Cartoon anger is a misrepresentation (7 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
Tom said:
Well mate, there's probably no benefit to the average EU citizen of including any of those countries...
When Ireland joined the EEC in the early 1970s, we were as economically weak as any of the new EU members. 20 years later, EU grants had helped build the famous "Celtic Tiger" economy. In that time, we also went from being an insular, overtly religious people to being rather more modern.

There was a time when the Catholic church had massive power here - it could topple governments, kill draft legislation it didn't like, get away with covering up child molestation and it had near total control over the schools.

At the same time, we had substantial political corruption. We're still holding tribunals to try to shed some light on some of that. To put it bluntly, roughly 1/3 of the 1990 cabinate are in jail, were in jail or should have been in jail.

Being in the EU has brought Ireland into the 21st century. I think we can do the same with many more eastern European countries. You say there's no benefit to other Europeans to have them in - you're wrong. Right now, they're a drain on EU funding. In 20 years' time though... ?

Rami said:
The thing that you have to understand Mikhail that Quran is not the only source of Sharia... Hadith... measurment and the Islamic Umma unanimously agreeing on something.

What practice do you mean? forbidding them?
Thank you, that's quite enlightening. Yes, I meant the practice of forbidding pictures of the prophet. I've read that there are groups of Muslims who don't practice that, though they're in the minority. Do you know anything about that?

This is exactly what saddens me, the more the violence the more this stereotype would stick. I just hope that you understand my reasoning about why such cartoons are racist, and should be treated like any racist chants.
I understand and I can certainly agree for the most part. A question: what reaction do you think there would have been if the cartoons had only portrayed Mohammed in a neutral manner? (e.g. this is one of the Danish cartoons, which just shows a man with a donkey Image Archive_files/Mohammed-drawings.jpg)

I could go on and on telling you stories about Mohammed that show you how great he is. If you are interested just ask and I will compile something for ya;)
If it's no bother, that would be nice.

Buy on


Lion of the Desert
Apr 22, 2005
Torkel said:
Then fuck the muslims who are drawing crazy cartoons of the Jews, right?

i guess....its all stupid if you ask for the christian part they could be or they could be athiest....i didnt mean to start anything....i was just pissed the comment earlier thats all....


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
snoop said:
this is what I understood:

the muslims who drew crazy cartoons of Jews,shouldn't just drew them,but also killed the jews..
That's how I read it too, which would be enough to earn ReBeL a ban. I'm rather hoping (s)he has a better explanation.


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
hambon said:
i guess....its all stupid if you ask for the christian part they could be or they could be athiest....i didnt mean to start anything....i was just pissed the comment earlier thats all....

maybe you should control your anger before you say something stupid as that. there is one thing you should know,not everyone who was born from christian parents are is not like Islam,they choose freedomly to stay a christian,or become an atheist or a muslim or whatever they want to be..


Lion of the Desert
Apr 22, 2005
@ snoop my bad...i should have thought bout that before i posted it.....

@ all forgive me all....that was a bad statement on my part...


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
hambon said:
@ snoop my bad...i should have thought bout that before i posted it.....

@ all forgive me all....that was a bad statement on my part...
I did not mean you..I knew why you reacted like that..


Lion of the Desert
Apr 22, 2005
still ... i should be more considerate towards other members.....thanks bro for feeling me out....

how ya been any wayz

i am going out for a jog the weather is great....i will be back in an hour...


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
hambon said:
still ... i should be more considerate towards other members.....thanks bro for feeling me out....

how ya been any wayz

i am going out for a jog the weather is great....i will be back in an hour...
I am fine mate, I have seen Snow, rain, clouds and the sun on one day here in germany.. have a nice time while jogging.. cu later.

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