US Diplomats killed in Benghazi over amateur's film (1 Viewer)

Apr 15, 2006
I thought it was implied in my post, but obviously it was not.

In every discussion both sides are operating with an individual set of values and morals which they think is right. After that it's just about making the strongest case for your argument.

On one hand you have a generally peaceful and moderate set of values which has neither intent to harm nor does it frequently harm, if you break it down into consequentialistic point of view the basis for judgement is about the "rightness" or the "good" conduct or outcome. On the other hand you have a fraction of the total pool of "Muslims" (I hate the fact that I have to generalize in this manner, but I really do here) who are all about the opposite, who are not compatible with the world as it is today and who do much more harm than they do good.

So when we need to define "the path" we need to have all these factors in the calculation. For me there is an obvious answer, but you're free to argue the opposite. If we are to make general comments on Muslims and Islamic faith, then it's much more feasible and sensible to make it based on the vast majority of good rather than the fraction of evil.
When you have good and bad Muslims arising out of scripture that is open to interpretation, then you cannot simply dismiss the bad ones and say they are not Muslims. That's just wrong! It's also hypocritical when Muslims cite the non literal interpretations of some verses as proof of Allah, but call the Muslims whose interpretation of the Qur'an different from theirs as non-muslims.

Bad Muslims are a product of the same scripture. It's about time the good Muslims acknowledge it rather than deny it.

You feel really comfortable playing the devils advocate, even when it gets as ridiculous as this, don't you?
I don't think this "god" is as good as you all make him seen to be. :D


Sep 3, 2006
the film/blasphemy angle is overstated, it is a lot more cynical and dangerous than that.

armed militants with al Qaeda in the area, in an unstable regime on 9/11?

do the math.


Grazie Mirko
Jan 16, 2011
So you decided to ignore my post in it's entirety this time. If you're going to keep doing that I won't bother replying - that shit took time to think through and type out. I'm glad that I didn't do a set of scenarios from a utilitarian point of view, too. If you make every argument wide and vauge enough, you can squeeze everything into it. Following your line of reason, Breivik is a perfectly valid representative of your average human, you see how stupid it looks?
Apr 15, 2006
So you decided to ignore my post in it's entirety this time. If you're going to keep doing that I won't bother replying - that shit took time to think through and type out. I'm glad that I didn't do a set of scenarios from a utilitarian point of view, too. If you make every argument wide and vauge enough, you can squeeze everything into it. Following your line of reason, Breivik is a perfectly valid representative of your average human, you see how stupid it looks?
Now you know how I feel when arguing with AC sometimes. :D

I reply was focused on your point about the pool of Muslims. I don't have a problem with preferring that all Muslims be like Bisco and Cheese. I love peace just as much as anybody else here. But when a Muslim commits violence, then I'd rather see the good Muslims here man up and about that one of their brethren committed it rather than dismiss them of being Muslims entirely. You are both products of a book that can be interpreted in many ways. Accept the consequences.

Breivik man not be your average human. But he's still human.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
So, how much you want to bet the weapons used against the Embassy were either funded by the US government or provided by the US government? I would say the chances are quite high, considering the Libyan rebels were funded and armed by the US, Italy, and other nations.

But here we are, living in flucking retard land, having neanderthals stick their hands down our pants in airports while saying Obama is not a war monger and the government will save you and while we may fund Islamist groups that is a conspiracy theory and Romney will save you. But just to be sure, submit to government and by the way, lets take away freedom of speech while we're at it.

The country is dumb and doomed.

king Ale

Senior Member
Oct 28, 2004
Hey, if I had killed someone every time I saw a really bad movie, I would have been the most succesful mass murderer in the history of mankind by now :D
I know. You have a sick tendency for watching bad movies :p

Euhm, seems to me that the movie is the entire reason this thing happened (that's how I read it anyway). That makes it part of whatever discussion you're going to have, whether you like it or not.
I wouldn't believe that. Of course there are idiots who murder for honor (be it the "dishonor" their daughter has brought upon the family or that someone random has brought upon the prophet) but in this case I think the movie was only an excuse covering the main reason.

Also, I think there has to be boundaries for freedom of speech. .
Jul 1, 2010
I just heard what happened, it's really sad. I also saw the trailer of the movie, yes it is a stupid movie but what those fucktards did is even more stupid. Killing because of a stupid movie :sergio:

I agree with Andy, the USA should get the fuck out of the Middle East and let them solve their own problems.


Oct 28, 2010


Oracle of Copenhagen
Jul 10, 2009
No but every society is better off with certain laws which limit hate speech. Western countries are not unfamiliar with such laws either.
Indeed laws against the discrimination of people due to colour, race, religion or sexual orientation are needed.

But so far non of these movies or cartoons have been discriminating [enough] for these laws to take effect.

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