
May 27, 2007
The big boss is coming to our meating tomorrow, cause 3 weeks ago, at the same kind of meating, I couldn’t hold it in when a co-worker started to yell and talk shit about me. I was about to leave, but snapped, as she wouldn’t stop yelling, so I told her 3 times that she should shut the fuck up. Or. I yelled too. Had to leave because I was about to get personal.
Why did she yell and talk shit about you? Either way, she started and I guess it wasn't so professional from her, so fuck it, boss should grind her instead.

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Senior Member
Jun 4, 2009
Can’t remember what I wrote last night. Was shitfaced as fuck and had a horrible day at work today. The big boss said nothing about the incident, but talked about how to improve proper work etiquette. So yeah. Nothing is gonna change. These fuckers needs to go more Machiavelli and less giraf talk.

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Was she yelling because of how you spell meeting in memos reminds her of how she ain't getting any "meat" at home?
Sorry. I was on prosecco and dyson.

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