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  1. Ahmed

    US Diplomats killed in Benghazi over amateur's film

    same, had suggested this earlier, was way too aggressive in terms of a protest.
  2. Ahmed

    US Diplomats killed in Benghazi over amateur's film

    fuck you you Buddhist nigga.
  3. Ahmed

    US Diplomats killed in Benghazi over amateur's film

    AC please do double check with us before you go and bomb a mosque. wouldnt want you to blow up a Sikh temple instead, it can be quite confusing.
  4. Ahmed

    US Diplomats killed in Benghazi over amateur's film

    he's not trolling, is genuinely stupid.
  5. Ahmed

    US Diplomats killed in Benghazi over amateur's film

    @AC Google O'Reilly is your friend.
  6. Ahmed

    US Diplomats killed in Benghazi over amateur's film

    give him a minute, Bill O'Reilly's show has cut to commercials.
  7. Ahmed

    US Diplomats killed in Benghazi over amateur's film

    someone just passed their Rhetorical Questions 101 class.
  8. Ahmed

    US Diplomats killed in Benghazi over amateur's film

    @AlArabiya_Eng: #BreakingNews: Yemeni protesters storm US embassy: AFP
  9. Ahmed

    US Diplomats killed in Benghazi over amateur's film

    the film/blasphemy angle is overstated, it is a lot more cynical and dangerous than that. armed militants with al Qaeda in the area, in an unstable regime on 9/11? do the math.
  10. Ahmed

    US Diplomats killed in Benghazi over amateur's film

    yes Sochi Warrior, kill 'em all.
  11. Ahmed

    US Diplomats killed in Benghazi over amateur's film

    CNN reporters on Twitter.
  12. Ahmed

    US Diplomats killed in Benghazi over amateur's film

    @BreakingNews: Report: US to fly unmanned spy drones over eastern Libya to look for jihad camps tied to attack on embassy
  13. Ahmed

    US Diplomats killed in Benghazi over amateur's film

    some sickening images of them carrying and dragging his dead body. wonder what the US is going to do about it, can't exactly attack Libya.