US Presidential Elections thread - the fate of the world to be decided (36 Viewers)

Who would you vote to be the next President of the United States?

  • John McCain

  • Barack Obama

  • undecided

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The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005

Are you serious?
Well, I received it as a joke, but I don't know if it's real:p

not that the fire needs anymore fuel, but:
Nearly $2,000,000,000,000 and counting. ISRAEL receives more AMERICAN TAXPAYER DOLLARS than the impoverished nations of Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, & the Caribbean (pop 1 billion+) COMBINED
Well, the fact is that the normal people in USA is starting to understand how much they expend from their tax money on that, but the sad thing is that they don't know how to stop it.

At least, that's what I'm convincing myself with.

Buy on


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Of course they don't. If you witnessed this insanity and knew how to end it, you would. Anyone would. But the government is pandering to special interests, the media is owned by these interests and when it comes to voting for a candidate, you have two parties with no credibility and it's not easy to know who the lesser evil is. Not to mention just how many irregularities and suspicions there are when elections actually take place.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
Of course they don't. If you witnessed this insanity and knew how to end it, you would. Anyone would. But the government is pandering to special interests, the media is owned by these interests and when it comes to voting for a candidate, you have two parties with no credibility and it's not easy to know who the lesser evil is. Not to mention just how many irregularities and suspicions there are when elections actually take place.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
a war I voted for ?

when were those ballots issued, Andy ?? I cant seem to remember voting "yes" to the war with Iraq
You voted for the war because you voted for George W. Bush. The legacy of this imbecile is the war on Iraq, the most important and costly campaign of his entire presidency. Therefore, you voted for the war. To be honest, that's the only thing he's done besides fuck up our school system with No Child Left Behind.

We took out a threat to our country and all of the ppl in Iraq.....its a shame that no one could forsee that Al-Queda and Iran would make things all the more difficult as time wore on...maybe Iran is next :eyebrows: :p

The bottom line is that we are still spending way too much money on ppl in this country who contribute nothing, and that money far exceeds the money spent on the war
That's just a Bush cop-out argument. It porbably isn't even factual, so I would to see some numbers on this discussion. And who are you to judge who doesn't deserve any help from the government? Just because somebody was caught with a little weed doesn't make them a bad person who doesn't contribute to society, Vinni.

has to be spent? so you still think you're getting bang for the buck? well, each to his own.
Well, we might not be getting extra BANG for our buck, but other countries surely are.

well you are doing a fine job of putting people in prison no doubt (not you personally, I mean the system as a whole). again, biggest prison population on the planet, I know america likes to be #1 but I wonder if this is a prize to covet.
:lol2: No doubt about that, Martin.

boy, for someone so critical about a soccer club, you sure seem oddly satisfied with how things are going over there.
Yeah, you got to admit, Vinni, that's pretty strange. :p


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Of course they don't. If you witnessed this insanity and knew how to end it, you would. Anyone would. But the government is pandering to special interests, the media is owned by these interests and when it comes to voting for a candidate, you have two parties with no credibility and it's not easy to know who the lesser evil is. Not to mention just how many irregularities and suspicions there are when elections actually take place.
That's why I hope Obama is elected as he's the only person out of the realm of Washington to at least cut back on this nonsense. I think he has a better understanding of the Palestinian people than most politicians out there, and I'm hoping he will try to put an end to ridiculous funding to another terror-loving government.


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
has to be spent? so you still think you're getting bang for the buck? well, each to his own.
I'm sorry, do you live here, and do you know what goes on here ??

