Chxta's Space (4 Viewers)



Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
Nov 1, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #87

    President Bush had a more pressing worry than terrorism or reforming the United Nations during a Security Counil meeting in New York yesterday - the leader of the world's only superpower wanted to go the loo.

    At one point during the Council's debate on international security and UN reform, Mr Bush picked up a pencil and wrote a short note to Condoleezza Rice, the Secretary of State.

    "I think I may need a bathroom break? Is this possible?" the note read.

    The photograph, taken by a Reuters photographer, was widely reposted and discussed on the internet - including a piece on the influential Drudge Report under the title "Bush Needs to Go Potty".
    What is wrong with people? For the first time in a long time I actually find myself on his side on this one. It's this simple, as a man when you have to go you have to go!

    Another leader was making a speech at that point in time and it would have caused a diplomatic row if he had just stood up in order to go take a leak. The man had to be sure.

    This one is just unnecessary soft sell... :mad:


    Sep 23, 2003
    For a little African football news, I've got a donation for you, Cheta: ;)

    Airliner fakes emergency so passengers can watch soccer game

    LIMA, Peru (AP) -- A chartered jet carrying 289 Gambian soccer fans pretended it needed to make an emergency landing so they could watch their team compete in the FIFA Under 17 World Championships, officials said Wednesday.

    The plane, claiming to be low on fuel, landed Tuesday near the stadium in Peru's northern coast city of Piura.

    "It truly was a scam," said Betty Maldonado, a spokeswoman for Peru's aviation authority, CORPAC. "They tricked the control tower, saying they were low on fuel."



    Sempre e solo Juve
    Aug 12, 2005
    ++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++
    For a little African football news, I've got a donation for you, Cheta: ;)

    Airliner fakes emergency so passengers can watch soccer game

    LIMA, Peru (AP) -- A chartered jet carrying 289 Gambian soccer fans pretended it needed to make an emergency landing so they could watch their team compete in the FIFA Under 17 World Championships, officials said Wednesday.

    The plane, claiming to be low on fuel, landed Tuesday near the stadium in Peru's northern coast city of Piura.

    "It truly was a scam," said Betty Maldonado, a spokeswoman for Peru's aviation authority, CORPAC. "They tricked the control tower, saying they were low on fuel."


    :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

    Now, those are true tifosi.


    Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
    Nov 1, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #90
    Been a while people. Not fully back yet, when I get back y'all will know.


    Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
    Nov 1, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #91
    Have you been asked a question about football that makes you go, wow, what a dumb question?

    A girl asked me how does she run with the ball.
    I told her to just kick the ball and chase it.
    She said that is the problem she is having.
    She said she doesn't know where to look when running with the ball. Whether to look at the ball or where she is running to?
    She said if she looks at the ball, she ends up bumping into people and object. When she look at where she is running to, she can't see the ball to kick it.


    Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
    Nov 1, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #92
    FC Thun have come to the Champions League, and together with Artmedia Bratislava are raising an eyebrow or 2 at this early stage of the competition. While I don't think either of them will make the 2nd Round, I must commend them for good performances.
    Now, from an African view point, one of the things that embarrases me on a constant basis is when we have 'young' boys who are really 'old'.
    Take a look at this for example. What do you think?


    Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
    Nov 1, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #93
    As Nigeria again prepares to mark that glorious day of October 1, 1960, when she successfully established herself as a sovereign, independent country. Considering that the country had been under British colonial rule for a couple of hundred years or so before then; and that full independence was not obtained without a committed fight and a lot of sacrifice by our nationalists, another Independence Day is worthy of celebration and proper commemoration. The realities of the country however, as reflected in the political, economic and social conditions are not exactly in favour of such celebration.

    Without mincing words, Nigerians are worse off today than they were on October 1, 1960. The quality of the average Nigerian life is drastically reduced and ranks among the lowest in the world, going by international yardstick provided by global organisations including the recent World Bank report that classified Nigeria as the second poorest country in the world. Yet this is a country abundantly blessed in natural resources including large expanse of arable land, varied and enviable climate and huge, potentially productive population.

    Added to this is the fact of her being the sixth largest producer and exporter of crude oil in the world. That fact alone should ordinarily put the country in the league of the world's richest countries. Unfortunately, the opposite is what we have to show for it. For these reasons, therefore, Nigeria's 45th Independence Anniversary should be an occasion for sober reflection; a time to look inward and ask: What went wrong? More importantly, to seek to halt the creeping lawlessness and anarchy in the society including government.

    Forty-five years in the life of a country is a short period by general standards. But it is long enough for a focused nation to count its blessings, identify its current obstacles and pursue reasonable solutions with set objectives. The major problem with Nigeria is that forty-five years on, we do not seem to have started the work of nation building. What is even more lamentable is that practically all the infrastructural and institutional development achieved during and immediately after the colonial administration have been destroyed.

