Andrea "Il Bruco Brutto" Agnelli (70 Viewers)


★ ★ ★
Aug 8, 2006
People always say that no one is bigger than the club.

No player, no coach but it seems that people excuse management from that list.

I'll go down with the club because my allegiances are concrete but that doesn't mean I will excuse management because they are not bigger than the club either.

Bunch of hypocrites


It doesn't get any better than this


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2012
now with quagliarella gone, it will be interesting to see how this allegri will develope our attacking system.

We need width, but we only have giovinco.

We need a sub for Tevez, probably Morata
We need a sub for targetman llorente, I'd say just buy a cheap alternative. Milan Djuric has been very impressive. lets get him. dirt cheap.


Founder of Hism
Jan 18, 2009
It is much easier to believe that they are destroying the team, they are selfish and opportunistic bastards, taking all the profit for themselves, dont care about our well being. It is all part of some evil plan they concieved. Conte was only preventing that to happen earlier, therefore the continual feuds and his public outcries.
Radical changes does not mean they are being evil or selfish. The board could have easily saw that relying on Barzagli, Pirlo, Vidal and pogba is very dangerous since the first two are very old and will retire soon while the latter two are chased by every team in the world. under this assumption, keeping Vidal and Pogba + adding a couple of new heavy signings would make the team peak this season but then collapse the next one when key players decline, retire or are sold.
They would rather sell one key player for a lot of cash and use that money to change the backbone of the squad by bringing in multiple youngsters with potential. The team would probably decline in footballing terms but will be situated for a better long term future.

you can either add one or two expensive players and aim for short term success followed by huge decline or aim for temporary slight decline and aim for long term stability. Conte probably wanted the first strategy since his reputation has suffered enough last season and he wanted to take a real shot at the CL but the board probably wanted the team to do what it has been doing in recent years but without vidal/pogba and with a younger core that can be our backbone after the old guys retire and our current stars leave.


Apr 14, 2005
all of this beautiful narrative is based on 2 humongous assumptions: you will be able to make enough money, and out of your recruits some will blossom into very good players. This strategy, in my mind, will never turn you into a sustainable top team. To be a real top team you have to spend, no 2 ways about it.
If only we could go the route of recruiting one top player a year, we could easily phase out, pirlo, barzagli and buffon in that order. Instead, we will most liekly turn into post treble inter.


Ageing Veteran
Jan 26, 2009
We are going to carefully spend our way into oblivion, irrelevance, and become a footnote a la Ajax par example.

But hey, I'm no experd like some of you, so let's just wait and see. If all else fails, there is always next year :touched:


Founder of Hism
Jan 18, 2009
Hist, I like your perspective

- - - Updated - - -

all of this beautiful narrative is based on 2 humongous assumptions: you will be able to make enough money, and out of your recruits some will blossom into very good players. This strategy, in my mind, will never turn you into a sustainable top team. To be a real top team you have to spend, no 2 ways about it.
If only we could go the route of recruiting one top player a year, we could easily phase out, pirlo, barzagli and buffon in that order. Instead, we will most liekly turn into post treble inter.
I partially agree. You are spot on when you say that the young replacements that should supposedly become the backbone have to really blossom if that strategy is going to work. Thats why I think we were after Iturbe and Morata rather than complete unknowns. While they are more expensive they arent exactly pure potential like Koman. But ofcoarse they can deteriorate like Diego did before.

I disagree however about the post-treble Inter part. I dont think you can phase out Pirlo, Barzagli,Buffon, Vidal and Pogba. The old guys are really really old and every one of them is simply too important for the team and irreplaceable. You'll need 3 World class players to phase out Pirlo,Barza and Buffon and all have to be replaced within two years. That would cost around a 100 mill in spending to only keep the team at the same footballing level it is at now! (dont forget that licht, chiellini and marchisio arent exactly youngsters either)

That is not mentioning that it will be incredibly difficult to keep both Vidal and Pogba from Madrid and Co. In other words we currently have three world class veterans that'll need a 100 mill to replace and two younger players that are too good and have been around for too long to be talked into staying beyond 2 seasons(pogs especially)... All 5 of them absolutely key players in the current structure and will almost certainly be gone in one or two years max.

If anything the Conte road is more dangerous. While we might win the CL (though thats far from a certainty) if we had bought one or two expensive world class players, we'd possibly become the post treble Inter. Inter had a squad that had peaked and added world class players in Eto, Milito, Sneijder, and Lucio but then suddenly had the team's core incredibly decline. It didnt help that the world class acquisitions were all close to or in their thirties either. Imagine us buying 2 world class 27 years olds and then have the the aforementioned 5 gone at once.

The ideal scenario for Juve was to restructure the team's core under a competent coach who knows the surroundings and knows every strength and weakness in the squad like Conte. this can maintain the team's level but that would entail a repeat of the last few seasons. Conte's reputation has suffered massively last season and there is no way anyone can rightfully attack him for not wanting more of the same.
You cant ask him to rebuild and maintain the next 2-3 years and then start proving people wrong about how good of a coach you are.


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
now with quagliarella gone, it will be interesting to see how this allegri will develope our attacking system.

We need width, but we only have giovinco.

We need a sub for Tevez, probably Morata
We need a sub for targetman llorente, I'd say just buy a cheap alternative. Milan Djuric has been very impressive. lets get him. dirt cheap.

7 goals in Serie B

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