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  1. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

  2. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    I've always had huge amount of respect for Pope John Paul II, but I've never seen that pic before now. Great man he was.
  3. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    You won the title sergeant sarcasm!
  4. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    Response from the school it was taking place:
  5. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    I would pay more attention to the other things. These sort of things happens anywhere, why don't we pay attention to child-beating in general? How many kids get beaten up at home for no reason? How many adults drink their ass off at home while their kids are present and ends up doing something...
  6. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    Spot on.
  7. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    I think its more to do with culture, than religion. Define people, Martin. How many Christians do you know who that molest people, and how many Muslims do you know who beats children?
  8. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    EDL is a bunch of unemployed fucktards with nothing better to do.
  9. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    You find me anywhere in any Islamic book (Quran and hadith) where it states you can beat children in order to make them read the Quran. How much do you know of beating children in Islam after seeing one documentery? What are they showing, what happens in one Masjid in England...
  10. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    ?? Would you say raping children is acceptable in Christianity? Even though you are not Christian.
  11. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    Beating children to teach them Quran is totally unacceptable in Islam.
  12. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    Here is some interesting statistics for y'all. According to Interpols statistics for 2006-2009 is Islamists behind 0,34% of all terrorist-attacks in Europe. Right Wing Ethno-Nationalist/Separatist is behind 90,17%, Left Wing is behind 5,99% and others behind 3.50%. Take that to the bank.
  13. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    That depends on how religious the parents are though.
  14. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    It depends, if you eat it on purpose, and don't regret later it is bad for you. But I am not judging anyone and saying who is a good muslim and who is a bad muslim. A non-muslim however, can do as he wants.
  15. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    I forgot the isn't. It isn't ironic :P I watched the documenty on Irani television, was it a big case over there? Anyways, the death seemed very mystical. My last name is Mehdi :lol:
  16. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    I am not saying that they were religious and hates islam because of Khoemini. They were never religious and that has passed on to many of their next generations. But it is ironic that the same Persians who fled distances themselves from Islam on this very day. Did you know Andrea...
  17. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    But the religion was in a way forced upon them. A lot of people say that if you try to force a religion or anything at anyone. It won't work. After what I recall, after the revolution Iran became very strict compared to what it used to be. Therefore there was massive fled to the west.
  18. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    Maybe its silly for you, but thats how it is by many of the Persians I know here in Norway. Their parents fled from Khoemini and his government and became "un-religous" and that influenced them.
  19. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    Well, maybe he influenced your parents, and that influence got over to you? He does have an influence over all the Persians who fled and now hates Islam.. Because of him.
  20. Fake Melo

    "I support Muslims who love freedom"

    It's always complicated with Persians :lol: Let me guess, u can't stand Khoemini :P