won the Egyptian president newfound confidence in Washington, and administration officials were quick to shower him with praise.

But rather than using his burnished reputation as a regional leader to forge a more consensual and stable transition back home, Morsy capitalized on the favorable international political climate by making an untenable and unjustifiable power grab that has plunged Egypt into crisis and exacerbated existing divisions.

Morsy's moves were particularly damaging to the United States since he made his initial announcement the day after meeting with Clinton to finalize details of the Gaza ceasefire. The timing raised the unfounded specter among already suspicious Egyptians that the Brotherhood had cleared their undemocratic power play with the now-grateful Americans.

The Obama administration's response has only reinforced those fears -- though it does not justify the more baroque conspiracy theories about a secret U.S.-Muslim Brotherhood pact. Following Morsy's decree, the State Department released a tepid statement referencing "concerns" in the international community. The statement urged calm and encouraged "all parties to work together," calling for "all Egyptians to resolve their differences over these important issues peacefully and through democratic dialogue." The decision not to deliver a White House statement further indicated that the Obama administration wished to downplay the significance of Morsy's moves.

But the administration's conservative response was woefully short-sighted and reflected old modes of thinking that were ostensibly discarded in the wake of the Arab uprisings.

First, by downplaying U.S. concerns about Morsy's maneuvering, the United States seems to have forgotten the most important lesson of the Arab uprisings: Usurping authority or trampling rights are not recipes for political stability. The scenes of outraged opposition in Tahrir Square and elsewhere in Egypt indicate that the Brotherhood cannot claim to represent Egypt by itself. Its efforts to do so bode ill for the country's future and have precipitated a climate where political contestation is now accompanied with overt threats and incendiary rhetoric.

An unstable Egypt led by repressive rulers is a bad bet for the United States -- from the perspective of values and interests. A chaotic transition has tested America's diplomatic patience, but that challenge pales in comparison to the prospect of chronic instability and civil strife. With Egypt's economic woes high on the list of worries faced by U.S. officials, it bears mentioning that economic reform and growth will never take root so long as the political process remains deadlocked.

Second, the American response was rooted in a fundamental misunderstanding of the Egypt-Israel peace treaty and a limited view of Egypt as a client state. While it is true that the treaty underpins U.S. security policy in the region, avoiding criticisms of Egypt's authoritarian tendencies does little to secure American interests.

For too long, the United States has seen the Egypt-Israel peace as perpetually vulnerable and sustainable only through American largesse. The peace between Egypt and Israel is a cold one, and it will undoubtedly become colder still. It is hampered by the unyielding occupation of Palestinian lands and the ever-expanding settlement project. With an Islamist-led government now in place in Egypt, the deep-seated anti-Israel sentiments of the Muslim Brotherhood and its ideological affinity for Islamist fellow-travelers such as Hamas will reshape regional dynamics. Egypt will undoubtedly play a greater role in championing the Palestinian cause, and future Egyptian governments will abandon the anti-Hamas policies long pursued by the Mubarak regime.

But despite the tangible shifts in atmospherics, symbolism, and policies, regime change in Egypt will not alter the underlying strategic interests that pushed Anwar Sadat to seek a separate peace with Egypt's bitter enemy. Partly, this is a function of the national security establishment's continued stewardship of the Israel portfolio. While the parameters of the pact struck between the president and his military are not formally enshrined or even fully defined, the military and intelligence services still bound the policy discussions on issues such as Gaza.

Most importantly, Morsy's pragmatism should not come as a surprise. It is a clear reflection of enduring national interests and the infeasibility of aggression towards Israel. The prohibitive costs of such conflict -- both materially and for Egypt's position in the international community -- mean that the fundamental bargain underlying this cold peace is far more durable than is commonly presumed. Rewarding Morsy for his pragmatic approach to the recent Gaza conflict is a case of offering inducements for a policy already decided.

In her November 2011 speech, Clinton declared that we "cannot have one set of policies to advance security in the here-and-now and another to promote democracy in a long run that never quite arrives." That long run is here. The United States retains influence, particularly in light of Egypt's dire need for multilateral financial assistance and diplomatic support. Conditioning aid and support is complicated and often over-hyped, but it is a much-needed shift that would represent a break from the blank checks so often given to Egypt's leaders.

With much of the judiciary on strike and the prospect of prolonged street protests high, Egypt's democratic future is in peril. While not foreordained, a slow drift toward illiberal majoritarianism is now distinctly possible, as is the attendant instability that is likely to ensue. Injecting the United States more prominently in the current crisis also comes with risks, especially in light of America's checkered history in Egypt. But given the United States' deep ties, the Obama administration should understand that the choice between values and interests is a false one in this instance.

If America acquiesces anew to authoritarian behavior in Cairo, it won't win a new stable ally; it will only further alienate the many Egyptians who find the transactional nature of U.S.-Egyptian ties repugnant. Even worse, it will encourage a destructive political culture that provides an unstable foundation for future relations.



Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
this prick of a president is witnessing his supporters attack the youth and as if nothing is happening. god riddance morsy, bye bye, fuck off.

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the egyptain military will release a statement soon. i hope its giving this fucker the boot.

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Mohamed Morsi supporters and opponents clash in Cairo

Witnesses say Muslim Brotherhood supporters stormed sit-in by 300 anti-Morsi protesters outside Egypt's presidential palace

Egyptian protesters demonstrating against Mohamed Morsi's assumption of sweeping powers have clashed with the president's supporters in Cairo, as Morsi's deputy predicted a imminent breakthrough in resolving the crisis over the country's draft constitution.

The US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, expressed concern about the unrest, urging urgent dialogue between the sides.

Witnesses said Muslim Brotherhood supporters stormed a sit-in by about 300 opponents of Morsi outside the presidential palace, beating participants and destroying tents. Rocks were thrown and people fought with sticks.

The Nobel laureate Mohamed ElBaradei, who helped form the National Salvation Front coalition to co-ordinate opposition to the president's declaration, accused Morsi's supporters of a "vicious attack" on peaceful protesters, who he said were afforded no protection by police.

He said that the president should protect protesters to preserve "what remains of his legitimacy". It was ElBaradei's Constitution party that had announced the sit-in outside the palace, and another mass rally is planned for Friday. The Brotherhood's political arm, the Freedom of Justice party, had called on its Facebook page for a counter-protest in response to the sit-in.

It was the second successive day of clashes outside the palace. On Tuesday security forces fired teargas to disperse protesters.

The vice-president, Mahmoud Mekky, said a referendum on the draft constitution would go ahead on 15 December, despite opponents claiming Morsi was attempting to rush the document through.

"I am completely confident that if not in the coming hours, in the next few days we will reach a breakthrough in the crisis and consensus," he said. He denied the president's office was a party to any street violence.

Clinton said the unrest showed that dialogue between the two sides was "urgently needed". She called for a constitutional process that was "open, transparent and fair and does not unduly favour one group over any other".


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can any one believe that the past 48 hours since this shit started morsy ( the prick) did not even come out and give a speech to calm the shit out of the people who r killing one another.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
CNN and BBC supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and broadcasting wrong images to the world! Seems like we are not the only country with a media manipulated by the government!

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not just cnn and bbc but the qatari shit stain that is al jazeerah that is totally biased and unfair!

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enough said



Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
I hope you continue fighting for democracy and your rights.

Morsi must be stopped.

although its not morsy who is ruling egypt but his clan of pricks the muslim brotherhood!! its extremely obvious he is just a puppet whom they move around. the guy lacks the personality, the charisma or the imagination to lead a country like egypt with its current situation put into consideration.

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