Del Piero: a hero or a choker? (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Of course we didn't suck in general cause to arrive to the final and loose just at the penalty it means that you weare virtually the best togeder with the winner but I don't know if you saw all the matches... In Italia 90, the team played very well, had ball possession, dominates the matches, playing entrateining soccer, ecc... while in 94 from some reasons we weare often dominated from the others teams, left them the initiative and win 4 a Baggio miracle, more than one times near to the 90'. It was actually so emotioning and chilly that WC... but as you see the way how the team played... my god... their tactis was: everybody panic and hope in a Roby miracle. Infact was in that year that was born the sentence "God exist and he has the Ponytail" and also "Cul de Sac" that is difficolt to explain but underline how Sacchi was lucky to go ahead without deserving it cause was just Baggio to play not the team.


Junior Member
Jul 15, 2002
Man, the fact that we are talking about Del Piero as a Hero is because he is a great player. He is not the greatest but he is great, he might not play a huge part in the huge games but winning the Scudettos and getting to the CL finals his contributions matter all along.

people who criticize Del Piero are saying, let's not talk about the past (i.e. Pre-98 form)... Well LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT THE PAST, DON'T MENTION HIS MISSES IN EURO-2000 BECAUSE THAT'S THE PAST.
let's talk about the present: 2-goals in CL, 2-goals in Serie A.

Anyway, in my view, this argument will never end. you can rack up everything you want but you will never convince me that Del Piero is not my hero (he loves the team and gives his everything for the team, that's why he is my hero and he will always be.....)


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
Well you have convinced yourself that I am anti Baggio so I am not gonna argue that point anymore

First of all what Baggio miracle do you keep refering to in U.S. A 94? Yes he scored 5 goals but there were no assists

You mention symbols, which confuses me a bit as you are trying to say that if you mention Italy to any non Italian , the first thing that comes to their head is Baggio, its not the fashion scene or the mafia
As of Italy is such a poor country that the only time that the country is happy is when they think of Baggio

A lot of great players have come out of your country my friend, an d stop trying to convince us that somehow the only footballer the world reckons with is Baggio

We all know about Rossi (won the wc, was European footballer of the year), Riviera is known by people even if he was not soi good in the Nt
Footballer lovers around the world know Baresi, Maldini and yes Dp and Totti so enough of that symbol thingy

You then proceed to say Juventus are only probably dependent on Buffon and Nedved, well for Buffon, he is great and would be missed by anyone but lets face it we have a weak backup, if the backup was say Abbiatti , we would not miss Buffon that much if he did get injured

As for Nedved, well we don't know do we as the only big match he has missed was against Milan and we didnt get beat either and we don't have a back up for him either but as strikers we do have Di Vaio as a back up

By the way wasn't Baresi voted best Italian player of the millennium?


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
Its one of the more interesting threads and to be fair apart from the matches threads most of the threads have been rather disappointing
Anyways its what a forum is supposed to be, different ppl with diff opinions about the same thing


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #227
    You're welcome (I started the thread ;) )

    Yeah, I know its interesting, but I thought most valid points would be made in the first 10 pages ;)


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
    Whenever you have a thread pitting me aagainst mate concerning Dp and Baggio well you can be assured that it would run till christmas 2010


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    Well you have convinced yourself that I am anti Baggio so I am not gonna argue that point anymore
    Well looks like the 2goal of your life" is speaking bullschit about Baggio so you convinced me... of course.
    Now you spend more posts to try to put Roby down than to praise your idol... so if this is not an osession?[/QUOTE]

    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    First of all what Baggio miracle do you keep refering to in U.S. A 94? Yes he scored 5 goals but there were no assists
    Yes you are right Baggio sucked at USA 94 :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
    What it is 5 goals? And what it meaned to score them? They weare not decisive and did not allow Italy to win vs Nigeria, Spain and Bulgaria cause there weare not assists! :LOL: Actually so many Italian players did something to waht Baggio did in USA 94 4 the azzurri, why to remember it? :LOL:

    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    You mention symbols, which confuses me a bit as you are trying to say that if you mention Italy to any non Italian , the first thing that comes to their head is Baggio, its not the fashion scene or the mafia
    As of Italy is such a poor country that the only time that the country is happy is when they think of Baggio
    Here in Italy there are a lot of famos thing, Baggio is the most famos person cause in very far and poor places all that it arrive is some WC matches but we have many nice thing even nivcer than mafia... don't worry :D

    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    A lot of great players have come out of your country my friend, an d stop trying to convince us that somehow the only footballer the world reckons with is Baggio
    We all know about Rossi (won the wc, was European footballer of the year), Riviera is known by people even if he was not soi good in the Nt
    Footballer lovers around the world know Baresi, Maldini and yes Dp and Totti so enough of that symbol thingy
    Yes we have and many good footballers but the simble of italian soccer it is Roberto Baggio, and not only 4 italians... and infact he is the only one who came out every time a best ever. "I try to convince you" :LOL:eek:f what? That Baggio is the most popolar Italian player? There is no need of it! Everybody knows it! You are not agree? :eek: I am so surprise :eek:
    But yes... the reason why in the FIFA pool the only Italian present is Baggio and "denco" is not agree... is because Baggio "buy" all this peaple why "denco" hold the truth...

