Branislav Ivanovic (2 Viewers)

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Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
I am more corious on, if we cant "get" Ivanovic, why the fuck we wouldnt be interested in Corluka who is just going for 9m to Tottenham.

Unlike Ivanovic who I have hardly seen (and go by what others say), I atleast know Corluka is top quality. Especially at CB where he hasnt played much, but is his true position really (and will soon permanently play there only). Would be a top drawer partner for Chiellini.


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
9m € for Corluka? Our board are a bunch of *insert name here* if we don't even try to get him for that price. I thought he was going for more than 15m.


Ѕenior Аdmin
Apr 2, 2007
9m € for Corluka? Our board are a bunch of *insert name here* if we don't even try to get him for that price. I thought he was going for more than 15m.
Real Madrid's board are also a bunch of *insert name here* if they don't even try to get him for that price.
Milan's board also. The same could be said about Arsenal's board, ManUtd's board and Bayern's board.

Right ? :D


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
Exactly, the shocking part he is soon done and dusted for Tottenham and its only 9m because City is mysteriously enough desperate for cash suddenly (and might be collapsing as a club). Its like only Tottenham in the whole world knew this, and are pouncing on Corluka for that figure.

Juve, together with other clubs (preferaly not) should seriously try a last minute bid and fight for him. Too good of an opportunity to pass, though it may be too late.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Exactly, the shocking part he is soon done and dusted for Tottenham and its only 9m because City is mysteriously enough desperate for cash suddenly (and might be collapsing as a club). Its like only Tottenham in the whole world knew this, and are pouncing on Corluka for that figure.

Juve, together with other clubs (preferaly not) should seriously try a last minute bid and fight for him. Too good of an opportunity to pass, though it may be too late.
I hope to the heavens Manchester City tanks as a club a la Leeds United. Perhaps then those fools in England will be a little more careful with whom they get into bed with at their clubs. Thaksin Shinawatra was always a shady little bastard, with lots of dirt under his nails. Hopefully he goes back to Thailand to face his death.


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2004
Milan miss out on Ivanovic Thursday 14 August, 2008


It seems that Milan’s attempts to lure Serbian defender Branislav Ivanovic away from Chelsea have ended in failure.

The Rossoneri are looking for a stopper to act as cover after the recent injury to Alessandro Nesta.

After a series of meetings between Milan and Chelsea officials, a loan deal was expected to be announced, but reports suggest that negotiations have hit a brick wall.

According to Sportmediaset, Chelsea don’t want to offer the Diavolo the option to make the deal permanent next year – a clause that the world champions saw as pivotal.

Milan were reportedly ready to pay £1.8m up front with a further £8.5m to follow in the summer of 2009 if they decided to buy Ivanovic’s full rights.

However, Chelsea paid nearly £12m for the rising star in January and haven’t given up on their investment.

The task for Milan now is to find an alternative at short notice with a loan deal the favoured solution.

Channel 4


Ѕenior Аdmin
Apr 2, 2007
Some titles from

# 11/08/2008 10:50 - Report: Milan To Sign Ivanovic Today

# 12/08/2008 00:18 - Ivanovic To Milan Imminent - Agent

# 13/08/2008 11:55 - Ivanovic To Milan Within Hours

# 14/08/2008 13:46 - Ivanovic Move Up In Smoke

Mar 28, 2007
Juve, Chiellini ko. Nuovo assalto a Ivanovic

L'infortunio occorso nel trofeo "Luigi Berlusconi" al centrale della Juventus e della Nazionale, Giorgio Chiellini, potrebbe costringere la dirigenza bianconera a tornare sul mercato. A questo proposito, c'è da registrare il ritorno di fiamma della Vecchia Signora per il centrale serbo del Chelsea, Branislav Ivanovic (24). Il giocatore, vecchio pallino della Juve sin dai tempi del Lokomotiv Mosca, piace molto al Milan. All'orizzonte si profila quindi un interessante Juve-Milan di mercato.


Chiellini k.o.: la Juve torna sul mercato

Restano meno di due settimane alla Juve per regalarsi l'ultimo colpo di mercato. Con la qualificazione alla fase a gironi di Champions ormai ad un passo, i bianconeri possono pensare ai piccoli ritocchi da fare alla rosa. Le assenze di Zanetti, Marchionni e Marchisio potrebbero spingere lo staff juventino ad investire ancora a centrocampo. Aquilani resta un sogno, più facile arrivare a Ledesma, in rottura con la Lazio. In settimana verrà presa una decisione su quale strategia attuare per il trovare il rinforzo da affiancare alla coppia Poulsen-Sissoko.
C'è preoccupazione invece per l'infortunio occorso a Chiellini ieri nel trofeo Berlusconi. Se dovesse essere confermata la prognosi che parla di uno stop tra i due e i sei mesi, Ranieri potrebbe chiedere ai dirigenti un ulteriore sforzo sul mercato. Resta viva l'ipotesi che porta ad Ivanovic, anche se il Milan sembra in vantaggio per il serbo.
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