Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (7 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
i cant see that for some reason facebook wont load for me!! :(:( i dont know if its bec i'm using etisalat usb or its just not working for me full stop.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
its working now naggar it just loaded lewa7doo keda!!!

by the way the riots are going on in cairo now 3ady but there are reports that its met with a lot of violence and now they even attack the reporters and press!!!

u know this is sth huge when u have parents living out side call u and u hear them warn u about going out but in the same time want this to happen!!!! talk about people reaching rock bottom with this system!!!


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
some cities are shifting the demonstrations to friday bec the police have the upper hand in the majority of cities and now int he main parts of cairo the security forces are in huge numbers.


Sep 4, 2007
More than yesterday, but I don't have the exact numbers

a total of 500 protestors caught so far -including a friend-

Baradaey's returning tomorrow night and going to be in Friday's demonestrations

Friday is expected to be the biggest day in this, schools and unis finish tomorrow, and people will be in the streets for the prayer already, it starts right after from Mosques

EU said that Egyptian government should listen to the people who have the right the express themselves through protests

Unconfirmed news that army in Suez is in the streets but not taking sides


Sep 4, 2007
Apparently Suez is on fire, Jazeera's reporter called it "street wars"

the 2 big demonestrations in Alexandria today were ended by the police

in Cairo Tahrir and the center of the city remain the same, anybody there is getting caught randomly


Sep 4, 2007
Cairo: Talaat harb square protests are surrounded and being attacked by tear gas bombs and rubber bullets

Edit: they're 10,000 and they're heading now towards Tahrir sqaure again, and will spend the night there

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