US Presidential Elections thread - the fate of the world to be decided (35 Viewers)

Who would you vote to be the next President of the United States?

  • John McCain

  • Barack Obama

  • undecided

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2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Vinni, I've been through different neighborhoods in Detroit plenty of times. And your argument isn't really working out for two reasons:

1) In case you didn't know, Detroit's economy is probably the worst out of all the largest 50 cities in the United States. They have the highest foreclosure rate in the nation and are just behind Washington DC in children living below the poverty line. Many of those people "standing on the corner" are unable to find work because of the poor economy in Michigan, which is mostly because of the languishing American automobile industry, a situation made worse by Mr. Bush who has done nothing to protect American jobs. You don't understand how bad it is up there. Jobs are dwindling and turning into a scarce commodity. Sure, there are obviously some crackheads in Detroit. But there are also good people who can't find work because there is no work near where they live. Should these fathers and mothers suffer because of some crackheads are reaping the social benefits? How about their KIDS, Vinni?

2) It is morally wrong to punish good people for the acts of criminals. I mean come on, man. Have a little compassion here. Not every "loud-mouthed black man standing on the corner" is a crack dealer.
I'm sorry to burst your bubble, Andy, but the people you speak of, who lost their jobs because of cutbacks at GM arent the people standing on the street corners hustling...they are the ones at the unemployment office looking for a new job, or trying to get a job to pay the bills, and take care of their kids. And speaking of job loss, you dont think any other cities like Buffalo arent going through this ??

The people who should be taken care of are those people who are TRYING to make something of themselves, not the ones looking for the shortcut...and believe me, there are PLENTY of lazy people out there who take advantage of our system....if you want to live a little, take a sloooowwww...ride through the hood, and tell me otherwise

I am not responsible if you get mugged and robbed :p

Buy on


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
I'm sorry to burst your bubble, Andy, but the people you speak of, who lost their jobs because of cutbacks at GM arent the people standing on the street corners hustling...they are the ones at the unemployment office looking for a new job, or trying to get a job to pay the bills, and take care of their kids. And speaking of job loss, you dont think any other cities like Buffalo arent going through this ??

The people who should be taken care of are those people who are TRYING to make something of themselves, not the ones looking for the shortcut...and believe me, there are PLENTY of lazy people out there who take advantage of our system....if you want to live a little, take a sloooowwww...ride through the hood, and tell me otherwise

I am not responsible if you get mugged and robbed :p
So by your logic we should scrap the whole system because it is abused? Never mind the taking care of the people who need the help and are actually trying.

Oh Vin, I've walked through the hood in two major cities, New Orleans and Baltimore. I got lost at Mardis Gras and yes some kid tried to steal my camera, it wasn't so bad, but I was pretty lucky he didn't use his knife. In Baltimore I participated in an urban forestry project in some of the worst neighborhoods in the nation. It was weird, dudes were on street corners at 8am, but they were so damn interested in trees. It was crazy, guys who definitely had guns, I saw a butt, were quizzing me on the type of tree on their corner. Totally strange.


Jun 7, 2004
I wouldn't totally rule it out. We have as much as chance of getting a woman president as a black president.
If these two were the final candidates,
which one of these two, the colored women, would prefer?:burke:

PS: US has financial and political interests to wage wars, we have discussed that before, the ones that are really in charge will convince/force even a pacifist president to do so, its inevitable, otherwise the military industry of the country would collapse...
So, who's going to be the new victim? Are the F22s and the bunker busters ready for a real time demonstration on CNN? Buyers are eager to see them tested under, real life war conditions...


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Btw does anyone else find it STAGGERING how completely worthless the Republican candidates are? I mean I remember a time when the title President used to mean something, a LOT in fact. And this is the best bunch of people the Reps can scrape together? That's amazing.

There's Intelligent Design McCain, who just seems clinically insane, doesn't mind extending the war another 100 years, says "there'll be other wars" and apparently, doesn't particularly care about Asian people.