I didnt think so

Martin said:
well you are doing a fine job of putting people in prison no doubt (not you personally, I mean the system as a whole). again, biggest prison population on the planet, I know america likes to be #1 but I wonder if this is a prize to covet.

btw did you ever consider the fact that for every person in prison you're paying more money to support people "who contribute nothing"? I mean prison is basically a way to live off working people, the only way to avoid that would be to just execute them.
not a bad idea...

boy, for someone so critical about a soccer club, you sure seem oddly satisfied with how things are going over there.
nothings perfect...and raising my taxes to over 40% doesnt seem like a good idea to me

Well it went to an attempt to take care of my grandmother by the state of New York. Which failed, and could not have been paid for but welfare. Both of my grand mothers died on welfare in New York state. I dare you to say something.
no doubt the welfare system here is fucked up. It encourages ppl not to work, and have lots of kids (to get more money)

A family of 5 gets approx $35,000 tax free money, and they also get free food (food stamps) and housing. Not too bad of a deal.

We need to take care of the sick and elderly much better

not that the fire needs anymore fuel, but:
Nearly $2,000,000,000,000 and counting. ISRAEL receives more AMERICAN TAXPAYER DOLLARS than the impoverished nations of Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, & the Caribbean (pop 1 billion+) COMBINED
so, who says that America should be giving our tax dollars to Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, & the Caribbean ?? When was it our responsiblity to take care of them ??

I also have no answer for why we give Israel so much either

Just because somebody was caught with a little weed doesn't make them a bad person who doesn't contribute to society, Vinni
Oh please, your starting to sound like know-it-all Martin...I'm referring to the crack heads who would murder your mother or my mother for $20 to buy a bag of crack, and the crack dealers who I chase on a nightly basis who have more firepower on their person, and more money in their pocket that I do

I thought you came from Detroit ??


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
here's an email I received from a Canadian who isnt too happy with his "free" health care

everything here IS factual, as I have family in Canada who confirmed all of this

I also had a very good friend who was healthier than any woman I know, who died of a stroke 2 years ago at the age of 30 in a Canadian hospital. Under the same circumstances in the USA, she would have lived....

Subject: Health Care in Canada

Hey Guys; I saw on the news up here in Canada where Hillary Clinton
introduced her new health care plan. Something similar to what we have
in Canada. I also heard that Michael Moore was raving about the health careup here in Canada in his latest movie. As your friend and someone who lives with the Canada health care plan I thought I would give you some facts about this great medical plan that we have in Canada.

First of all:

1) The health care plan in Canada is not free. We pay a premium every
month of $96. for Shirley and I to be covered. Sounds great eh? What
they don't tell you is how much we pay in taxes to keep the health care
system afloat. I am personally in the 55% tax bracket. Yes 55% of my earningsgo to taxes. A large portion of that and I am not sure of the exact amount goes directly to health care - our #1 expense.

2) I would not classify what we have as health care plan, it is more
like a health diagnosis system. You can get into to see a doctor quick
enough so he can tell you 'yes indeed you are sick or you need an operation' but now the challenge becomes getting treated or operated on. We have waiting lists out the ying yang some as much as 2 years down the road.

3) Rather than fix what is wrong with you the usual tactic in Canada is
to prescribe drugs. Have a pain - here is a drug to take - not what is
causing the pain and why. No time for checking you out because it is
more important to move as many patients thru as possible each hour for Government reimbursement

4) Many Canadians do not have a family Doctor.

5) Don't require emergency treatment as you may wait for hours in the
emergency room waiting for treatment.

6) Shirley's dad cut his hand on a power saw a few weeks back and it
required that his hand be put in a splint - to our surprise we had to
pay $125 for a splint because it is not covered under health care plus we
have to pay $60 for each visit for him to check it out each week.

7) Shirley's cousin was diagnosed with a heart blockage. Put on a
waiting list. Died before he could get treatment.

8) Government allots so many operations per year. When that is done no
more operations, unless you go to your local newspaper and plead your
case and embarrass the government then money suddenly appears.

9) The Government takes great pride in telling us how much more they are increasing the funding for health care but waiting lists never get
shorter. Government just keeps throwing money at the problem but it
never goes away. But they are good at finding new ways to tax us, but
they don't call it a tax anymore it is now a user fee.