    The legacies of our founding fathers have been replaced by visionless policies derived from selfish, greedy interests and foisted by corrupt and inept rulers who have not the faintest idea of what leadership is about. Take for instance the issue of public transportation. In the immediate post-colonial days, this was solidly reflected in the efficient operation of the railways, which network connected the vital corners of the country and provided cheap means of transportation for goods and human beings. Today, the railway is dead and needs a whopping $5 billion to resuscitate it. This situation would not have arisen if government had not neglected the sector over the decades. We can tell similar tales of woe in respect of development of agriculture, infrastructure, education and health sectors as well as a dozen other areas.

    Governments at all levels in the country are traditionally inclined to enumerate their perceived achievements during Independence Anniversary days. They spend hours making long statements to praise themselves and to highlight what in real terms constitutes only marginal growth with almost imperceptible positive impact on the populace. Much as I know that it is difficult, successfully governing a country with Nigeria's multi-dimensional, multi-ethnic and diverse-interest background, I believe that the country's rulers have taken their subjects for a ride for too long. It was easy for us to blame military aberration of the past for much of our national follies. Undoubtedly, the military did a lot in destroying the political, social and economic fabric of the society. Heaping all the blame on them is however no longer tenable.

    Six years into the present civilian administration, the politicians have been compounding the problems inherited from the military. The present rulers are not behaving like democrats, as they want to have their say and their way at all cost. The spirit of politics is that of winner takes all. Political parties and groups, including the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) operate in rancour and treachery with greedy intention. Intra-party relationship is mired in envy, hatred and ego trips that have been manifesting in character and physical assassination. These are not progressive ideals. They cannot take the country to the dreamland envisioned by her founding fathers. Politicians must search themselves and put their house in order.

    Perhaps the major dividend of democracy that has taken place in the last six years is improved observance of human rights. This has reflected for instance in enhanced freedom of expression of citizens. Sadly, government officials who frequently disregard the expressions and instead, implement anti-people policies have rendered that freedom nugatory. A raging example is the incessant increase in prices of petroleum products in the name of deregulation and appropriate pricing. It is noteworthy that this time last year, workers were on the verge of embarking on a national strike over a 25% increase in fuel prices. Now workers are on mass rally over a similar increase. Freedom of expression that does not translate into improved quality of life for the ordinary citizens is no freedom at all. Failure by government officials to bring the dividends of democracy and good governance to people's doorstep is fraught with danger that may imperil the democracy itself.

    And instead of catering to the interests of the long suffering Nigerians, our leaders openly pursue their selfish agenda and seek to foist same on the whole nation. For instance, the President and Vice President are locked in a fratricidal battle on the direction the country should take in 2007. Never before in our history have we witnesssed such a dangerous theatre of the absurd. The only persons who do not see the disgraceful conduct and the threats they portend for the entire polity are the combatants themselves. In the event, they have opted for anything but due process in seeking to unseat or unsettle each other. Such lawlessness is condemnable and must stop in the interest of this country. For, what would such leaders be celebrating as they stand to take the salute at the independence anniversary parade tomorrow?

    The Nigerian people have been patient. They have been courageous and persevering. They certainly deserve better treatment than the poverty and hopelessness to which they have been subjected. They deserve praise for their endurance and resilience. But they also deserve to partake in the dividends of democracy and good governance. This thinking, rather than any expensive or elaborate ceremony ought to dominate the thoughts of anyone in position of leadership on this occasion.


    Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
    Nov 1, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #95

    Mek wi dey go (On the way)

    Na so! (True)

    Gofment, wuru-wuru pipu ati ole (Government officials, crooks and thieves?)

    Katakata com bust, no bi Naija! :devil: (A fight started, Nigerians!)

    Olopa com setu dem, na wa o!! (The police calmed things down, can u imagine!!)

    Eniwe bak to jyrashun (Well the party resumed)

    Dj MI5 in akshun, c y d bobo nefa yan? :p (Dj MI5 on the plates, no wonder he has been silent)

    I sopos win oscar :p (I deserve an Oscar... Best picture maybe?)

    To the left!!!!

    To the Right!!!!!

    This shows she is even a "Manchester" fan :drool:

    Now this is serious!!! :D

    Mek wi wak b4 man pikin go kpai (Anyway time to eat, before one faints)

    Young "Booties" shall grow.

    Happy people!

    Good bless Nigeria!!!


    Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
    Nov 1, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #96

    I tend to think that these reports are sponsored by Microsoft. Personally I haven't had a single issue since I made the migration to Linux.


    Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
    Nov 1, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #97
    At least three people were killed when soldiers and police exchanged live fire in Nigeria's biggest city, Lagos, on Tuesday, as an incident between a police officer and a soldier degenerated into a wild free-for-all.

    This is one very annoying and at the same time embarassing story. How can we have a scenario where the police and military take their guns and start misbehaving? I don't know what to do about the policemen involved, but all soldiers involved should be court martialed and shot!

