The Return of The King (2 Viewers)



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Jul 31, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #61
    ++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
    i prefer TTT & FOTR to ROTK. disappointing too I guess, I tried to console myself telling I wasn't concentrating during the movie thats why it sucked for me :)

    Pippin's cute.
    I'm ashamed to say I really struggled to stay awake the first hour or so...
    concentrating was a real problem:down:

    Buy on


    Junior Member
    Aug 30, 2002
    I noded too.;)

    my friends blamed me it's all cuz I brought a pillow with me into the theater.
    You know, I have to. Watching all trilogy in one night... and I am a thoughtful person.:stuckup:


    Junior Member
    Aug 30, 2002
    After seeing the ROTK, my friends & I counted how many characters has PJ murdered.

    Here is some insider news I got Behind The Scenes
    PJ one: " Murderer~~~..."
    PJ two: "Not listening! Not listening!":LOL::LOL::LOL:


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2003
    come on guys.. it's not that bad.. the TROTK is one of the best movies I've seen this year.. actually, it is the best movie in 2003.. can you think of a better movie..? the matrix..? master & commander..? come on..!!

    in addition, Peter jackson deserves something for his work on this great epic.. he maybe didn't follow what the books said exactly, but still the outcome was three great movies.. one of the trilogy I've ever seen in my life..

    it's hard for J.R.R. Tolkien's fans (as myself) who have read the books to accept these changes, that what happens when you know a story and the ending of it, then you see a movie about..
    and yeah, the ROTK is the best movie in 2003 and deserves the oscar for best picture.. and it will get it.. IMO.


    Senior Member
    Jul 31, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #65
    ++ [ originally posted by Gandalf ] ++
    come on guys.. it's not that bad.. the TROTK is one of the best movies I've seen this year.. actually, it is the best movie in 2003.. can you think of a better movie..? the matrix..? master & commander..? come on..!!

    in addition, Peter jackson deserves something for his work on this great epic.. he maybe didn't follow what the books said exactly, but still the outcome was three great movies.. one of the trilogy I've ever seen in my life..

    it's hard for J.R.R. Tolkien's fans (as myself) who have read the books to accept these changes, that what happens when you know a story and the ending of it, then you see a movie about..
    and yeah, the ROTK is the best movie in 2003 and deserves the oscar for best picture.. and it will get it.. IMO.

    Hey Gandalf, how ya doin' guy?:D movie? in what respect?...only decent acting performance was from yourself Sir.

    Editing...poor to say the minute they are fighting the battle of Pelanor Fields before Minas Tirith, cut to aftermath, cut to room inside MT, cut to before the Black continuity, no expalnation of what was going on, especially if you hadn't read the book...and what about Frodo and Sam in Mordor, more of the don't win a best picture Oscar for editing of this kind. Nor for such dreadful acting and script. Perhaps the extended version would be better, but that won't be considered...we are talking about the Oscar here after all...:down:

    As for changes from the you know, most people wont read the book, and assume this is the real LOTR. So sad, and an injustice to the written word.

    The special effects were wonderful, as were the cinematography, sets, wordrobe and so on.
    But for the Oscar, thinking solely about the things the Academy would look at, it falls far short of the qualities that best picture requires...but it will probably win due to pressure within the industry

    But hey...let's not fall out over it :cool:

    Dj Juve

    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    i didnt like it either. I fully agree with Rover here. :down: it coulda be so much better.

    btw, what's the Leader of the Nazgul dude's name?


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by -CSD- ] ++
    as much as i....un-enjoyed ROTK, it's still way better and smoother than Matrix Revo :undecide:

    i agree that the ROTK is far better than matrix rev.

    but, tell me guys, is there any other movie that deserve the best picture..?? I can think of one.. refresh my mind..!!

    i need that Nazgul leader's name :)
    I think he is The Witch-king of Angmar.. I can remember his name.. if he has one.. :undecide:


    Senior Member
    Jul 31, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #70
    Hey folks...I'm not saying it's not a good movie, it's just that it's not good enough to win the Oscar for best'll probably win four or five for other things, but not best movie:down:

    It could have been better by utilising more of the original dialogue...but who knows...Sir Ian McK was interviewed on TV and said that there were so many cut scenes that the SEDVD could easily be four and a half to five hours


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Roverbhoy ] ++
    Hey folks...I'm not saying it's not a good movie, it's just that it's not good enough to win the Oscar for best'll probably win four or five for other things, but not best movie:down:

    It could have been better by utilising more of the original dialogue...but who knows...Sir Ian McK was interviewed on TV and said that there were so many cut scenes that the SEDVD could easily be four and a half to five hours
    maybe your're right.. it could have been better.. but, I'm sure the Extented DVD edition will be far better than the cinema version.. :hoping:

    but all what I wanted to say was it is not that bad.. specially for someone who didn't read the books..

