
Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
I turned 30 last year. Ever since I finished uni I was "worried" when time flies by and how I'm reaching 30 which looked so disgusting and scary at the same time. But when I did reach it was just... normal. I'm quite comfortable in my skin, I like the experience that I've gained and I'm satisfied with it. Now when I look back I can't say I'm happy about myself in early 20s. I think every period has its own thing of good and bad, but later maturity gives you different glasses so the past looks quite fragile and you look funny. These times are quite weird, I think so many people have some form of anxiety. I had a lot more when I was younger, I'm happy how I managed to cope with it and when people hear I had problems with it they think I lie. It's nice that you workout, I always respect that for many reasons. I stopped myself because I feel 24 hours in a single day is way too little and I hardly manage it. Socialising and literature took quite a big part of my free time. I honestly have no idea how can somebody be bored in this period. There's just so many things to do which make you happy and grateful, even without money (I master it). Oh and I did read some philosophy, not much though. But I roamed through some Greeks, Nietzsche, and read even some Chinese. When it comes to modern stuff I read some stuff by Luciano De Crescenzo who passed away a couple of years back. I find it interesting and worth of studying but I'm focused more on stuff like classics and some modern stuff which is usually challenging and hard-ish stuff to read. It's my entertainment, but I never read entertainment/light beach stuff. I'm a firm believer how everything great out of literature came from hard and difficult periods of either whole country or author himself. It's when layers pop up and you dig deep to the very core of soul. It surely may seem depressing and tough to swallow, but hey, it just teaches you about people and life, you get to meet biggest characters with their own conscience, characters that are complex and worth of studies. It's not only reading for fun surely, but learning too. I don't find that in easy, uplifting literature where authors write how you can live without money yet all of them became millionairs for selling those books and I highly doubt they wanna give up on it. That stuff along with motivational books for fragile people don't have my interest. I don't need someone to point a finger and tell me how to look at life, how to live or how to be happy. I've been through stuff and that's amateurish stuff imo since I can't believe people are fucked up on that level they seek help through that medium/level of "knowledge". I don't think anything good can come out from a happy place when it comes to literature. It's always being surrounded by death, misery, and all other big things. But I guess you should avoid it if such thing throws you on your knees (which should not happen). I mean, what the fuck, you have a huge brain capacity, you shouldn't be reading shit like Coelho or buy a book The Monk who sold his Ferrari.

I'll make it sound like you're on an interview right now, but where do you see yourself in future? And I don't mean in which country.
Yeah I don't mean uplifting as in self help books or business books like "how to influence more people". I just tend to read crime, mystery type of stories because they are relaxing and quite superficial. I'm not that ambitious in my reading most of the time. And a lot of is and was motivated by practising different languages and reading whatever I could come across.

I have no idea. Now less than ever tbh.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2015
Ok, most people :p

But there is a special place in hell I have for tourists.

Not even living in one of THE tourist areas in bavaria, but even here they piss me off. Hiking trails, the nature reserve nearby and such I used to have more or less for myself, are absolutely clogged with them.

If they only stayed in their east german shitholes.

Fly in The Donald to help rebuild the wall.

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