What will and what should become of the forums? (5 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker2 ] ++
To Martin,

I beg of you not to give into this demand. I've seen what happens when you are too lenient with people who degrade the quality of a forum, and it isn't ood. Also, don't allow the forum to be partitioned between on and off-topic, because that would polarize the forums and lead to it's destruction. I fully support your recent actions to re-energize the moderation, and to cut down on point-less threads and I support the current initiative to keep threads on topic.


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Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #22
    ++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker2 ] ++
    To Martin,

    I beg of you not to give into this demand. I've seen what happens when you are too lenient with people who degrade the quality of a forum, and it isn't good. Also, don't allow the forum to be partitioned between on and off-topic, because that would polarize the forums and lead to it's destruction. I fully support your recent actions to re-energize the moderation, and to cut down on pointless threads and I support the current initiative to keep threads on topic.
    I could see that coming from you ;)

    ++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker2 ] ++

    GOAT, I couldn't disagree with you more. Threads need to be recycled on a regular basis. If you never closed any threads, they'd go on and on and eventually you'd have threads with hundreds of pages and if you missed a day of postings it'd take you and hour ot catch up. Closing off-topic threads makes for a cleaner more convenient forum.
    I dissagree with you too. No thread can go aon and on, and even if you didnt close them they would eventually fall into oblivious.

    ++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker2 ] ++

    That is totally ridiculous! Martin has never banned or suspended people based upon things like off-topicness. And what would be so bad about actually "seriously and intellectually talking about football"????

    There is nothing wrong with it, it was more of a remark to Martin's and mine conversation last night, but I feel that if it's only about football it will lose some of its flavour, the forums will be more "intellectual" but also more boring.

    Also, I know Martin hasnt and (probably) wouldnt ban members for off topicness, but that doesnt mean members wouldnt walk away them selves after seeing the changes, even some good members, like Serge, who has expressed his dissatisfaction about this sudden "return to the old skool"
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
    There is nothing wrong with it, it was more of a remark to Martin's and mine conversation last night, but I feel that if it's only about football it will lose some of its flavour, the forums will be more "intellectual" but also more boring.

    Also, I know Martin hasnt and (probably) wouldnt ban members for off topicness, but that doesnt mean members wouldnt walk away them selves after seeing the changes, even some good members, like Serge, who has expressed his dissatisfaction about this sudden "return to the old skool"
    Look man, you can't please everyone, so what's wrong with pleasing the people who want to talk football?


    Senior Member
    Nov 16, 2001
    ++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker2 ] ++

    Look man, you can't please everyone, so what's wrong with pleasing the people who want to talk football?
    Exactly, there are a lot of forums on the net and this one is made specifically for football and Juventus fans.


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
    Also, I know Martin hasnt and (probably) wouldnt ban members for off topicness
    We have OT forums, forums for books, games, music and such. At this forum one can talk about a lot of interesting stuff. IMO that's the way it should be.

    The point is that some OT talk is just useless, personal chit-chat in a public forum just isn't good. Not that people can't have personal discussions or talks, but there's a limit. I think most people know where that limit goes.


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    I insist; threads tend to go off-topic mostly because of people that start to chat so why not use the "Chat" function instead. Someone could make an appointment like 8pm eastern time and at that time everyone goes to the Chat and talks about whatever we wanna talk.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    Ok, I really didn't want my 1000th post to come to this, but, since my name was brought up, here we go:

    I agree that the first and foremost purpose of this forum is to talk, argue, and debate about Juve football. That is the main reason why I joined this site.

    However, it is not my ONLY reason for signing up. I was one of those mysterious guests for a few weeks, because I really wanted to see the vibe of this forum before committing to it. I've seen other forums, I won't mention names (soccerage & espn) where it just turns into a "he said, she said, your mother's a whore, you suck, your dog sucks, you suck your dog" type of pissing match, and that totally turned me off. But this place is different, with different people from different parts of the world who share one common bond.

    Look, I've been here less than 2 months and I've already reached 1000 posts. Not all of it was football related. A lot of those posts had to do with topics from political views, music, movies, and just getting to know people from around the world. And quite frankly, sometimes just having a good time and being funny.

    And that is what I'm afraid of. I'm afraid that this forum will lose it's sense of humor. While I agree that totally going off-topic on a subject really serves no purpose, sometimes going off the beaten track and adding some humorous posts into a serious thread can inject some life into it.

    My posts are usually 70-30, with the 70% being serious posts about any topic that I happen to be posting about. But the other 30%, hey, I'll admit, I'm a goofball, but I do it so that someone out there can at least get a decent laugh from it. When I had PM'ed a couple of people earlier expressing my displeasure, it was the direct result of 2 threads that had just been closed off that I had posted either the last or next-to-last post, and that bothered me. I almost felt like I was being singled out.

    I get grief because I've spent quite a bit of time here, but to be honest with you, this is one of my few links to the world outside of the US, to get people's viewpoints and ideas, and I feel that this forum has made me more open-minded on a number of subjects, if only for the fact that I get different viewpoints on one subject that differ from my own.

    I don't want to lose that link, but if the humor and fun are going to be taken out of it, then I want no part of it.

    God, and I really wanted my 1000th post to be a dedication and a way of saying thank you for allowing me to be here.