10) My mother needs an operation for a blockage in her leg but because
she is a smoker they will not do it. Despite her and my father paying
into the health care system all these years. My Mom is 80 years of age. Now there is talk that maybe we should not treat fat and obese people either because they are a drain on the health care system. Let me see now, what we want in Canada is a health care system for healthy people only. That should reduce our health care costs.

11) Forget getting a second opinion, what you see is what you get.

12) I can spend what money I have left after taxes on booze, cigarettes,
junk food and anything else that could kill me but I am not allowed by
law to spend my money on getting an operation I need because that would
be jumping the queue. I must wait my turn except if I am a hockey player
or athlete then I can get looked at right away. Go figure.Where else in the world can you spend money to kill yourself but not allowed to spend money to get healthy.

13) Oh did I mention that immigrants are covered automatically at tax
payer expense having never contributed a dollar to the system and pay no

14) Oh yeah we now give free needles to drug users to try and keep them
healthy. Wouldn't want a sickly druggie breaking into your house and
stealing your things. But people with diabetes who pay into the health
care system have to pay for their needles because it is not covered by
the health care system. .I send this out not looking for sympathy but as the election looms in the states you will be hearing more and more about
universal health care down there and the advocates will be pointing to
Canada. I just want to make sure that you hear the truth about health
care up here and have some food for thought and informed questions to ask when broached with this subject.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
That's just a Bush cop-out argument. It porbably isn't even factual, so I would to see some numbers on this discussion. And who are you to judge who doesn't deserve any help from the government? Just because somebody was caught with a little weed doesn't make them a bad person who doesn't contribute to society, Vinni.
Actually a government needs to create a set of rules in which you can define in objective fashion whether or not someone deserves help from the government. If someone's on welfare, one obvious indicator of whether someone should or shouldn't receive money is the question if he's trying to get a job.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
I liked this one too :D

Many of you will recall that on July 8, 1947, almost exactly 60 Years ago, witnesses claim that an unidentified flying object (UFO) with five aliens aboard crashed onto a sheep and cattle ranch just outside Roswell , New Mexico . This is a well-known incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force and other federal Agencies and organizations.

However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of March 1948, nine months after that historic day, the following people were born:

Albert A. Gore, Jr.
Hillary Rodham
John F. Kerry
William J. Clinton
Howard Dean
Nancy Pelosi
Dianne Feinstein
Charles E. Schumer
Barbara Boxer

See what happens when aliens breed with sheep?
I certainly hope this bit of information clears up a lot of things for you. It did for me.
It seems these elections are the best inspiring event for jokes.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
I'm sorry, do you live here, and do you know what goes on here ??

I didnt think so
Martin is more informed on the negatives about America than most Americans.

Oh please, your starting to sound like know-it-all Martin...I'm referring to the crack heads who would murder your mother or my mother for $20 to buy a bag of crack, and the crack dealers who I chase on a nightly basis who have more firepower on their person, and more money in their pocket that I do

I thought you came from Detroit ??
Of course criminals shouldn't receive any extra help from the government. But for the good of the common people, those who are not crackheads and murderers, I think they deserve some help from our government even if we didn't waste billions of dollars on something highly unnecessary. It would be foolish to say no to something that helps the common good just because a few bad people abuse it. Crackheads will be crackheads even if we don't give them any sort of break.

Actually a government needs to create a set of rules in which you can define in objective fashion whether or not someone deserves help from the government. If someone's on welfare, one obvious indicator of whether someone should or shouldn't receive money is the question if he's trying to get a job.
That's easier said than done though.


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Of course criminals shouldn't receive any extra help from the government. But for the good of the common people, those who are not crackheads and murderers, I think they deserve some help from our government even if we didn't waste billions of dollars on something highly unnecessary. It would be foolish to say no to something that helps the common good just because a few bad people abuse it. Crackheads will be crackheads even if we don't give them any sort of break.
a few people, huh ??

take a ride through Detroit, or any major city for that matter, through their rough neighborhoods, and tell me that the majority of thugs hanging around the street corners arent capable of working

they get more money from welfare than they would from working at Mc Donalds.....this system rewards them for doing nothing
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