    Rest of the story


    Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
    Nov 1, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #98
    ...that we will qualify for Germany 2006, and here are 20 reasons why:

    [1] For the first time since their draw with Nigeria, Rwanda are fielding their full squad

    [2] Since Roger Palmgren took over as coach, the Wasps have not lost at home. He has made it clear that there is no way his team will lose this game

    [3] Looking at both teams, Rwanda is by far the better squad

    [4] Rwanda has sorted out all its bonus problems and their players are fully focused for the game. They know that if they win this game, they will climb up the Fifa rankings and get seeded for Ghana 2008

    [5] Rwanda are so committed to preventing any mago-mago that they have moved their players to a remote training camp where no Angolans can reach them and offer the players bribes

    [6] Caf has noticed that Angola is hoping to sneak in through the back door so have appointed their best referee to handle the match

    [7] With all the international focus, Rwanda's players know that thisis their opportunity to impress and bag lucrative contracts in Europe. With coaches like Mouriniho and Queiroz in town, most of Rwanda's players have begun nursing hopes of joining Chelsea and Man U

    [8] With Jimmy Gatete playing, you are guaranteed goals. Nigeria and Ghana can attest to his ability

    [9] Cosafa wanted to muscle in and ensure that at least one East African country qualifies but Rwanda does not want Angola to be the first country from the region to go to the mundial. After their good showing in Tunisia 2004, Rwanda consider themselves better

    [10] Most of Rwanda's players play for the army team APR. As we all know, thousands of Rwandan soldiers were massacered in the Democratic Republic of Congo by the Angolan Army when they cla
    shed there.

    [11] The gate fees have been slashed, meaning that the stadium will become a cauldrom

    [12] Angola's players have been put under too much pressure. Imagine being visited by the ruling party, led by its secretary general

    [13] Rwanda's players know they will not leave there alive if they lose that match

    [14] Roger Palmgren, their coach is a very ambitious man. This is his last match in charge and he wants to obtain a favourable result that will get him a good job elsewhere

    [15] If you saw the Rwanda vs Nigeria game, you will know that the Wasps can easily beat Angola. Nigeria were lucky to get away with a draw in that game

    [16] Do you know that Rwanda is currently ranked 24th in Africa. Come Ghana 2008, the top 25 teams get seeded. If Rwanda lose, they risk not being seeded and facing someone like Cameroon, Nigeria, Senegal, Tunisia or Ivory Coast in a head to head qualification game

    [17] Rwanda know that a victory will keep them in 24th position at the very least. These boys enjoyed going to Tunisia 2004 and want to be in Ghana in 2008

    [18] I have not seen anything to suggest Angola can beat Rwanda in Kigali. Is this not the same team that could not beat anyone else on the road?

    [19] Do you know that Jimmy Gatete once had trials with AA Ghenk but was let go after he got injured? Do you not think he will want to use this opportunity to get a European contract?

    [20] You just need to read Rwandan newspapers to see how seriously they are taking this game. No one goes to the stadium to lose a game!

    Light travels faster than sound, that is why some people appear smart until you hear them speak.
    Don't steal. The government hates competition.
    Some people think life is black,
    Some people think its white,
    We all know its black and white
    Make new friends
    But keep the old
    One is silver
    The other is gold
    Fight crime, shoot back.
    This was a mail that I composed and sent out on my mailing list today. It has been hot. I have already received 18 replies (10 minutes after sending it out) and the replies are heavily polarised... :cheesy:


    Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
    Nov 1, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #99
    Lyn Oslo of Norway's star, John Mikel Obi, who still has controversy trailing his next football club, would not be part of the Super Eagles tie versus Zimbabwe on Saturday.

    NIGERIANSPORTSONLINE.COM reliably learnt from the Eagles Welfare Officer, Sumonu Bello-Osagie that Mikel Obi, due to some unexplained circumstances, could not make the trip down from Norway to the country for the crucial tie against the Warriors of Zimbabwe on Saturday.

    He said: "We just got news this morning (Thursday) that Mikel Obi would not be joining camp for the Eagles match on Saturday.

    "We couldn't get much information as to why he couldn't fly in from Norway to honour this match.

    "But definitely Mikel Obi is out of the game since he would not be coming to camp," Bello Osagie told NIGERIANSPORTSONLINE.COM.

    Mikel Obi, who only just got his work permit in Norway renewed, had been a major doubt for the Eagles versus Zimbabwe game all week long.
    Who the fuck does he think he is? I'd never call him to play for Naija again. Wetin bi im wahala sef? This boy is too full of himself!!!


    Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
    Nov 1, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #100
    Some people can only think short term and that is why we need inteligent, football minded folk to reorganize our football. We need discipline, commitment and dedication from the players. If they are not willing to be positive pieces to the puzzle then they should be discarded regardless of talent. If only CCC had the balls to axe Okocha sooner maybe he would have been able to reign in some of the players that defied all rules.

    Today, I think it is obvious that Okocha's indiscipline hurt us more than his talent helped us during this campaign. For those who are willing to give Mikel Obi every latitude as he continues down his current chosen path- beware. A dedicated, disciplined and average footballer is always better for team play than a primadona. Lawal has proven this for over a decade now.

    If Mikel does not get his act together then he should be axed from the National team until he is ready to conform and earn his place. This is why Cameroon have been able to achieve what they have and we continue to meander. We have not had the organization and coach that puts the team ahead of any player regardless of status and until we do that, we will continue to suffer.

    In the mean time, I understand the need to find a scape goat on which all our problems can be heaped on. Kill Christian Chukwu!

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