Recent content by Maresca

  1. Maresca

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    hi mate, I am fine. hope the same for you.. I was very busy in the past months.. and I had problems with my login ;) Hope to see you more often here in the next time..:martini:
  2. Maresca

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    whats up folks.. I finaly managed it to login again.. I was not able to do this with IE and mozilla.. I wonder how you login. I used now safari.. I hope to see you online in the next time :)
  3. Maresca

    Juventuz LIVE 2010/2011

    how comes all of you blame Motta even though Zebina is playing ;)
  4. Maresca

    Diego Ribas da Cunha Diego attacca la Juve: 'Svenduto e senza stranieri non vincerà'Non ci va per il sottile il fantasista brasiliano Diego, ceduto dalla Juve al Wolsfburg. Pubblicato il 02/09/10 in Home, Calcio...
  5. Maresca

    Iraq. Is it better now?? (AKA ISIS/ISIL/IS/name-of-the-week-here)

    Burke, it is right that the security is bad for now. not in all areas. in the north the economy is getting better, the cities are growing, there are so many forign schools, companies etc.. Iraq has so much oil, that all the people in Irak could have a very beautiful life. the people in Irak did...
  6. Maresca

    Iraq. Is it better now?? (AKA ISIS/ISIL/IS/name-of-the-week-here)

    without the US help, the Saddam family was going to stay for 100 years.. there was no other way than this.
  7. Maresca

    Iraq. Is it better now?? (AKA ISIS/ISIL/IS/name-of-the-week-here)

    Agreed..the situation currently is a temporary. In order to get Irak to complete freedom it will still take some years. may be 5, 10, but still better than being under Saddams regime, where even more people were killed but no information were provided in the media. I can telly o that after...
  8. Maresca

    Iraq. Is it better now?? (AKA ISIS/ISIL/IS/name-of-the-week-here)

    I am originaly from Iraq and I lived there until I was 18. I am visiting Iraq once a year and I can say it is better now or it will get better..
  9. Maresca

    Jonathan Zebina

    how the hell could you call Zebina a legend.. ?? either you should check the definition of legend or you must have seen something that I did not see.. Zebina is defnitly not a legend.. he was never a starting player. I am glad he left finaly..
  10. Maresca

    Rate our 2010 Mercato

    I miss Nedved in this team.. We need a player who has his determination and spirit..
  11. Maresca

    Rate our 2010 Mercato

    the fact that we did not sign further strikers will be a problem. why the hell did we let Trez go, when we are not signing any other striker? now we have only Amauri, DP, Iaquinta and Qualia (not allowed to play in europe league). this will be a problem this season. I would have signed Huntelar...
  12. Maresca

    Leandro Rinaudo

    ohh my god, what happend to the real Knezevics? I totally forgot him..
  13. Maresca

    Frederik Sørensen

    I'll try.. but I have so much to do at work.. I hope I'll find enough time.