Do you believe in God? (2 Viewers)

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Jan 7, 2004
okayyy .. umm, well the question was whether you believe in God or not .. I never denied that religious conflicts happen all around us all the time.. However I don't really think religion is completely to blame for it .. i think it's the messed up people that interpret it the wrong way. As for the whole 9/11 thing, the people who did that were extremists who mis-interpreted the Koran. And I'm no expert in the muslim religion or anything so I don't really want to get in to it because I don't want to offend anyone or say something that's not accurate. BUT I don't think it's fair to say that so many bad things occur because of religion and therfore it shouldn't exist. Think of all the good things that come of it !! Yeah of course there are problems with it, and maybe the world would be a better place without it .. who knows ? Don't you think there would be conflict even without religion ? probablyy ..
You also said that people shouldn't be "scared" in to being good .. well I didn't really mean it that way .. i was just trying to say that it makes sense to believe in God because YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE !!!!!!

I don't know it If really explained myself any better .. but whatev.
why give people something to misinterpret?

nothing to lose? how about the knowlegde that most probably there is something more. religion tells us that god gave us everything, well that answer does not satisfy me. if god gave us everything then who gave us god? the more science progresses the more we are able to explain things ie interaction of celestial bodies, evolution an such. we are not far from explaining the rest

i have not been part of organized religion and i do not feel like i am missing anything.

and about the good things, just like martin said as well, humanism is a world view not based on religion

Buy on
Apr 15, 2007
why give people something to misinterpret?

nothing to lose? how about the knowlegde that most probably there is something more. religion tells us that god gave us everything, well that answer does not satisfy me. if god gave us everything then who gave us god? the more science progresses the more we are able to explain things ie interaction of celestial bodies, evolution an such. we are not far from explaining the rest

i have not been part of organized religion and i do not feel like i am missing anything.

and about the good things, just like martin said as well, humanism is a world view not based on religion

Yeah i understand what you're saying here .. BUT i'm gonna keep believing in God and hoping that he exists so that when I die I get in to heaven . LOL


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2005
Gigantic dude roaming around in the skies with nothing better to do than create things like us and play around with us give us rules to follow and if we dont we'll suffer till eternity and if we do we'll live in everlasting joy? in happygofcky land? like no second chance? NO!


The Real MC
Jul 30, 2006
whether you live your life by what the Bible or whatever book you follow says, or whether you just live life with no boundaries, you will still get into "Heaven" because on your death bed, a priest comes and gives you the rite of death, which forgives all your sins. So you will be just as good as those who went to Church 2 times a week.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Welllll .. I don't think that's a ridiculous statement at all !! :angel:
In fact, I happen to agree with it . Whyy ?? Well look at it this way - What's the harm in believing in God ? Can anything bad really come of it ? Like if we live all our lives following the bible, being the people that God "calls" us to be blah blah blah, what do we have to lose ? So we die and there's no God .. at least we strived to be good people on earth and can be happy knowing that we lived honourable lives. It's not like we missed out on anything. (except having to wake up early every Sunday morning to go to church. lol ) :p

But for those who don't believe in him .. they don't really gain anything in the afterlife if it does happen to exist. They're pretty much screwed because they can't go to heaven right ?

So, yeah, why NOT believe in God ? It just makes sense to do it. :eyebrows:

P.S. I don't mean to say that people who don't believe in God aren't good people or anything .. because that obviously isn't the case . :disagree:
That's the kind of selfpreservation that leads people to believing, yes. But I refuse to be scared all my life.

Has something bad come of believing? Hmm, this is where you should grab a history book. I don't know where you went to school, but there seem to be huge gaps in your education. Maybe they told you the crusades were heroic, but that's not the way I see it.

As for interpreting, who knows, maybe the people that created 9/11 are the ones that did interpret the Qu'uran right. You don't know, do you.


Senior Member
May 6, 2005
I think human brain don't have ability to find Answer to this question. We are not in a level in nature to find answer to this question. But between Yes and No I prefer Yes!
I beleive nobody can find this answer but let pretend there is something like god.
Nov 21, 2005
I don't think it's very smart to continue this discussion because here are a lot of nationalities together and the biggest problem in the world is religion.
I do believe in god though.

but i think it would be smart to end this discussion...but thats my opinion


Sep 27, 2006
That's the kind of selfpreservation that leads people to believing, yes. But I refuse to be scared all my life.

Has something bad come of believing? Hmm, this is where you should grab a history book. I don't know where you went to school, but there seem to be huge gaps in your education. Maybe they told you the crusades were heroic, but that's not the way I see it.

As for interpreting, who knows, maybe the people that created 9/11 are the ones that did interpret the Qu'uran right. You don't know, do you.
I assure you ... it WAS misinterpreted on that ugly day ... nothing like that could possibly come out of Quran ... :) ...


The Real MC
Jul 30, 2006
let me just ask everyone a question:

would you rather live your life to the full, doing whatever you please without worrying if it goes against a book, or would you rather live life without doing anything wild and crazy because you are scared of the consequences?

I'd rather life a full life and do everything i desire and then learn that there is something above rather than live a quiet life never breaking rules and then learning that there is nothing above and it was a hoax


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Seven .. have you ever read a verse from the Quran ?

In my short life I atleast read it 10 times from cover to cover ... Believe me every Jihad verse has nothing to do with what happened ...
I know what Jihad stands for and I wouldn't interpret it the way 9/11 terrorists did. All I'm saying is that who are we to say they were wrong? Perhaps they interpreted te Qu'uran right and we are wrong. It was written by some guy 1400 years ago, who knows what he meant. Yeah yeah, Allah wrote it, no human interaction blah blah blah.


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
I know what Jihad stands for and I wouldn't interpret it the way 9/11 terrorists did. All I'm saying is that who are we to say they were wrong? Perhaps they interpreted te Qu'uran right and we are wrong. It was written by some guy 1400 years ago, who knows what he meant. Yeah yeah, Allah wrote it, no human interaction blah blah blah.
It's funny how Seven acts like he knows something...

but hey at least you know whats prosciutto :toast:


Sep 27, 2006
I know what Jihad stands for and I wouldn't interpret it the way 9/11 terrorists did. All I'm saying is that who are we to say they were wrong? Perhaps they interpreted te Qu'uran right and we are wrong. It was written by some guy 1400 years ago, who knows what he meant. Yeah yeah, Allah wrote it, no human interaction blah blah blah.
You saved me the argument of who wrote the Quran ... thanks ... U know our views ...

ok ... even let's say they and only they and the guys of BinLadin understood the Qur'an right ... why does the whole muslim community only condemn what happened and never appologised for it ??

Simply, because condemning it means that we don't agree with them and appologising for it means that we agree ... and by we i mean the whole muslim world ...

PS. Refer to NATW thread and see that talk we Rami and Snoop had about the word lion in Arabic language to have a glimpse of what's in it .. my point is if it has all this diversity of words how cannot it be clear ??

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