Cris for the defence? (1 Viewer)

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Badass J Elkann

It's time to go!!
Feb 12, 2006
Are you suggesting we sign no non-Italians?
no im suggesting that despite his good qualities as a defender his age doesnt give him much time to settle in, how adaptable into settling into a new environment is sumthing we cannot judge, i may be wrong, but at the same time he may not adapt especially in terms of communication, i mean we are talking about potentially our leader in the back line, and if he doesnt learn the linguo or adapt to italian life, we are facing a disasterous season ahead, which probably why id prefer sum1 like gabi milito since he looks more the likely out of him and cris to settle in better, since if im correct in saying he has an italian passport and im sure has some basic command of the language


Senior Member
May 29, 2006
no im suggesting that despite his good qualities as a defender his age doesnt give him much time to settle in, how adaptable into settling into a new environment is sumthing we cannot judge, i may be wrong, but at the same time he may not adapt especially in terms of communication, i mean we are talking about potentially our leader in the back line, and if he doesnt learn the linguo or adapt to italian life, we are facing a disasterous season ahead, which probably why id prefer sum1 like gabi milito since he looks more the likely out of him and cris to settle in better, since if im correct in saying he has an italian passport and im sure has some basic command of the language
i dont think it will be jhard to learn the language, look at kovac.


Nov 26, 2006
no im suggesting that despite his good qualities as a defender his age doesnt give him much time to settle in, how adaptable into settling into a new environment is sumthing we cannot judge, i may be wrong, but at the same time he may not adapt especially in terms of communication, i mean we are talking about potentially our leader in the back line, and if he doesnt learn the linguo or adapt to italian life, we are facing a disasterous season ahead, which probably why id prefer sum1 like gabi milito since he looks more the likely out of him and cris to settle in better, since if im correct in saying he has an italian passport and im sure has some basic command of the language
I'd prefer Milito as well cos I think he is generally a better defender and more of a leader.


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2007
he cant play for brazil despite lack of good defenders in that country
That's because Brazil had only morons for selectors after Scolari!
Perreira played Cafu! WTF! He had Cicinho playin a tremendous season, Alves on-form also & he decides with Cafu!?
He called Juan!!! The guy sucks! By players like Cris, Cacapa & Alex he choses Juan.
The lack of play doesn't tell much for the player, but his game does:tup:


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
last time i checked italy's common language is italian as spanish/portugese is to brazilians.
Seriously, this is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Do you know how many Brazilians play in Italy? How about Argentinians? Do you think the likes of Sivori, Leonardo, Emerson, Ronaldo, Kaka, Veron, etc etc etc ever had an issue with language? Honestly..


May 27, 2007
Well i guess Cris is not coming...

Lione: la Juve vuole Cris ma non lo avrà
"Cris prolunghera' il suo contratto con il Lione. Ci siamo visti ieri e abbiamo deciso di continuare le trattative. Ci sono state alcune richieste sulle quali abbiamo dovuto lavorare. Lui vuole restare e presto troveremo un buon accordo". Il presidente del Lione, Jean-Michel Aulas, ha rivelato che il difensore brasiliano Cris e' stato cercato dalla Juventus, ma l'intenzione dei campioni di Francia e' quella di trattenere il giocatore. Aulas ha parlato in occasione della conferenza stampa per il prolungamento del contratto di Anthony Reveillere. L'esterno destro ha rinnovato fino al 2011. Nessuna novita', intanto, sul tecnico che prendera' il posto di Gerard Houllier. Aulas, infatti, ha smentito di aver gia' trovato un accordo con il tecnico del Sochaux, Alain Perrin. "Stiamo proseguendo le nostre consultazioni -ha spiegato il numero uno del Lione-. Sostituire Houllier non e' una cosa facile, serve pensare a un progetto. Anche in questo caso troveremo presto una soluzione".


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
Lyon's president confirmed today that Juventus made official offers for Cris & Tiago, but Lyon told them that each player's price is 20 million euros.
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