    Dj Juve

    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Gandalf ] ++

    i agree that the ROTK is far better than matrix rev.

    but, tell me guys, is there any other movie that deserve the best picture..?? I can think of one.. refresh my mind..!!

    from what i hear, Mystic River seems to be the no.1

    ++ [ originally posted by Gandalf ] ++
    I think he is The Witch-king of Angmar.. I can remember his name.. if he has one.. :undecide:
    he has a name if im not mistaken :undecide:
    Aug 27, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Gandalf ] ++
    come on guys.. it's not that bad.. the TROTK is one of the best movies I've seen this year.. actually, it is the best movie in 2003.. can you think of a better movie..? the matrix..? master & commander..? come on..!!

    in addition, Peter jackson deserves something for his work on this great epic.. he maybe didn't follow what the books said exactly, but still the outcome was three great movies.. one of the trilogy I've ever seen in my life..

    it's hard for J.R.R. Tolkien's fans (as myself) who have read the books to accept these changes, that what happens when you know a story and the ending of it, then you see a movie about..
    and yeah, the ROTK is the best movie in 2003 and deserves the oscar for best picture.. and it will get it.. IMO.
    hey gandlaf long time...i do belive this is the best to come out this year and i really enjoyed it very much i loved it i prefer ot over the first one but i need to watch it again to judge if its better than the two towers..
    but it is the best...


    New Member
    Oct 4, 2003
    I've seen it... I've seen it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Its great n I LIKE IT no matter what people say... It'll be the best movie of the year..... haha... I LOVE U LEGOLAS!!! mmuah..


    Junior Member
    Aug 30, 2002
    Yeah~~~ everyone loves legolas.:thumb:
    but there is not only one "legolas" in the LOTR:down:
    here are some comics for you guys.
    I got the same feeling like this kid:D



    Junior Member
    Aug 30, 2002
    And this unbalanced news really crack me up!:LOL::LOL::LOL:

    December 16, 2003
    'Rings' Fans Awed by Sequel's Car Chase Scene
    (2003-12-16) -- Preview screening audiences for the final episode of the Lord of the Rings (LOTR) movie trilogy are said to be "breathless" over the ending of the so-called 'American cut' of Return of the King, which features a spectacular car chase scene.

    Although devotees of the J.R.R. Tolkien books, which form the basis for the movie series, have barraged internet fan sites with complaints, director Peter Jackson said audiences love the "dramatic plot twist."

    "We wanted to bring Tolkien's incredibly intricate, poetic prose to the screen in a way that would be accessible to modern American moviegoers," said Mr. Jackson, a native New Zealander. "One of our scriptwriters suggested that the final epic battle between good and evil might best be portrayed by having the Dark Lord Sauron pursue Frodo and Sam (the ring-bearing Hobbits) in a spectacular car chase through Middle Earth. It really breathes new life into the literary fantasy-action-adventure genre."

    Asked how he's dealing with the withering criticism from Tolkien fans, Mr. Jackson bristled: "I can't live my life trying to satisfy the purists. What do these people want? We spent months shooting that car chase, and I used classic cars to make it authentic. I think it's true to the spirit of Tolkien."

    Mr. Jackson suggested that LOTR devotees would ultimately be satisfied when they buy the extended version DVD.

    "On the DVD, the car chase is punctuated by long soliloquies by Lady Galadriel, where she speaks in untranslated Elvish and we see nothing but her unblinking eyes," said Mr. Jackson. "That ought to keep the stroppy Ring-geeks from chundering."

    Posted by Scott Ott



    Junior Member
    Aug 30, 2002
    Ok! I guess I made too much fun of ROTK. I should stop it right now. :D

    No matter How Disappointed i am, ROTK is the best movie I saw in this year. :touched:

    I just expected too much. I know.:D


    Senior Member
    Apr 21, 2003
    My fav remains TTT, but hey this was great. We all knew (or rther those that have already read the book before) that TROTK as a story wasn't as good as the previous two (it's still great) but IMO this is the perfect ending to a perfect triolgy. Well done Jackson, the secnes are breath taking, the effects smooth and the battles epic. I seriously don't understand the disappointments; even critics gave it a great review. Anyway remember this is just one third of a trilogy, you have to see it as one not as three parts.

    This deserves the Oscar definitely :)

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