Andrea "Il Bruco Brutto" Agnelli (51 Viewers)


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Jul 12, 2006

Andrea Agnelli

Born in Turin in 1975, he studied at Oxford (St. Clare’s International College) and Milan
(Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi).

He gained professional experience in a variety of positions both in Italy and abroad,
including at Iveco-Ford in London; in Sales and Marketing at Piaggio; at Auchan
Hypermarché in Lille; at Schroder Salomon Smith Barney in London, where he gained
transaction experience in the equity capital markets division; and, in the marketing
department of Juventus Football Club, where he worked on brand promotion and

In 1999, he was hired by Ferrari Idea in Lugano to promote and develop the Ferrari
brand in non-automotive areas. In November 2000, he moved to Paris and assumed
responsibility for marketing at Uni Invest SA, a Banque San Paolo company specializing
in managed investment products.

From 2001 to 2004, Andrea Agnelli worked at Philip Morris International in Lausanne,
where he initially had responsibility for marketing and sponsorships and, from December
2003, corporate communications.

During 2005 and 2006, he worked in strategic development for IFIL Investments S.p.A.

In March 2007, he founded Lamse S.p.A., a financial holding company of which he is
Chief Executive Officer.

In April 2008, he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Park Golf & Country
Club I Roveri, where his mandate was to create a golf resort with sport facilities, level of
service and event programme of international standard.

Since May 2006, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of IFI which, after its
merger with IFIL Ivestments S.p.A., was renamed EXOR S.p.A. In April 2007, he became
a member of the Advisory Board of the private equity fund BlueGem Capital Partners LLP.
He his a member of the Federal Council of the Italian Golf Federation.

He became a Member of Fiat S.p.A.’s Board of Directors on 30 May 2004.

Tomorrow he will be nominated to be our next president :tup:

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The Dutch Touch
Aug 17, 2007
What's happening to Blanc?
Let's hope they just give him a smaller role, as he seems to really know what he's doing on the financial side of things. Good question; anyone?


So does this guy know how to run a football club?
Mar 28, 2007
Andrea Agnelli nuovo presidente della Juve?

17:00 del 28 aprile

Novità in vista alla Juventus. Domani è prevista un'assemblea della Exor, la holding della famiglia Agnelli che controlla anche la società bianconera. Secondo alcune indiscrezioni sempre più insistenti, Andrea Agnelli dovrebbe assumere l'incarico di presidente della Juventus, ruolo attualmente ricoperto dal francese Jean-Claude Blanc, che potrà così dedicarsi a compiti amministrativi. L'aspetto sportivo passerebbe nelle mani di Roberto Bettega con l'arrivo di un altro dirigente (si fa sempre il nome di Beppe Marotta della Sampdoria).

Un primo indizio sull'ingresso in società del figlio di Umberto Agnelli c'era stato prima di Natale, quando lo stesso Andrea Agnelli visitò la squadra al centro allenamenti di Vinovo. Ricordiamo che settimana scorsa John Elkann ha ereditato da Luca Cordero di Montezemolo il timone della Fiat.

Andrea Agnelli domani presidente della Juventus

La Juventus è pronta a ripartire. Nella giornata di domani infatti Andrea Agnelli con molta probabilità sarà nominato nuovo presidente della società bianconera. Riparte così la nuova Juventus, con l'auspicio, per il prossimo anno, di tornare competitiva


The Curr

Senior Member
Feb 3, 2007
Yea but as long as Blanc and Secco are there (the people he has been chastising through the media) he isn't coming back.
Blanc is being demoted (at least) tomorrow, and it looks like Secco will either be gone or behind Bettega and another (Marotta?) be the time next season rolls around.

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