    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++You then proceed to say Juventus are only probably dependent on Buffon and Nedved, well for Buffon, he is great and would be missed by anyone but lets face it we have a weak backup, if the backup was say Abbiatti , we would not miss Buffon that much if he did get injured
    Abbiati? :D

    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++As for Nedved, well we don't know do we as the only big match he has missed was against Milan and we didnt get beat either and we don't have a back up for him either but as strikers we do have Di Vaio as a back up
    So Nedved was not unsustitutable and not ouers leader last season?

    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    By the way wasn't Baresi voted best Italian player of the millennium?
    No... I know is hard to accept 4 you but it was Baggio... like it is normal to be cause he is ouers soccer simble. But think that he "bought" the pool... so you will not spend a sleapless night :D


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    Whenever you have a thread pitting me aagainst mate concerning Dp and Baggio well you can be assured that it would run till christmas 2010
    But actually I repeat to you that you are better to open an "antiBaggio trade" cause isn't fair to drive all the trade on the argument.

    Btw GOAT trade was not about Baggio... it is you who drove the trade on the argument that obsess you :D


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    Is normal that a Baggio lover and a Baggio hater can discuss 4 ever but is normal that not everybody are interested in it... so do not like when the trades goes out of topic in that direction, that's why yyou schould open the antibaggio trade... I cannot open it, oviously ;)
    Btw you are tooo obsessed about Roby... tell me the truth... he stole you a girlfriend of what :D


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
    Why are u laughing at Abiatti? Is he a bad keeper and tell me is he not better than our current number 2

    I never said baggio is not the most popular player in Italy , you keep talking about symbol.

    Okay lets forget about all that and please lest stick to points instead of saying I hate him or that he bought the pool

    Actually speaking about that, was it not an internet poll and is it beyond someone like you to vote more than a 100 times to boost his votes cos you keep talking about it , I am beginning to wonder if his fans did not have something to do with it

    As it was on the internet, tha kinda excludes alot of people as who has time to go on the internet to vote, certainly not people in Africa, Asia and other places who have moire pressing needs than some silly vote

    Another thing you have said which is ironic is that only young gals like Dp, when baggio is one of the most goodlooking players to have played the game and because of that , his popularity has been boosted by that as well


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    Why are u laughing at Abiatti? Is he a bad keeper and tell me is he not better than our current number 2
    Chimenti sucks, really sucks. Abbiati is a medium/good keeper, better than Chimenti of course, but Buffon is the best keeper of the world at the moment, he really make the difference, you cannot say that we will not miss him that mutch... if ouers second wuould not be Toldo we will. Buffon is such a garanee...

    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    I never said baggio is not the most popular player in Italy , you keep talking about symbol.
    Of course he is the simble of Italian soccer. You can discuss everything but not this...
    You know what EMERGENCY did a pool (I posted all the details moths ago in the Baggio tribute) in beetwin all the school peaple under 18 of who they consider a real hero and it came out first Gino Strada (Emergency "father"), second Nelson Mandela and 3° Roby Baggio, before the Pope who was 4° :eek: I'm agree with you that is silly, so silly... Baggio is a sport hero and that's it. He fighted vs the bad luck, the injuryes and everything and became the best so is normal that he can be an example 4 peaple, but he do not save peaple, he has fun playing and he maynly do it 4 hmself so peaple who talk about him as a God or a saint are crazy... I'm agree with you... Baggio need a "sociologic study" cause at the end all that he does is playng soccer.
    But in soccer there are no dubt about he is a simble, the only one in Italian soccer...

    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    Okay lets forget about all that and please lest stick to points instead of saying I hate him or that he bought the pool

    Actually speaking about that, was it not an internet poll and is it beyond someone like you to vote more than a 100 times to boost his votes cos you keep talking about it , I am beginning to wonder if his fans did not have something to do with it

    As it was on the internet, tha kinda excludes alot of people as who has time to go on the internet to vote, certainly not people in Africa, Asia and other places who have moire pressing needs than some silly vote.
    There are some crap pools like the phone pools but in "official pools" is impossible to vote more than one time... they are not used just 4 soccer but also 4 more important things. What are you talking about? They are very realible... And btw in the case we are talking about there is nothing to say cause that Baggio will always get a lot of votes it's obvious! There is even no need of pools cause the result is so obvious, or you really have some doubts that he is the most popolar Italian also outside Italy?
    And infact you can have all the stats on weare the peaple vote from... and actually is especially from places like Asia and Africa that Baggio has no rivals on popolarity cause there they know just him. In Europe he still the most popolar but others player are too, especially cause peaple follow also the league while in poor countrys they mostly get just the World Cup.

