What will and what should become of the forums? (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
I've had a discussion with Martin last night about where the forums are going and about his trys to "put them back on track", and I must say that I dissagree with his methods. Actually, we dont classify the same things as problems. While I agree with him about the need to get rid of unnecessary and pointless threads, I believe we should not try so hard to stop threads going derailed and off topic, and I dont agree with him closing good threads that have gone off topic, like the "Work sucks" thread. IMO there is nothing wrong with a thread going off topic. No topic can be discussed for ever and it is only natural that eventually people will start talking about other things, especially if they "know" the people with whom they are having an off topic discussion with. We can not make the forum a human relation-less place nor can we remove humour and "hanging out" from it, and I fear that it will eventually become a place only for Martin's "chosen ones" to "seriously and intellectually" talk about football.

I would appriciate your opinions and suggestions.

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Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
Might I make a suggestion: why not split off-topic threads into the on-topic part and a new thread for the off-topic part? I've seen it done elsewhere.


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
I think it's great. I hate when I open a thread and it derails. If I do a thread about blue mushrooms, I expect people to talk about the damn mushrooms and not how green the grass is or how many fingers you can stick up your bum.

I think it's a good way to kill the chat and get rid of the postwhores.

I'm all for it!


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by mikhail ] ++
Might I make a suggestion: why not split off-topic threads into the on-topic part and a new thread for the off-topic part? I've seen it done elsewhere.
Well when you have a thread with 500 replies, that takes damn long to do.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2003
My humble opinions:

Off topic posts: let the mods take care of it e.g. give warnings and reminders and stuff ; or add an "off-topic" smiley for general forum users to put on the threads.

Be careful of which threads you close and which you don't. Like I don't understand why "wrong answer please" thread be closed while the word association thread still going. And why people can't talk about who's the cutest in the "off-topic " or hangout threads.

And we are no saints, even veterans or football guru members go off topic and chit-chating. So don't just blame others ruining hte forum. The key is self-discipline.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by Meow ] ++
Off topic posts: let the mods take care of it e.g. give warnings and reminders and stuff ; or add an "off-topic" smiley for general forum users to put on the threads.
I don't quite understand your suggestion..

++ [ originally posted by Meow ] ++
Be careful of which threads you close and which you don't. Like I don't understand why "wrong answer please" thread be closed while the word association thread still going. And why people can't talk about who's the cutest in the "off-topic " or hangout threads.
The wrong answers thread was qualified as a "pointless thread" and was closed accordingly. I do think the word association thread is at least a little more to the point. And we have let several threads run as they are, such as the tacchinardi pics thread.

++ [ originally posted by Meow ] ++
And we are no saints, even veterans or football guru members go off topic and chit-chating. So don't just blame others ruining hte forum. The key is self-discipline.
That's right.


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
well in my opinion (and please don't ban me for this :D ) I understand Alex point of view that many threads goes put of topic, but I'm with Goat on this one, I mean, not all the threads can be related to Juve... thats why theres a Off Topic forum rigth? I think that moderators should be a litle careful on what the close, coz they may cause some problems with the members...


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2002
My "forum" adventure started with Laziomania, which was the best forum that ever existed online. It was pretty much like this one here, Lazio section and off topic section.

Laziomania started encountering problems when many "political" topics started apearing. One of the forums was called "Once upon a time....", Bonita's child, place for, well lets call it Philosophical discussions. Many of the best threads ever written online started in that forum. With politics, many offences agaist some foum members were commited by newcomers and veterans alike. New PPL joined Mattias (webmaster) and dealt with it radically. They closed "OUAT" forum, closed OT section and informed us all thet this will be a foum for Lazio and Only Lazio topics. Needles to say, me, and many others that considered that place home, rebelled and when our pleas to reconsider and all our suggestions on how to deal with the problems fell on deaf ears, we simple left the place, joined XT or simply stoped posting.....

The problem here is that too many topics are going astray. Many of you are behaving like a bunch of guys/gals out chatting away, and sometimes hijack the thread completly. I dont think that you being a "family" is a bad thing, but i think that you should consider that this forum is dedicated to Juve. OT part of the forum life (from my perspective) is essential for forum to sucseed in being a community, but not in every thread, not in every topic.

I'll tell none what to do and how to run your affairs, but if Martin's pleas to control your "stay on topic" issues fell on deaf years, you have to understan that he will take drasticall measures. On the other hand, rather than immidiately closing thread, i would suggest that one of the mods post a "warning" post that if the thread continue in the same manner, it will be closed. It will be more "tactfull" than closing thread without an explanation.

Share your MSN addresses and continue the chat there or use JUventuz chat (if it's operational).

Dont break up the family......


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
I think closing stupid threads was a great move from Martin. It was the best thing we could do in this situation. Too bad you can't ban members for being stupid. :)
Anyhow, the biggest problem now is that many of the good posters have left or don't come very often. And there are few new good members coming, which isn't very hard to understand considering how the forum looks today. The impression I get from many of the members is that they think this place is boring. I really don't enjoy coming here anymore either, I'm mostly coming on routine.
I think it is extremely important that the moderators take action now, if it isn't already too late.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Well, the main reason that make me sign in this forum, was to talk and only talk about JUventus FC. I found the hang out and off topic forums,, and it complemented the whole thing.

I dont find the forum boring because the football matters are alwyas popping up,...and every juventus game is different from the other,,,and different things happens every matchday, so i dont find why it must be boring. Everyone here tries to do their best in the "forza juve" forum, and i really enjoy a lot reading the other´s opinions.

I agree in that "warning" posts from the mods.. in the derailed thread, and not close them without warning, because i have to admit that in some cases, there will be people asking "why" it was closed , and feel unconfortable for it.

