Coronavirus (COVID-19 Outbreak) (99 Viewers)


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2015
Do you not remember how bad it was a year ago without vaccines? Even now, unvaccinated people are getting absolutely wrecked by Covid. And it’s not just about being hospitalized or dying, I know a few people who had long Covid and it basically ruined a year of their lives.

PS don’t believe in anecdotal evidence, but this subreddit is an excellent reality check.
One look at official statistics anyone can look at if they only wanted to, and I know I don't need to be scared one bit by Corona. My chance of dying from it is close to zero, and so is the chance of me getting hospitalized or seriously sick.

No anecdotal evidence and no smart reddit forum can argue those stats away.

I'm talking about young and healthy people here btw, not the elderly.

That's not to say it doesn't happen, but the chance just happens to be very slim.


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
One look at official statistics anyone can look at if they only wanted to, and I know I don't need to be scared one bit by Corona. My chance of dying from it is close to zero, and so is the chance of me getting hospitalized or seriously sick.
They're doing the whole George Floyd anecdotal evidence again with COVID now. One case heavily pushed by all MSM to shill the required narrative while any public stat based on large numbers speaks a different language.


Sep 23, 2003
I'll move discussion from WAYDRN thread. Wasn't omicron supposed to be very mild? Holland has like 70% vaccinated and it's now closed for entire month. So is it mild? Or vaccines are shit? If it's very mild then how come vaccinated folk goes to hospitals? Shouldn't it be filled with unvaccinated? But if it's mild then how come this collapse happened?
A vaccinated person should be protected from symptoms, but it's no guarantee. There's a lot of people who were on the bubble because they resisted infection so we never knew. Once the wall of infection is broken, it's again fresh meat for the virus to see if the symptoms will stick or not.

What's interesting is that omicron in South Africa is NOT apparently putting people in hospitals. Which would be huge. But not all national populations are anything like South Africa.

Speaking of it, how are they planning to get the unvaccinated vaxxed at this point?

If the original variant wasn't of concern to them, why would they take a shot now with omicron being even less severe?

Makes no sense on a personal level to change that stance now.
I think a lot of people have binary minds and still cannot cognitively get over that risk of infection and risk of symptoms are two different things. A lot of people are confusing infection for vaccine failure, when vaccines are tested and designed primarily for symptoms. And nothing is perfect.

A lot of panic is more about infection than symptoms it seems. And with higher infection rates, that means a lot more exposure so those few with reduced vaccine protection against symptoms are going to be more easily "found out" by a transmitting virus.

For starters, refrain from selling all things uncertain as definitive facts, only to 180 on them three months later. Secondly, don't undermine fundamental civil rights. Thirdly, this pandemic rather than being an issue by itself, is like a low tide exposing all the potholes and drains which the ruling class have been digging into our society. Healthcare exposed (impoverish health workers lol), digitalization exposed (nobody prepared for home office and remote teaching lol), public transport (trains are bursting because cars are evil and gas is 1.6€ lol) So the damage you are seeing is not the damage the pandemic is doing. It's the damage which has already been done before and can't be swept under the rug anymore. The thieves and frauds of course hide behind the unvaxxed.
First, facts change. The virus mutates. Everyone and everything changes. The only constant in life is change. To think we have to hang our hat on absolute, immutable truths only means we have no truths ever. That's impossible to even do even short-term responses of any effectiveness. Like a war theater where the enemy, weather, and terrain changes, you cant keep fighting the original battle expecting a good outcome without altering your strategy.

Secondly, ever hear that quote from Mike Tyson: "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth?" Well everyone has fundamental civil rights until the bodies start piling up. That goes for pandemics or wars or disasters or zombie apocalypses.People in ICUs have laughable rights to do the same things the rest of us healthy people are entitled to do. And if human behaviors are contributing to the disease and death of others, then civil rights under peacetime don't make sense anymore -- because what for? Dead people have no civil rights.

Thirdly, I think it's also exposing Western narcissism and its limits in a society where people believe in absolute individualism and every man for themselves. There are limits.

You don't see so-called Second- or Third-World countries (we aren't supposed to use those terms anymore ;) protesting vaccines in the street. And there are far more potholes there. So there's more nuance than just that to this.

They're doing the whole George Floyd anecdotal evidence again with COVID now. One case heavily pushed by all MSM to shill the required narrative while any public stat based on large numbers speaks a different language.
The thing that I've noticed is that many of the biggest complainers about fear-mongering MSM are now becoming outright drama queens in hysterics whenever a new variant is discovered ("everyone is freaking out!" they said about Omicron's earlier this month as Fauci was saying "no need to panic"). People are now reporting that the New York state infection rate is higher than it's ever been this year, and we have drama queens in hysterics saying that stating a fact like that is fear-mongering, then running down a litany of unproven hypotheses about higher testing, blah blah blah.

Facts can't be just facts anymore. Just stating a fact is considered a political act.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
One look at official statistics anyone can look at if they only wanted to, and I know I don't need to be scared one bit by Corona. My chance of dying from it is close to zero, and so is the chance of me getting hospitalized or seriously sick.

No anecdotal evidence and no smart reddit forum can argue those stats away.

I'm talking about young and healthy people here btw, not the elderly.

That's not to say it doesn't happen, but the chance just happens to be very slim.
But no one is saying you are at a real risk of dying from covid. They are saying that infection rates go up, the virus reaches more people who will end up in intensive care and it is disruptive to the healthcare system.

And that's bad news for everyone.

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Jun 17, 2011
So interesting data point in a super highly vaccinated country with a lot of social adherence: COVID cases up, hospitalizations going down:
Same in New York City. Cases are skyrocketing (9,471), but so far ( :xfingers::xfingers::xfingers::xfingers::xfingers::xfingers::xfingers::xfingers::xfingers: ) hospitalizations (94) are at 0.99% of cases, 11 total deaths. I'm sure there's going to be a bump in both unfortunately, but if things can continue at this rate it's a fantastic step, especially with the new treatments being approved.


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015


Sep 23, 2003
You have ~900 hospitalizations
we have about ~3700

Your population is 10mil
Ours is 80mil

Your vaccination rate is 87,9%
Ours is 70.3%

What's it good for?
You guys make 8x as much money to pamper yourselves and our population averages about 8x as old as you.

So 900 hospitalizations with the vax rate still beats 7200 without. :pado:

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