Top movies or films you really MUST see (2 Viewers)


Apr 14, 2005
And what is A bout de souffle but a homage to American cinema.

i thought it was more satirical than homage

Have zero problem with american cinema, but only mentionning/watching Hollywood is missing out a bit (the gems from euro and asian cinema), and not jus that, but also missing out on american cinema pre 80s or so, most movies mentionned are 2-3 decades old at most. Such wealth of lovely movies before that.

P.S Havent watched or know of the souffle movie.

breathless :D

Buy on

king Ale

Senior Member
Oct 28, 2004
As for the mindset thing, i dont honestly buy it, it's lilke saying keaton was a hack because how incredible stuntmen are. A dedicated cinephile knows how to put things in perspective.
True but I'm talking about it being influential. There have been lots of movies like that which started a new page in history of cinema, films that offered new ideas, techniques or movements. Like the first colored movie, to today's audience it's of no importance that it was the first colored movie but it means a lot to cinema in general.

I didn't like A bout de souffle at all and I disliked it even more when I watched it for the second time.

and to the euro out there quit your hateration, pictures are an american staple, though lately its been mostly garbage(hollywood).
By American cinema I mean the classic works of my favorite filmmakers like Welles', Capra's, Wilder's, Hawks', Kubrick's and Kasan's even though American cinema is till producing quite a few excellent stuff.

Even the euro greats came here to get it done.
Some failed though :p


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2008
i thought it was more satirical than homage
I guess it's a bit of both. It's definitely a nod to film noir and American B-movies (it was dedicated to the B-movie studio Monogram Pictures) But obviously Godard was equally interested in breaking rules and traditions.


Oct 28, 2010
Positive. And fuck whoever mentioned "A Serbian Film". I couldn't even finish reading the wikipedia description.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
I liked Un Prophete too.

As for "A Serbian Film" I read some reviews and comment from the director and frankly that's all one needs to do.


New Member
Nov 12, 2012
un prophete is awesome. still need to buy that dvd.

didnt watch a serbian movie, though im not really interested in it.

i didnt read all the posts in here, but if not already mentioned, i have to recommend 2 great stanley kubrick movies; a clockwork orange and 2001: a space odyssey...especially a clockwork orange, cuz its the reason why the "Drughi" are calling themselves like that :D


Senior Member
May 14, 2012
Recently I have shifted my attention to movies shot and playing in New York. The last movie I watched has been "Do the right thing". An exceptional movie.

The next on my list is "Smoke".

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