I think that most of the "off topics" therads shouldnt be closed if they go derailed.after al,, they are in the Offtopic forum..but.... of course if the thread turn into a political or racism debate i should be closed.


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++

I think that most of the "off topics" threads shouldnt be closed if they go derailed.after al,, they are in the Offtopic forum..but.... of course if the thread turn into a political or racism debate i should be closed.
The thing is that you have often put a lot of effort in a thread you start. If people right away start talking about something completely different it feels like you have done all that work for nothing.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++

The thing is that you have often put a lot of effort in a thread you start. If people right away start talking about something completely different it feels like you have done all that work for nothing.
True... well then use the "off topic" advice from the mods...


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
In theory, nothing's wrong with a few OT threads, but it's getting out of hand. Some members of this forum seems to have specialized in goin OT, I ain't down with that.

Basically, we have a thread for almost everything now. If something OT is not covered by any threads open a new one, doin't destroy any other threads with it.


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
i have only read goat's post so i could say things the way i see them.

i believe that martin is doing a great "job" here.
he knows exactelly which threads to close and which not.
i admit that many times i was upset for him closing some threads i liked but then i see that in some way he was actualy right.

the only thing i do not understand absolutelly is why he closed the buffon thread...
but it was REALLY ONLY a girl talk about him actually.
i admit that i was participating A LOT there but no harm made,a new buffon's forum has opened.

so,to sum up,
i think that this forum is keeping great as far as we have martin for our mod.
you don't even know how many times i thought:thanx god martin closed this thread!!

that's my point of view. ;)

zlatan,i am sorry i need to disagree with you! ;)

martin...if you'll ever gonna read this post: CARRY ON THE GREAT WORK! :thumb:

gigi's twin

Senior Member
Mar 5, 2003
++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
I've had a discussion with Martin last night about where the forums are going and about his trys to "put them back on track", and I must say that I dissagree with his methods. Actually, we dont classify the same things as problems. While I agree with him about the need to get rid of unnecessary and pointless threads, I believe we should not try so hard to stop threads going derailed and off topic, and I dont agree with him closing good threads that have gone off topic, like the "Work sucks" thread. IMO there is nothing wrong with a thread going off topic. No topic can be discussed for ever and it is only natural that eventually people will start talking about other things, especially if they "know" the people with whom they are having an off topic discussion with. We can not make the forum a human relation-less place nor can we remove humour and "hanging out" from it, and I fear that it will eventually become a place only for Martin's "chosen ones" to "seriously and intellectually" talk about football.

I would appriciate your opinions and suggestions.
Just a short answer: I agree in 100%! Earlier this forum was a place with full of fun and nice people talking about everything. I really enjoyed to come here every day to make my days better. Now, for a while this place became a bit boring, especially, after the Buffon forum was closed and all the mods became too strict. :goran:

Ooops! I promised a short answer! :embarass: Sorry..:p


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
But that is a very personal reason Gigi´s twin........

just because the Buff forum was closed.

A lot of people could live without that forum. But i have to accept that it was used from a few too.

gigi's twin

Senior Member
Mar 5, 2003
It is not just because the Buffon forum was closed, as I told it before, but because the too strict rules here. See, I'm affraid to open a thread, even it was a good topic or have a good fun with that, because I'm nearly sure, that it would be closed very soon, especially if some of us would go off-topic a bit, though I wouldn't mind.....


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
++ [ originally posted by gigi's twin ] ++
It is not just because the Buffon forum was closed, as I told it before, but because the too strict rules here. See, I'm affraid to open a thread, even it was a good topic or have a good fun with that, because I'm nearly sure, that it would be closed very soon, especially if some of us would go off-topic a bit, though I wouldn't mind.....
the person who is making the thread sometimes does not mind
but lets face it:we creat a thread and our main aim is to stay in-topic....

but if sometimes it goes off-topic is ok,'but not for that to became a regular phenomenon.

i used to go off-topic all the time but now i realized that when it goes too far it's not interesting anymore....
Jul 12, 2002
To Martin,

I beg of you not to give into this demand. I've seen what happens when you are too lenient with people who degrade the quality of a forum, and it isn't good. Also, don't allow the forum to be partitioned between on and off-topic, because that would polarize the forums and lead to it's destruction. I fully support your recent actions to re-energize the moderation, and to cut down on pointless threads and I support the current initiative to keep threads on topic.

++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
I've had a discussion with Martin last night about where the forums are going and about his trys to "put them back on track", and I must say that I dissagree with his methods. Actually, we dont classify the same things as problems. While I agree with him about the need to get rid of unnecessary and pointless threads, I believe we should not try so hard to stop threads going derailed and off topic, and I dont agree with him closing good threads that have gone off topic, like the "Work sucks" thread. IMO there is nothing wrong with a thread going off topic. No topic can be discussed for ever and it is only natural that eventually people will start talking about other things, especially if they "know" the people with whom they are having an off topic discussion with. We can not make the forum a human relation-less place nor can we remove humour and "hanging out" from it, and I fear that it will eventually become a place only for Martin's "chosen ones" to "seriously and intellectually" talk about football.

I would appriciate your opinions and suggestions.
GOAT, I couldn't disagree with you more. Threads need to be recycled on a regular basis. If you never closed any threads, they'd go on and on and eventually you'd have threads with hundreds of pages and if you missed a day of postings it'd take you and hour ot catch up. Closing off-topic threads makes for a cleaner more convenient forum.

++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
and I fear that it will eventually become a place only for Martin's "chosen ones" to "seriously and intellectually" talk about football.

I would appriciate your opinions and suggestions.
That is totally ridiculous! Martin has never banned or suspended people based upon things like off-topicness. And what would be so bad about actually "seriously and intellectually talking about football"????

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