
Sep 23, 2003
Maybe we can swap coaches with Sporting.
I mentioned that here two years ago :)

Today I received a letter for my new housemate. It was from The Church of Scientology of London... Lol
Clear is the new woke.

Fox News has been jonesing for a knockout game replacement for years.

But then it would have been better if the dude dropped trou to reveal his trans hoochie, mounted the guy, and raped him.



Sep 23, 2003
The best part of flyover country is tornadoes and you get to fly over it @swag
Sweet. That must look pretty awesome. If not also the auroras.

Looks like the guy was caught. Hopefully he got a beatdown from the citizens before the police arrived

Still not sure how this rapist is somehow any more dangerous than, say, Lawrence Taylor hanging out with your teenage daughter just because we have it on video.

How worried should i be about this G5 storm?
Only the 5G one.

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