There's Huckabee who's the biggest Jesus freak of them all, equates homosexuality to bestiality and thinks natural disasters are an act of god.

Then there's Romney who maybe isn't completely gone, at least he hasn't said anything yet that would qualify him for the nut house.

These guys aren't qualified to be moderators on Juventuz, let alone president of a country. Is there really not one sane, rational, diplomatic person among the Republicans they could nominate? For a country with such enormous intellectual resources it's amazing how uncontaminated the political scene is by intellectuals. Well, there is one decent candidate in Ron Paul I guess, but he doesn't have the backing of his party at all.

The Republican voters have such a pathetic choice that they should just vote anti-Hillary and pick Obama.

For all the intelligence, class and diplomacy Bill had, Hillary seems to possess none. She is seriously creepy. But at least the Democrats only have one crappy candidate. Edwards seems to have the best program of them, he's seriously anti-establishment and pro-liberty. And therefore making a lot of enemies. What I'm quietly hoping is that Obama holds the same opinions but he's just not willing to say it cause it would rule him out of the race. A trojan horse.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
lol someone posted this on another forum:

America, land of the free!

You want 9 different types of syrup for your pancakes? No problem!

You want 19 different choices of coffee at Star probem!

You want choice at election time? Vote for the lesser of the two assholes :rolleyes:


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Martin said:
The Republican voters have such a pathetic choice that they should just vote anti-Hillary and pick Obama.

erm....we can't vote in the Democratic election, only in the Republican

my man Rudy is out, and the only other candidate who made any sense to me was Fred Thompson, and he's out as well

If its any concillation, I would vote Obama over Hillary....that being said, I know Baracks views on illegal immigrants, "racial profiling", and job would be made all that much harder if he became president


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
So by your logic we should scrap the whole system because it is abused? Never mind the taking care of the people who need the help and are actually trying.

Oh Vin, I've walked through the hood in two major cities, New Orleans and Baltimore. I got lost at Mardis Gras and yes some kid tried to steal my camera, it wasn't so bad, but I was pretty lucky he didn't use his knife. In Baltimore I participated in an urban forestry project in some of the worst neighborhoods in the nation. It was weird, dudes were on street corners at 8am, but they were so damn interested in trees. It was crazy, guys who definitely had guns, I saw a butt, were quizzing me on the type of tree on their corner. Totally strange.
If the system is being abused, shouldnt it be changed ??

I agree 110% that the people who need the assistance should get it, and that is the sick, elderly, and those who have jobs that dont pay them enough ( you see, they have to have a J-O-B), and need some extra assistance

The people who are perfectly capable of working, but choose not to because they have some other source of "income", or those that dont have to because they feel they are owed something because of the color of their skin should get NOTHING !!!


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
my man Rudy is out, and the only other candidate who made any sense to me was Fred Thompson, and he's out as well
Rudy said recently that he thinks you should have to get a national ID card to have access to the internet, so that we could "keep an eye on you" in case you get up to something you shouldn't. Do you think that's a good idea?

If its any concillation, I would vote Obama over Hillary....that being said, I know Baracks views on illegal immigrants, "racial profiling", and job would be made all that much harder if he became president
Isn't that what Americans love? Working hard? :devil:


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Rudy said recently that he thinks you should have to get a national ID card to have access to the internet, so that we could "keep an eye on you" in case you get up to something you shouldn't. Do you think that's a good idea?
does anyone agree with everything a candidate wants ??

Isn't that what Americans love? Working hard? :devil:
I should have said "impossible"


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
If the system is being abused, shouldnt it be changed ??

I agree 110% that the people who need the assistance should get it, and that is the sick, elderly, and those who have jobs that dont pay them enough ( you see, they have to have a J-O-B), and need some extra assistance

The people who are perfectly capable of working, but choose not to because they have some other source of "income", or those that dont have to because they feel they are owed something because of the color of their skin should get NOTHING !!!
See Vin, a little welfare reform never hurt anything. Though I thought affirmative action was needed when it was first imposed. Its not so much these days.
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