Cris for the defence? (2 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jan 30, 2004
Juve C'è l'accordo con Cris

09:37 del 01 giugno

Blitz dell'agente Raiola in sede, poi di nuovo a Lione. Zebina fino al 2010. Camoranesi, conquistato dalle parole di stima dei dirigenti è pronto a firmare il rinnovo per un'altra stagione. (Tuttosport)

Agreement reached with Cris??
Zebina renews 'till 2010. Camo has been conviced to stay and renew for another season.

Great news, if this is all true(probably not, considering it comes from tuttosport...).

Buy on


Hi, Ashutosh Deshpande!
Mar 13, 2007
La Juve si muove per Cris

Tramontata l'ipotesi Vidic, la Juve continua a lavorare per rinverdire la linea difensiva. Sempre calde le piste che portano a Barzagli e Pepe, Secco si muove col Lione per il brasiliano Cris.

Sarà la difesa, come noto, a subire i cambiamenti più significativi in vista della serie A 2007-2008. Mentre si affretta a confermare verbalmente Deschamps anche per la prossima stagione, il ds bianconero Alessio Secco lavora per rinnovare il reparto difensivo, quello che necessità di maggiori investimenti per alzare il tasso qualitativo della squadra.

Negli ultimi giorni si registrano due frenate e una netta accelerazione. Le frenate riguardano Nemanja Vidic, che il Manchester United ha dichiarato incedibile dopo i contatti con corso Galileo Ferraris, ed il portoghese Pepe, che piace moltissimo ma costa pure parecchio (non meno di 20 milioni). L'accelerazione riguarda invece il centrale brasiliano del Lione Cris, che vanta parecchia esperienza anche in campo internazionale e che in virtù dell'età, 30 anni, ha un costo decisamente inferiore (circa 10 milioni).

Su Cris si sono mosse anche altre società italiane (Milan e Fiorentina in primis), ma l'azione della dirigenza juventina sembra più decisa ed incisiva, e sebbene non siano ancvora state formulate offerte ufficiali, i bianconeri sembrano aver guadagnato una posizione di netto vantaggio sulla concorrenza.

Un'altra accelerazione riguarda il difensore argentino del saragozza . Lo scoglio, fino ad ora, è il Saragozza. Secco lavora per convincere gli spagnoli a limare la richiesta di 18 milioni (la Juve arriva ad offrirne 12).

Resta congelata la pista Barzagli, anche se secondo indiscrezioni esisterebbe già da tempo un accordo verbale fra la Juve ed il presidente del Palermo Zamparini per il trasferimento del difensore in bianconero.

He'd cost about 10 m €...the text also says that Juve is offering 12 m for Millito but Saragoza is asking for 18 m...

What do you think of Cris?I didn't see him that much to judge him!
What does it mean in English, don't chya noe that posting in Italian lingo is against the rule of the community. Moreover, this itself is the language barrier
May 22, 2007
French champions Lyon have claimed that Juventus have been in touch regarding a potential swoop for Cris and another unidentified player.

“Juventus contacted Cris and another Lyon player, making them a few offers,” noted President Jean-Michel Aulas.

“However, I have met with Cris and he has told me he wants to stay here. Therefore we will continue talks over his contract extension,” added the French chief whose club have just won a sixth successive Ligue 1 crown.

“Juventus made an enquiry three weeks ago in which they offered a swap deal, but we turned them down. Cris is not for sale and this issue for me is closed.”

It’s understood that the other player targeted was midfielder Alou Diarra who has caught the eye of Bianconeri sporting director Alessio Secco [pictured].

Diarra has had a tough season in Lyon, but may opt to remain after boss Gerard Houllier – whom he had a frosty relationship with – resigned last week.

Reports suggest that the Juve player included in the potential swap deal might have been David Trezeguet, who has just one year left on his contract.


Aug 13, 2004
French champions Lyon have claimed that Juventus have been in touch regarding a potential swoop for Cris and another unidentified player.
“Juventus contacted Cris and another Lyon player, making them a few offers,” noted President Jean-Michel Aulas.

“However, I have met with Cris and he has told me he wants to stay here. Therefore we will continue talks over his contract extension,” added the French chief whose club have just won a sixth successive Ligue 1 crown.

“Juventus made an enquiry three weeks ago in which they offered a swap deal, but we turned them down. Cris is not for sale and this issue for me is closed.”

It’s understood that the other player targeted was midfielder Alou Diarra who has caught the eye of Bianconeri sporting director Alessio Secco [pictured].

Diarra has had a tough season in Lyon, but may opt to remain after boss Gerard Houllier – whom he had a frosty relationship with – resigned last week.

Reports suggest that the Juve player included in the potential swap deal might have been David Trezeguet, who has just one year left on his contract.
It would be awesome if that unidentified player is Malouda actually.:D
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