    And btw you say that peaple who vote Baggio on pools do not have anything to do... but it coust just 1 minute and it's to support a player you like. So what I have to think about you? How many words and time did you spended on this forum to speak about him? and you don't even like him...

    Btw I don't think you hate him (when I say "hate" I intend it in a "sport sense" like you are happy if he has something wrong, you get mad 4 his success, ecc... but I'm sure you won't kill him if you met him in the streat -or at list, I hope :D -). Anycase I'm sure you have a kind of obsession of him... cause you always speack about him, you invest so mutch of your time in him. It looks like your mission is to change the history and to take him away of the soccer legends :D

    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    Another thing you have said which is ironic is that only young gals like Dp, when baggio is one of the most goodlooking players to have played the game and because of that , his popularity has been boosted by that as well
    :confused: Well Baggio has a Baggio face, cannot say if he is good looking or not... but his fans are both boys and glrls, old and young... he is the most Italian person... so his fans are all the kinds. Cause he do not do "calendars" and worked on his image like DP and others players did, or tried to do. I think the girls fans who do not have a clue of soccer (not all the girls are like this, some knows a lot but... you know which kind I'm talking about) do not follow a player even cause he is the most beautiful but cause he is "selled" in their market... that's it. And that's what Del Piero did... he has 2 managers 4 it... they even "dress him up". Or didn't you notice how was DP dressing before or now... Actually there's nothing wrong from it. It is an onest way to make money, but actually there are alos peaple who laught on him from it... did you know that to try to sell a photographic book of him that was a flop Del Piero even made up a lottery... from the girls who buy the book some of them winned a dinner with him :D
    Well this not about soccer anycase... but you can say all but not that Baggio work on his image... at the opposite some players (is not just DP) now try all to be popolar like him working also on things outside soccer, having image managers, ecc... but they has no result... the reason why Roby became so popolar and loved IMO is because he was always natural, fans "choosed" him and he didn't do anything if not playing to attract them.
    He even fired his manger when very young and now he put all in the hands of a friend of him. Is like this... he do not even have a manager...
    Anycase is true... how Baggio did to be so loved will need a study.

    P.S.: I repeat to you.... why do not open a trade "antiBaggio"? If you put togeder all the posts you spammed in different trade it will be such a looooooong one... like this we are bodering other users cause we make trades going out of topic... I wuould open the trade myself but I don't want to see my name as a starter of it ;) cause I like Roby that's why I ask you to do it...


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++

    *flips gray off*

    be more understanding of people :p
    Hey cmon, patience can only go so far...10 pages is surely enough ;) I guess it's interesting, but I'm amazed at how some people are so persistent in rephrasing the same points that have already been made. Maybe these two should argue in point form from now so we can tabulate it and count up the pros and cons :p


    Senior Member
    Apr 21, 2003
    Maradona is doing a commercial in Italy, and during the break, they interviewed him. When asked who's his heir, his reply was "Baggio; Just seeing him touch the ball is a joy."

    Didn't expect him to reply like this, thought he would be more diplomatic or name an Argentinian player. I guess mate will be happy to hear this ;)


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    IMO Del Piero and Baggio are both excellent players. Del Piero have such class, but IMO Baggio is a step next to del Piero.

    He way of starting a play al alone from the mid, and his definition,,his ball dominion everyhting was just perfect. He didnt depended in anyone to score. Baggio is more like a speedier and stronger version of del piero.

    He had more guts too.


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
    Maradona is doing a commercial in Italy, and during the break, they interviewed him. When asked who's his heir, his reply was "Baggio; Just seeing him touch the ball is a joy."

    Didn't expect him to reply like this, thought he would be more diplomatic or name an Argentinian player. I guess mate will be happy to hear this ;)
    Didn't know that particolar one;) but I know that Maradona is a big Baggio fan; he said also that Roby remind him himself when he was playing cause he is the onlyone who plays with his heart, and spent so many nice words 4 him, also the one who I choosed as my message after the posts.
    He is now working 4 Italian TV and he is often in TV shows as a guest and on sunday he managed to keep in touch trought sky TV with Roby who was in Marassi's changing room and he prayed him "live" not to quit soccer at the end of the season as Roby is planning.
    Was a very touching thing, in a way nice (cause is nice to see how there is no jelousy in Diego but just support 4 his younger friend) but in a way very sad cause he said him "please don't my mistakes" and went near to tears so he really showed all his regret 4 quitting soccer too early. If you go to the Baggio Tribute in the Rocky history forum I translated the thing in a better way.

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