    Maybe I'll make that my 1001st post.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #28
    Delete a few of your first posts and you can still make a 1000th post dedication ;)

    I quite agree with you Sergio, and that has been my point all along (I dont know if you have read the previous posts)


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
    I quite agree with you Sergio, and that has been my point all along (I dont know if you have read the previous posts)
    I feel that if anything Sergio underline my point ( :D ), as he is a good example of how OT posts can still be very good if they are about something and put in the appropriate place. If Sergio (or someone else for that matter) discussed movies or music in a thread about Lippis tactics on the other hand it would not be good.


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by USA Juventini ] ++
    Ok, I really didn't want my 1000th post to come to this, but, since my name was brought up, here we go:

    I agree that the first and foremost purpose of this forum is to talk, argue, and debate about Juve football. That is the main reason why I joined this site.

    However, it is not my ONLY reason for signing up. I was one of those mysterious guests for a few weeks, because I really wanted to see the vibe of this forum before committing to it. I've seen other forums, I won't mention names (soccerage & espn) where it just turns into a "he said, she said, your mother's a whore, you suck, your dog sucks, you suck your dog" type of pissing match, and that totally turned me off. But this place is different, with different people from different parts of the world who share one common bond.

    Look, I've been here less than 2 months and I've already reached 1000 posts. Not all of it was football related. A lot of those posts had to do with topics from political views, music, movies, and just getting to know people from around the world. And quite frankly, sometimes just having a good time and being funny.

    And that is what I'm afraid of. I'm afraid that this forum will lose it's sense of humor. While I agree that totally going off-topic on a subject really serves no purpose, sometimes going off the beaten track and adding some humorous posts into a serious thread can inject some life into it.

    My posts are usually 70-30, with the 70% being serious posts about any topic that I happen to be posting about. But the other 30%, hey, I'll admit, I'm a goofball, but I do it so that someone out there can at least get a decent laugh from it. When I had PM'ed a couple of people earlier expressing my displeasure, it was the direct result of 2 threads that had just been closed off that I had posted either the last or next-to-last post, and that bothered me. I almost felt like I was being singled out.

    I get grief because I've spent quite a bit of time here, but to be honest with you, this is one of my few links to the world outside of the US, to get people's viewpoints and ideas, and I feel that this forum has made me more open-minded on a number of subjects, if only for the fact that I get different viewpoints on one subject that differ from my own.

    I don't want to lose that link, but if the humor and fun are going to be taken out of it, then I want no part of it.

    God, and I really wanted my 1000th post to be a dedication and a way of saying thank you for allowing me to be here.
    Maybe I'll make that my 1001st post.
    then come on sergio...!!
    where is your new dedication thread!!
    open it!!
    you are 1 of our greatest members!!! you absolutelly deserve a new thread.....;)


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by *aca* ] ++
    My "forum" adventure started with Laziomania, which was the best forum that ever existed online. It was pretty much like this one here, Lazio section and off topic section.

    Laziomania started encountering problems when many "political" topics started apearing. One of the forums was called "Once upon a time....", Bonita's child, place for, well lets call it Philosophical discussions. Many of the best threads ever written online started in that forum. With politics, many offences agaist some foum members were commited by newcomers and veterans alike. New PPL joined Mattias (webmaster) and dealt with it radically. They closed "OUAT" forum, closed OT section and informed us all thet this will be a foum for Lazio and Only Lazio topics. Needles to say, me, and many others that considered that place home, rebelled and when our pleas to reconsider and all our suggestions on how to deal with the problems fell on deaf ears, we simple left the place, joined XT or simply stoped posting.....

    The problem here is that too many topics are going astray. Many of you are behaving like a bunch of guys/gals out chatting away, and sometimes hijack the thread completly. I dont think that you being a "family" is a bad thing, but i think that you should consider that this forum is dedicated to Juve. OT part of the forum life (from my perspective) is essential for forum to sucseed in being a community, but not in every thread, not in every topic.

    I'll tell none what to do and how to run your affairs, but if Martin's pleas to control your "stay on topic" issues fell on deaf years, you have to understan that he will take drasticall measures. On the other hand, rather than immidiately closing thread, i would suggest that one of the mods post a "warning" post that if the thread continue in the same manner, it will be closed. It will be more "tactfull" than closing thread without an explanation.

    Share your MSN addresses and continue the chat there or use JUventuz chat (if it's operational).

    Dont break up the family......

    Very good post about the whole issue, and I agree with every your word part I took in bold :)


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #33
    Well, I am saying what Serge has said ;)

    Also, are you saying I'm one of the biggest problems, because I must admit I've recognized myself in your "problem profile" :groan:

    I think I'm about the same ase Serge, but probably with a different ratio ;)


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    Now when have I ever discussed movies or music on a Lippis tactics post.:D

    Shit, well, I guess that dedication will be on post # 1002.

    And Zlatan, I treasure all my posts, so I won't delete them.

    But thanks for the Idea.
    Sep 28, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by USA Juventini ] ++
    Now when have I ever discussed movies or music on a Lippis tactics post.:D

    Shit, well, I guess that dedication will be on post # 1002.

    And Zlatan, I treasure all my posts, so I won't delete them.

    But thanks for the Idea.

    make the friggin dedication already :D


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #36
    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++

    Also, are you saying I'm one of the biggest problems, because I must admit I've recognized myself in your "problem profile" :groan:

    I think I'm about the same ase Serge, but probably with a different ratio ;)
    I'll take the akward silence as a yes :frown: :sigh:

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